About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, January 14, 2023


 One Of My Very Own














I read about a brand new doctor who told a senior nurse with 30 years in the ER, "When I want your opinion I will ask for it." The other doctors straightened his ass out real quick.

I thought about my nephew's wife when I read that. I am so proud of her.




War On

For years I thought Fox News was a comedy show like Saturday Night Live.




Sorry, I couldn’t respond to your text, supply chains are soooooo messed up.


The existence of post-nut clarity and pre-nut confusion implies that there is mid-nut education.




How does a thing like that happen?


I bet that is nearly impossible to prove in court.



If I see a trucker's flashers I'm backing off.


And nobody seems all that alarmed.


The Delivery Man

I think it was faked. What say you?


Trail Of Roses



A haunted house but for awkward interactions. Someone pops out at you and you're like "nice to meet you" and they're like "haha actually we've already met".


It’s not that I want to be skinny it’s that I want to be able to dress like shit and still get compliments.



As I recall, that is to facilitate taking your bike up the stairs. But for the other people, it looks like an accident waiting to happen.


I wish I had done that in my youth.


This is a rather unique living sculpture. Everything you need to know about how he does it in in the photo.



My grandson loves Minecraft.


That's what I mean about creating your own traditions instead of just accepting the ideas of the long dead.




That HAD to make you smile!


Donut In Flight



Lifeguard is the weirdest job. It’s like hey, you’re 16 years old, make sure no one dies.


"You know who else briefly went offline?" 

- Youth Pastor




Her toes.






I'm not sure I understand what's going on with the doors. Anybody?


What happened to the middle guy's neck?



I think the hem of his T-shirt looks like a knife.



Microdosing a relationship by getting into arguments with my male friends.


Adult friendships are like “I miss you, bro, let’s link in November”.



What exactly am I supposed to do with that information?


What is the outliner made of to stop the glaze like that?

Concorde Window






Those are very interesting. As I understand it they may sit for years and then just decide to let go. It's their way of spreading seeds. When they touch they stick like Velcro.


How very, very beautiful.


When earthworms discover rotting refuse just across a flimsy barrier.


Oldest Ice




*Verification Requested




They seem to do that often.



Anonymous said...

C3: then please explain to me how we can see the woman's legs as she approaches the man to leave a tip in the hat?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear C3 Anon, Magic?

Anonymous said...

Or how bout just saying merry Xmas, blessed Hanukkah, happy Diwali, blessed Ramadan etc? That's how we do it here and you don't have to be religious to bestow goodwill on others. Fsck this PC bullschit.

Anonymous said...

Somebody stuck a turkey baster up his arse.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear C6 Anon, That's not the point. You say Happy Holidays when you don't know what, if any, religion someone is.
I like to say "Enjoy your ancient ritual that has lost all meaning in modern life."

Anonymous said...

Ralph said - "Enjoy your ancient ritual that has lost all meaning in modern life." Thanks, I'm going to use that from now on.

Anonymous said...

That looks deliberate, if you look carefully there's another clock face on the adjacent wall in the same position. Possibly a single mechanism driving the hands on both faces.

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