One Of My Very Own
I would say the "present" Republican Party. Do you remember when Reagan said that government wasn't the solution, government was the problem?
Well, look at us now.
I have people complaining about the Democrats wanting to eliminate pronouns and have drag shows in elementary schools and NEVER mention Jan 6 and the attempt to steal an election.
And China "taking" our jobs is a lie to cover corporations giving your job away.
Management has also convinced an alarming number of workers that unions are bad for workers. The mental gymnastics required for that is staggering.
And how about this boondoggle - You are better off without health insurance rather than having Medicare for all from the government.
A Vice President of an international company told me that the first thing he looks for on a résumé is where the applicant got their degree. If it was online it tosses it in the trash can.
I offer this as a warning only.
How do people go through life without a bunch of stupid tattoos? You're gonna look like a loser in the old people's home.
It's only toxic masculinity if you ingest it, otherwise, it's venomous masculinity.
You might want to look at this closely.
A new slant on an old gag...
Think Vietnam.
Scientists actually studied this and believe it or not prayer reduces pain but only if the patient knows they are being prayed for. That sounds EXACTLY like the placebo effect to me.
Indeed, J.R.R.
How very inciteful.
Mary, exhausted, having just gotten Jesus to sleep is approached by a young man who thinks to himself: what this girl needs is a good drum solo.
Why do I have to use leaves as toilet paper when I go camping while we have bears out there using Charmin?
I've shown you that before. It looks like the helicopter is still tethered to the trailer.
Two dear friends greeting each other...
Assigning blame?
Dice art
Large Food Order
I want to believe that is for the needy.
The DJ
- Please Mute -
See how soon you can spot the oddity.
Lemmings don't actually do that thing where they all jump off cliffs but they do all die eventually.
Have you been emotionally harmed by a joyless oven-cooked barbecue sandwich?
Monkeypox is Not New
You most likely never heard about monkeypox until last month when an outbreak was reported in Europe and America, but the disease has been around a long time. It was first identified as a distinct disease in 1958, when a band of monkeys in Copenhagen, Denmark, were found to have it. The first human ascertained to suffer from monkeypox was a baby in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in 1970. The disease is believed to be endemic in some nations of Africa and has probably been around for thousands of years. It's not even particular to monkeys. The first person in the US to be infected was a three-year-old who was bitten by her pet prairie dog in 2003, and the virus has been found in a variety of animals. Monkeypox is somewhat similar to smallpox, although not as deadly. There is some evidence that a smallpox vaccine will give some protection against the virus that causes monkeypox. And that's caused a run on smallpox vaccine in the northern countries, leaving Africa with fewer reserves. In fact, some experts relate the current fuss about monkeypox to the AIDS scare or the smallpox eradication program.
Craniopagus parasiticus is a condition of a conjoined parasitic twin that consists of a head joined to the other twin's head.
The parasitic twin has either no body or an underdeveloped body, and cannot live without the autositic twin. Only ten cases have ever been documented, and only four survived birth. Of those four cases, one died shortly after birth, and two died from complications after surgery to remove the parasitic head. That leaves the earliest case known, that of a boy born in 1783 in Bengal, India. The boy, whose name is not recorded, was exhibited by his parents for money for some time and became rather famous. After he died from a cobra bite at age four and was properly buried, he was the victim of grave robbery and was dissected. The examination revealed a completely separate brain for the parasitic twin, which raises some serious questions. His skull now resides at the Hunterian Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons in London.
A very big comet is getting closer
The comet named C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) was first spotted by earth observation in 2017 at a spectacular distance of 1.5 billion miles from the sun. Five years later, as it approaches the sun, it will be closest to earth on July 14. The comet will still be several million miles away, but you can already see it with a small telescope. Even after it passes by, we should still be able to observe it from our backyards into September. C/2017 K2 is big. The nucleus is believed to be at least 11 miles across, with some estimates putting it at 18 or more miles wide. However, the biggest comet we've ever seen is comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein, estimated to be 84 miles wide, but that one won't come nearly as close to the earth.
Grand Canyon Tourists Are Suddenly Getting Sick
The Grand Canyon National Park is currently experiencing an outbreak. It has affected over 118 people who visited the location. The sickness is a gastrointestinal illness that closely resembles norovirus, a disease that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, cramping, body aches, and mild fever. To prevent the illness from spreading further, the park has been issuing alerts since May. “We haven’t seen something like this kind of outbreak in about 10 years,” Jan Balsom, chief of communications, partnerships, and external affairs at the Office of the Superintendent at Grand Canyon National Park, said.
This is the third time the state has tried to eliminate the giant snails.
A Mother's Love
The girl in blue was having an anxiety attack. She called her mom.
Stadium Terror
Alberto José Armando Stadium in La Boca, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Choking Alone - What To Do
What is Intellectual Humility?

What social media phrase to this bring to mind?
Puzzle time: Disappointed Pakistani
Cricket Fan. AKA disappointed Mohammed.
C8.... made me sad. I came literally crawling into the house after midnight because I was hit by a car while crossing the street. Asphalt burns and a torn up leg. My mother came out and asked, "what the hell is wrong with you?" I told her I was hit by a car. With a grimace look on her face, she paused and said, "well, next time you come home late don't make so much noise because you woke me up". She then turned around and went back to bed.... leaving me to continue crawling to my bedroom. Many other stories. :-(
You mentioned pronouns.
I have had this question for a long time.
Which gender are dumbass and asshole? Can I use them interchangeably?
^^C11^^ I think that's how they do it at Five Guys.
Your 'One of My Very Own' today is the funniest I've seen in a while. Cheers for the chortle.
Dear C8 Anon, A guy smelling his fingers reminded you of that story? Please explain.
Puzzle Time
"Angry Post"
A2: Yeah, with their dauntless leader Chewbacca man. He was a scary guy, indeed.
C11: Interesting. You should try it. Now I don’t claim to be all that smart but I humbly state without reservation that I know what a woman is. Oh, and after reading your blog for a while I’m reasonably sure you also know what a woman is. Clearly, we are both ready for higher office.
Dear Ralph, C8 is a video of "Mother's Love." I see now that you labeled your posts twice with a C.
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