*A simple felony is often the simplest solution.
Dear Gentle Reader, This is the most fascinating thing I have read in years. Try to read the whole article.
In what may be a major archaeological breakthrough, an independent researcher has suggested that the earliest writing in human history has been hiding in plain sight in prehistoric cave paintings in Europe, a discovery that would push the timeline of written language back by tens of thousands of years, reports a new study.
Do you think human beings were meant to live like this - with the most minimum of private space?
I look at that in awe of its power and majesty.
Others immediately begin mental calculations to estimate the money they could make from the lumber.
Just like Big Tobacco.
Science deniers are exactly like religious people - they only accept the part they already believe in. In other words, they pick and choose based on their own bias.
My six-year-old grandson understands this exactly, so it shouldn't be too difficult for you grown people.
And since that illustration was created we now have a vaccine that has saved hundreds of millions of lives...whether you want to believe it or not.
Most of the German supplies during WWII were transported by horse-drawn wagons.
*OSIT = Or so I'm told
During the Zero Tolerance period, my school district came out with a policy that called for suspending both parties in any physical altercation. The next morning both sets of parents were to bring the kids back to discuss the matter. Well, 90% of the kids suspended at my school were black boys. The school accused my principal of being a racist - in an email no less. My principal sued and was awarded $100K which he immediately gave to charity.
The point was, who to suspend and who not to suspend was taken out of my principal's control, and the simple truth was that black boys fought much more often than white boys. And at my school that was a fact.
The illusion of convenience.
They could park, walk inside, and be on their way in a fraction of the time and without burning gas while idling.
The illusion of danger.
I heard that the body goes through the same stress even though you know it's not really dangerous.
Is there anything more nauseating than expensive heterosexual wedding culture?
I once took my wife to Krispy Kreme Donuts for fresh hot donuts and the other customers could only stare as she attacked the dozen brought to her. I was too embarrassed to go back for a long time but the other day I went in and they have a picture of my wife on the wall.
Margaret Qualley has been on many great shows and movies so far, and she happens to have a famous mother, Andie MacDowell.
Andie used to work for my wife and was a genuinely nice person. I've seen nothing to indicate she has changed.
A photo of a female train conductor in London in 1916.
While the men were fighting, women took on essential jobs like this. When the war ended, these jobs, unfortunately, became 'men only' again.
My brother wore his hair in a "Flat Top" for years.
I couldn't because I have a cowlick in the front and back.
I'm not really sure I understand how a plane can fly upside down but I assume it has something to do with the flaps.
The games men play.
That's not her first rodeo.
She's probably a widow.
My friend, Rupert, bragged about reading that bad handwriting is a sign of intelligence since his penmanship was the worse I had ever seen. When I was writing a three-act play, Rupert told me I needed some songs and that he was the one to do it. After a few days, he gave me four or five pages of lyrics that I simply could not decipher. So, I asked him to read them to me so I could write them down more legibly. He was unable to read his own writing and all was lost. I asked how intelligent he felt about that.
People pay to see a live concert and then ended up watching it on a tiny screen.
Of course, there are proper ways to use a phone.
Back in my day, we owned cars without power steering so we didn't need to go to the gym.
January always has a little bullshit from last year in it.
I watched huge slabs of ice stack up like that when pieces of Alaskan lake ice broke up and headed down the river.
As I understand it, the damage seen at the coliseum today was caused by people salvaging building materials.
I researched a location for a novel and selected Positano, Italy. John Steinbeck visited there and described the steepness of the stairs as like climbing a ladder. The image above reminds me of that.
My wife and I eat at Waffle House once a week. The last time the waitress asked how we liked our meal and I said, "My compliments to the chef." Moments later the chef walked over to our booth and we had a nice discussion.
I know all the downsides of these but I kind of like it when thousands of people come together to create something.
My favorite is the lock of love on bridges.
Many times they had to remove the whole fence because of the static load created by the locks' combined weight.
Who would want to sit with their backs to that view?
Luck or photoshop?
They pull these out of the canals in Amsterdam.
When I took my two daughters to Walt Disney World in Orlando, some of the rides had hours of wait time. So, we skipped those rides and went back in the evening when everyone else was at the parade and fireworks show and we just walked right on.
They will have terrain like that in Ukraine in a few years.
As luck would have it, my Air Force Squadron moved from one barracks to another at the exact same time I rented an apartment off base. So, while everyone else was taking their furniture to the new barracks I took mine right out the front gate to my apartment. We ended up with many more mattresses than we needed for our beds so we covered the living room floor with them and it looked very much like this:
I remember the exact day in 1968 when I realized I was actually so handsome that girls just thought I was out of their league.
*SHIT ASS?!?!?! How dare you!
My wife once got us out of a dinner arrangement by telling them we had to rush home because an avocado was about to go bad.
Think of the engineering involved.
No wonder they get pissed off when you destroy one.
More anasaphilia...
Speaking of...
I really like vintage cars. I spent most of my time at the Red Baron Auctions staring at their cars.
“Went thrifting for a frame. Found a surprise behind the picture. Money from 1904...”
Lego-Like House
Have you ever thought that houses are the only thing we buy that is delivered to your house in pieces then you have to hire someone to put it together?
I could watch these magnificent beasts at work all day long.

That's racist, you can't say things like that today.
^^A1^^ I saw that the other day. I wonder if, maybe in addition to keeping track of animals' breeding cycles, maybe somebody was trying to keep track of human breeding cycles. In another context there was analysis of sticks found with 28 cut marks on them. Most investigators were waxing euphoric over possible calendar notations, but some others were saying it's more likely women were wanting to keep track of 28-day cycles than men were.
A. 12: I would go inside the restaurants to order if only they are open on the inside.
All of the fast food restaurants near me are only open for drive-thru. They can't find NF people to be able to keep the inside area open.
At least Chick-fil-A has it down. The line never stops moving. You literally only have to stop long enough to hand one person your credit card, and then slow down just enough to be able to snatch the bag out of the hand of the person handing it through the window. A line like that shown in the photo would last 5 minutes tops.
Puzzle. Time: just take two of the balls from the line that has five balls (one from each end), and move them to the line that has one ball. That's will leave you with a 3x3 square.
I'm not sure why this is supposed to be hard.
D11: there's an entire neighborhood near me that is being 3D printed. I actually went there on a weekend and stood in the back of my truck taking video.
It's absolutely amazing to watch these huge 3D printers make a house.
Dear D11 Anon, I would love to see that video. Why don't you email it to me?
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