About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



My wife is trying to turn on Alexa but keeps calling her Siri haha now I don’t feel as bad about last night.



That's boss-level goosing.


Remember the famous image of the kid mesmerized by his first TV?

*Danny Contribution






I still find it very amusing when my high-school-age daughter came home stoned and thought I couldn't tell.



*I call it presenting.


I'm assuming a student posted those.





Whenever I feel guilty about buying another book, I like to remind myself that I just purchased 1-5 years of that person’s life for 26 dollars.











I hope that poor basted is hauling marshmallows, otherwise, inertia is gonna kill him.


Speaking of...

When you understand Newton's first law vs when you skipped class.




Just good clean fun.


What would you do on your last day at work?


She didn't even make it off the starting platform.


She looks like she has never thrown anything in her life. How could that be?



Watch very closely...


Class A dick move.


Let’s throw this crap away, but first, let's try to sell it

-yard sale



I wonder how many people know why that is funny.

Here's a hint:




Conservatives are freaking out about something that is not even on the curriculum.

But the protestors have such powerful arguments.


2015 Tianjin explosions

Wait for them...

Just like in Beirut, several hundred tons of ammonium nitrate blew up; And this one was only 1/3 the size of the explosion in Beirut. Why is that allowed to be stored anywhere near people?


That is pretty darn cool.



Pay attention...


It's a movie character. Doesn't anybody have original thoughts anymore?


That is unbelievable.



You take the chances you are presented with.




Supply Monorail


Noam Chomsky on climate change.

Yeah. Read this.


How I would like to travel...


Said to be in Italy.


Did you notice that they all use the exact same technique?







I used to get arguments like that all the time.





Anonymous said...

A1: why are the woman's earrings not pulled down by gravity?

Anonymous said...

A2: The image is backwards. Well actually it's not, but it should have been if it were correct.

Ralph Henry said...

What wonderful observations.

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