Not your average drive through...
Just like every pandemic movie ever made...from Andromada Strain to Close Encounters.
[verification needed]
"Hard times don't create heroes. It is during the hard times when the 'hero' within us is revealed."
-Bob Riley
Anything is better than nothing.
As I understand it, the virus needs water molecules to survive. A simple mask my not stop an actual virus but it will stop the water molecules.
"On 1 November 1666, a young farmer named Abraham Morten took one final, agonizing breath. He was the last of 260 people to die of bubonic plague in the remote village of Eyam in Derbyshire. His fate had been sealed four months earlier when villagers decided to shut themselves off from the rest of the world: a sacrifice they made in order to save the lives of their neighbors in surrounding villages.
Dear Jeff,
We are making a list.
If you didn't listen to these people the last time I posted it I give you another chance. It brought tears to my eyes.
Everyone should listen to this. I insist.
When I see kids playing together at the park as if nothings going on...
War Posters for the pandemic
Self Isolating in the Yukon.
This is our small community in the Yukon, a population around 120 people.
This is where we are housed my mom and I. It's nice and cozy, has somewhat fast internet and has satellite TV.
I might go for a walk into the woods tomorrow and record my adventure. Stay healthy and stay strong, We will get through all this!
The more things change...
You might need to watch this just in from New York.
If it doesn't load (it's large) here's the link:
Parents reacting to their dramatic kids during STAYTHEFUCKATHOME.
And if you think it can't get any worse than this...
Oh, I think it's going to be far more than 45.
Because they know the consequences of a frustrated painter choosing a new occupation.
Dad uses this April Fool's Day to prank his daughters into believing school had just reopened.
I spend longer looking for a movie than I do watching a movie.
April will be better, you'll see...April's first moon.
A short summary of events so far...
Paint your clothes...
Do something completely insane, but don't forget to film it.
Get your kink on...
Well, I am an art teacher. Why don't you let the kids apply the tape? You can always tweak any problem areas.
Keep fucking with you pets...
Play with baby...but be careful...
Do this...

I think these two utilize toilet paper...
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