One Of My Very Own
Do you think that could just be a typo? Or is it the sloppiest come-on in advertising history?
I posted this image and caption then my friend Danny in London replied.
That gag is a couple of years old but it's starting to make frightening sense nowadays with the Christians up to so much mischief.
It seems to me that many Americans think that the fact that other countries doing something is a CAUSE for us not to do it - no matter how much the other countries love it. Think universal healthcare.
That navy is needed to protect the artificial islands they built in the middle of the fucking ocean and then claimed as sovereign territory.
A delivery driver just asked for my date of birth and I said '46 and he replied "Is that 1946?"
I bet in 1924 refolding maps was a thing, like, Mary would be bragging about her wealthy husband Alfred, and from the corner, Clara would chime in "Well if he makes love as poorly as he folds a map…" and the ladies would gasp and shyly giggle and Mary would just be fucking pissed.
I was feeling poorly with various symptoms so I took an OVC covid test that states right on the package that it is unreliable. What a time to be alive.
That's about my wife's cycle for releasing flatulence but I'm sure they have already considered that.
Breaking the sound barrier.
And here's what it looks like in motion.
Think what has happened with you mixing fireworks and drunk idiots.

I respectfully offer my alternative.
And think about it - they can be programmed to give you a new show every time, unlike the same old firework blasts we've all seen a thousand times.
And the only limit is your imagination.
I could imagine ordering a display like we now order a decorated cake from a bakery.
Apparently, that's true.
Freshwater lakes are evaporating at an accelerated rate.
I fear what the full wrath of this liberal conspiracy called Climate Change will wreak.
It had massive amounts of water squirting out of it.
As a matter of fact I do.
My first and second computers were and are Macs but my third will not be.
I have completed a couple of dozen of my new installations.
Do you think she woke up that morning wondering what she could do to get the attention of everyone she encountered on her stroll?
*As if having half a boob hanging out wouldn't do it.
I AM NOT saying I dislike that but at some point, you have to declare it "done to death".
From what I've heard, his goal to "teach the world to sing" has been a dismal failure.
Sure, why not?
We can all feel his pain.
Of course, the crucial question is "which drugs".
A guy said his only credentials for becoming Secretary of Transportation were that he had ridden a bus. Clever that, but it misses the point. I don't think the CEO of Boing knows how to fly or the Superintendents of Education have ever taught.
Human Cannonball Mishap
Interesting Staythefuckathome Activity
Would you trust a doctor whose husband sold coffins?
Black is a color and white is a color, but a black and white TV is not a color TV.
That would also save the lives of countless songbirds.
Worried about mice? Boy, do I have an alternative...
The struggle of the guanaco that survived the cougar attack...very dramatic.
There were dozens of signs like that in Alaska.
Chickens On The Move
Beyond brilliant!
Did you find that titillating? I sure did.

We had a 3.7 yesterday. Kind of scary actually.

This is so subtle that it almost embarrassed me but then I remembered that I don't have an embarrassment bone in my body.
Jeff Bezos had four tests done in one day and had them analyzed. Two came back positive and two came back negative.
Two nurses in a hospital were concerned every test sent in to be analyzed came back positive. They took two tests, didn't use them, sent them in, both came back positive.
Father-in-law went to the hospital for chest pains. Had a covid test to be admitted. Positive! Mother-in-law throws the bullshit flag. They live in the country, 20 miles from civilization. Only come to town once a week for groceries. Religiously sanitize their hands, surgical grade masks. "No way" she said. Ambulance ride to another hospital for another test. Negative! My wife calls me to tell me the news. "So, does he have it or not?" I asked. You have two tests with opposite results. You don't know. Turns out, he didn't.
(absolutely true)
puzzle -
Moss doesn't grow on a rolling stone, but it will on the Rock (?)
Dear Inchworm, that's not moss.
Is it The Broc? Rock made of broccoli
A1 from the movie Joe Dirt.
Dear Puzzle Solver, YES!
Dear A1 Anon, One of my favorite movies...seriously. I must have missed that sign.
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