About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, June 13, 2022

MONDAY #4919

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com





Proof that many Republicans simply can't or won't read.


She will be remembered right up there with Patrick Henry and Nathan Hale.







We have a total underutilization of talent in this country.


 I've had people equate intelligence with the ability to perform mundane tasks like changing a tire. Well, I wonder if those people know how to bake a perfect cake? Or design a satellite. Or remove a tumor.


I like that idea.




The weakest of all possible gestures.



How very very true.


The KKK traded their white hoods for caps and masks.



The problem I have with talking about my feelings is that afterward they still exist but also other people will know about them. This can't be right.


Being a procrastinator but also a perfectionist means I'm constantly stressed about the quality of the work I haven't even started yet.














"From Poland."


There's a joke about your mother in there someplace.


My wife putting batteries in her cooking timer.


Read all three of these together...



That's just nuts.


I almost missed the gag.



People will swim in the ocean even though there are definitely many corpses in it. People will not swim in a pool with even one corpse in it. Therefore, humans all have a corpse-to-water ratio that is acceptable for them to swim in.


"I bet this problem will go away if we have more fucking meetings."

- corporate management



I loved playing with my kids as much as any father.


The caption on this next one read:

"When will she outgrow this / Please let her outgrow this"

Not me. 

But my biggest thrill was when daughters disobeyed me and began to go her own way.


I'm not too much for grooming but that would drive me insane.


A grown man once told me that the best sex I will ever have would cost me a coke bought on the way to my favorite parking spot in the woods when I was in high school.

The experimentation was wonderful but the trick is never to stop experimenting.



How to get me on a surfboard...



I knew I would like my son-in-law when he told me he didn't own a tie. He once had to go to an event that required a tie so he borrowed one and just draped it around his neck since the instructions did not say it had to be tied. But when you are one of the top people in your field in the whole world they cut you some slack.


My daughter rear-ended a car in the wee hours of the morning while drunk. The guy she hit got out of his car and begged her not to call the cops because he was drunk too!!!


What it is is flexibility

-sound on-


It's just a shot...

-sound on-



Tell me again this isn't a mental illness...



I don't often get sick but when I do I instantly become a frail Victorian child asking my mother for permission to be carried into the garden to see the sun one last time before the consumption takes me.



I am pretty sure that "It's raining men" and "Let the bodies hit the floor" are the same event just from wildly different perspectives.



Why do you suppose it is configured that way?




I would want the triangular area in front of the large windows to be patio gardens.


Girl with a Pearl Earring 

- Johannes Vermeer

People copy it often.



A recent find in Britain of a Roman inscription dating from around 300 AD.

It's of a penis and says Secundinus Is An Asshole.


I posted this many months ago and thought it a great idea.

This guy made his own...


Everything was wonderful in the world until this happened.



You would think every young man would be very aware of that...







What common saying is illustrated here?

*I made that myself!



Gunker2 said...

This is just so wrong. He did not personally benefit from apartheid (except in the same way that every white american benefitted from segregation or slavery i.e. white people have it better off than black people). His father lent him money to start his first company. There are actual reasons to critique Musk (insider trading, subsidy farming etc) but the ones chosen are wrong.

But the US does have background checks. Obviously the state does them so well, that the Stoneman Douglas shooter was able to purchase guns after numerous red flags.

The founding fathers realised that democracy needed to be slowed down. There are many examples of totalitarian regimes that came about using democratic means.

He was trying to use a whale bone as a catheter

Oil and gas a traded worldwide. The fact that the US has gone from exporting to importing has increased demand worldwide and increased prices worldwide.

Anonymous said...

C1: I think the orientation of the stripes on the girl's left sleeve with the lattice work in the background is very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Gunker2 has many opinions that must be heard. LOL

ponder said...

Why do you suppose it is configured that way?


I still don't know.

Thorhees21 said...

Puzzle time: Stop and smell the Roses

ponder said...


The food for thought should be that people spread falsehoods and it's believed as gospel.

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