About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023


One Of My Very Own

Let's try that again...







A pun has not completely matured until it is full groan.


I want a filter that only allows you to type LOL if you actually laughed out loud.



*Viewer Contribution


That's what's possible if you lower your standards low enough.


It's mind-boggling.






See if you can find something odd.



Don't ever forget that medical bankruptcy is a completely alien concept to most of the world.


I knew that worked for motor oil but never considered it for juice.




Electric scooter with swappable batteries in Taiwan

A comment:

"Cars should be like this - pull into a station, the hatch opens under the car and swaps battery pack, pay for the difference in charge, drive off."


I actually saw a demonstration of that very thing and foolishly thought that it would catch on.



"Landlord" and "Landlady" are needlessly gendered words. Please be more inclusive by using "Landbastard" in the future.


What if the toys in Toy Story went to a Catholic person's house and all the figurines of crucified Jesus just started screaming out in endless pain whenever the person left the room?



People have been doing something similar for thousands of years.


How the hell did it get up there in the first place?


ISS transiting the moon


Remember this?


This Old Stamp Is the World’s Most

 Expensive Object by Weight

It’s hard to believe that a humble stamp could be considered exorbitantly expensive, but at $8.5 million, this 1856 postage stamp is regarded as the world’s most expensive object by weight. The world is full of valuable objects, from jewelry to rare artworks. Still, when it comes to value per gram, nothing even comes close to ‘The British Guiana One-Cent Black on Magenta’, a one-of-a-kind postage stamp that weighs just 40 milligrams but is valued at around $8.5 million. To put that into perspective, the average 0.2-carat diamond (which also weighs 40 milligrams) costs about $700, while the same amount of LSD costs around $5,000. There just isn’t an object that can compare to this ultra-rare stamp in terms of value per weight.


Wouldn't they have had to be aiming at it to do that?


How in the hell do you get a shot like that?



A nearly 28,000-year-old cave lion cub discovered frozen in the Siberian permafrost, is so well preserved, you can still make out each and every one of her whiskers.


Russian occupiers disguise tankers and other vehicles as timber trucks.

But in the end, it just means they burn more efficiently.

That's one of the problems of playing an away game.


I found this fascinating.


At the conclusion of the investigation into the Whitechapel murders in 1888, the team from the London Metropolitan Police had a very unusual gift made for Chief Inspector Frederick Abberline.

It was a walking cane topped with a head carved in the likeness of Jack the Ripper. The face was a composite of the descriptions from various witnesses in the case. Does it resemble anyone you know? I may have seen that face in a science fiction movie, but I can't place it exactly. I think the high-gloss varnish is throwing me off. The cane has recently resurfaced after going missing for years. It was the property of the Bramshill Police Staff College, which closed in 2015. Last month it was discovered in the college's archives, along with other police memorabilia that had been on display. The carving is the only known composite of the Ripper's face. The cane is now displayed at the College of Policing.


All of these people - except one - have one thing in common. Can you find the exception?


Only Marvin Gaye (right middle) was a famous singer/musician who did not die in a plane crash.


What do all of these people have in common?


Highlight for answer:

[ They are all from Alabama.]

^^B13 a&b^^



"There's always time for lube!"

I laughed out loud over that movie.


Stone Lathe

That's how they make all those columns? Even the giant ones?



Every movie is "not really that scary" when you're not really paying attention.


“Pretty sure my clowns are about to lay eggs” is an absolutely terrifying sentence coming from anyone other than my coworker with a saltwater home aquarium.




My brother hunted in Alaska for years. He and his hunting buddies got into an argument about which was the best camp gun - a large-bore pistol or a sawed-off 12 gauge. They simulated a grizzly charge just like the illustration above. The large-bore pistols hardly ever even hit the tire. My brother's 12 gauge blew it off the trail.

BTW The guy who released the tire up the hill hid behind the trunk of a very large tree.


There's only one way he could know that for sure - she told him.


I'm thinking that was very expensive.


The store guy lets the street kids choose what to watch on the display TV every evening.

Be like that guy.


I am absolutely certain that I would do something equally embarrassing.


This would be me wiping out the entire line...


Polls conducted all over the world conclude that such bullshit is despised by every soccer fan in every culture.

And I'm reminded of a quote from American football player Walter Peyton: "The harder I'm hit the faster I get up because I don't want them to know they hurt me."



How the turn tables...

In my next bar fight, I want that guy on my side.


The knife tip looks rounded off.

Just saying.


Ball Game

In my intro bio, it states that I will gamble on just about anything and I would surely have found a way to gamble on which ball lasted the longest.









Gun Guy said...

I saw KISS in concert. Awesome Show.
Also saw Paul McCartney. He autographed a Mother and her Daughter shoulders during the concert. I would bet anything that neither of them took a shower until they could get to a tattooist and make those autographs permanent.

An objects value is how much someone is willing to give up for it. It is more of a want, not a need. If you were going to be stranded on a barren desert island which would you rather take with you? Ten tons of food and water or ten tons of gold?

Anonymous said...

B-12: I get the same feeling, of some SF movie elder or villain, though that may be 'cuz of your suggestion. The face in the cane reminds me somewhat of the German(?) actor Armin Mueller-Stahl. Also a little like an embrittled - or sleepy - version of Turkish President Erdogan.

billr said...

^^B7^^ Patience. And luck. More patience than luck.

Thorhees21 said...

Puzzle Time: Metro-Gnomes

Anonymous said...

There's just something about fireworks that bring out the dumb in some p

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