About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


One Of My Very Own





^^A 1-13^^


 If you haven't nervously googled "signs that your child is a psychopath" are you even a parent?



Look, I'm not for corp subsidies but gov't actions aren't limited to the constitution. It mainly covers what the government can't do, not can do.

If you have a pension or other kind of retirement plan the stock market should be your friend.
I am very thankful that our government isn't so blatantly rewriting history to meet their political goals.

And I can guarantee you that the lawmakers who criminalized pot also smoked it while they were in school. As I've stated before, I don't know anyone who doesn't smoke weed and that includes my lawyer and doctor.

Abortion is awful on all concerned. But men don't have babies so I say we leave the decision to the experts.

This just isn't fair and you know it. And we can look at all the countries that adopted a single-payer system and later thought it was a bad idea: Zero.



While suicide rates are generally falling in the rest of the developed world, the US has seen a tragic uptick in this statistic. In this context, finding interventions that could turn this trend around is an important research task. The new study suggests that raising the minimum wage in every US state by $1 between 1990 and 2015 could have prevented somewhere in the region of 27,550 suicides. 

Politics aside, this is a despicable human being.

And got caught red-handed.

You most certainly wouldn't spend an afternoon in a bassboat with this prick.

"Power corrupts" is not just a cliche.

The privileged have lost touch with the rest of us.

Here's what we ought to spend our tax dollars on...

But this is what eats up the lion's share...


Just like religion, everyone thinks their country is the best. The Japanese KNOW they are superior and will not hesitate to tell you.
So will Americans.

 *walks into business conference*
*everyone stares and gasps because I have a hotel coffee cup instead of Starbucks*

*one lady starts crying and gives me her cup*

Think Donald Trump.



I abhor the worship of Royalty and this one is no different.
Parasite in Chief in her idiot hat.

I like to think about her cum face. 

She probably doesn't make a peep.

Sometimes I picture her taking it up the ass from Prince Phillip as he holds on to her tiara yelling "Back it up girl!"

Other times I think about her inspecting her butthole after the Royal wiper said she was finished and finding a brown smear and takes special delight in sending the lowly peon back to the streets.

Watch where he was standing only moments before...

The man has completely ruined this once magnificent wild creature.


What is this?

I think it is replenishing beaches from the sand on the bottom.
Proven not to work.

 Items found in Ed Gein’s House:
▪ Four noses
▪ Whole human bones and fragments
▪ Nine masks of human skin
▪ Bowls made from human skulls
▪ Ten female heads with the tops sawn off
▪ Human skin covering several chair seats
▪ Mary Hogan’s head in a paper bag
▪ Bernice Worden’s head in a burlap sack
▪ Nine vulvae in a shoebox
▪ A belt made from female human nipples
▪ Skulls on his bedposts
▪ A pair of lips on a drawstring for a window-shade
▪ A lampshade made from the skin from a human face

Said to be the basis for this guy -


The guy with only ps4 and mattress on the floor who doesn't leave his apartment probably has the lowest carbon footprint but no one wants to talk about that.



People spend untold hours perfecting feats for the sole purpose of acquiring fake internet points.

Most are obviously setups.

All those YouTube people think that our reaction is something like this...
It is not.

But there are exceptions that are highly entertaining.

And this kid is practicing his circus act and deserves our praise.

I have never and will never understand the internet's obsession with the cat.
Maybe people who post a lot of stuff on the internet spend a lot of time inside alone and these are the type of people who own cats.

And according to the internet, one would think half of Americans black women walked around with these...

And that this is a common sight...

And that there are alligators everywhere not just Florida.

And there's one of these in every drive-thru.

But there are some very helpful how-to videos...

You can be cruel with impunity.

And I guess the very first thing we learn about the internet is that it is very easy to find any kind of sex you desire.
Yeah, honey, we know.

Ten years ago a man slipped on the ice on the national news. 

He's an Irish icon because of the internet. There's now a plaque dedicated to him.


The internet has completely erased any sense of embarrassment from our national consciousness.

Some folk have internet fame thrust upon them.

Other's become international internet celebrities like Hide the Pain Harold.


Breaking News: Man shaped like a garbage bag full of potato salad upset with the outcome of a sporting event.



I have never blamed anyone else for my unhappiness.

I always try a Plan B until I get something that works for me.

When a local Home Depot was going out of business, I bought three of these stair things.
I had to dismantle them to get them home and come to find out the pieces were not interchangeable. It took all fucking day to match up all the correct parts.

I freak out at the dentist. For everything other than cleaning I have to be put to sleep.

My physical for the draft included a hearing test. I could feel the headset vibrating on my head but technically I couldn't hear it in my left ear. They accepted me anyway. 

“If your hair is wrong, your entire life is wrong.”
Edd ‘Kookie’ Byrnes, RiP
I never did get into idol worship of film, music or sports stars. 

Not the best duck hunter
I can tolerate fishing, but I hate hunting. 

I like foreign and independent films.
This one was "A Ghost Story."
There was a 4 min scene of a young woman eating pie...
...while a real ghost in a bedsheet watched.
I strongly recommend it. A totally unique plot and much to think about.

I've made a whole lot of paintings where I used gravity as an art tool. This is not one of mine.

A buck well spent on a lush green lawn.

I have a real knack for remembering punchlines from jokes I heard decades ago.

I had a happy enough childhood.


And my mom was a nice lady.
She was sexually active every day of her life until her death at 92. 
I lost my virginity looking at one of her sexual deviancy tutorials.














Anonymous said...

Thank YOU for making me smile and laugh today!!!!!

Ploddy said...

Love at first sight - answer to puzzle time

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