About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, February 13, 2023

MONDAY #5164

 One Of My Very Own







The first Goodwill object to be mounted is this suitcase. I like it but the edges are rather...rough.

The taped outline on the work table was not very effective. According to the outline these two corner pieces were supposed to touch.

I made a large dolly on which I placed milk crates to raise the box up off the floor for easier attachment of the pieces. I couldn't place the box on the work table or shop cart because that would make it too high to reach inside to screw from the inside outward.

I went to buy a circular saw that would cut metal and the man sold me this marvel. It will cut metal AND wood! But be forewarned - BUY A FACE SHIELD BEFORE YOU USE IT!!!!!



American Exceptionalism.


A Kyiv subway station during a missile attack.

They are going to need a Marshal Plan to rebuild after this insanity comes to an end.

I seem to remember that when the Soviet Union broke up, Ukraine was full of nuclear weapons, but they agreed to allow the West to dismantle all of them with the understanding that the West would protect Ukraine.

*Verification Requested


War is never the answer.


That last section illustrates just how fortunate we are.


Things must be pretty damn good to get upset about shit like that.


Why torment the most gentle among us?


I completely agree and that is why I have never been busier.


There should be statues of her all over the country.

My No.1 Advisor just got a huge promotion and will now have mind-boggling responsibilities. She never ceases to make me proud.




It is my profound belief that if you hold in diarrhea long enough it will turn into normal shit.


All the people who say Trump is guilty have testified under oath. All those who say Trump is innocent have refused to testify under oath.






That person is now a sitting member of the "Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic" and I find that hilarious.

I could never put such a thing in a novel because it is so unbelievable. 



Talk about your must-see TV!






*I almost missed that.



Grandchildren are the reward you get for not strangling your teenagers.


 If you go into Chipotle and say Uber Eats they give you free food.



Your guess is as good as mine.


That must really impress first-time visitors.


Burning Man maybe?

I look at that and can only think of the extraordinary amount of work required.


I was lucky enough to grow up near a bamboo thicket. They weren't that large but some were as big as a man's leg.


Spitzer vs Webb

*If this doesn't load try double-clicking and then selecting Open In Another Tab - it's worth it.

I would like to thank all the people involved in allowing me to stare in awe at their handiwork.



Robot Fails

It was just aping humans...

Real progress will come when it's weaponized.

*Maybe "progress" was not the right word.


Finally, someone is making them wider instead of higher.


An abandoned ICBM silo

I bet this is a hell of a story.

I bet his insurance agent was not amused.


The Cat And The Snake

The average cat’s reaction time is approximately 20-70 milliseconds, which is faster than the average snake’s reaction time, of 44-70 milliseconds.



Feeding Frogs

That looked like a human who took the last slice of pizza.


That seemed to take higher-level thinking skills.


Those things seem to get along with everybody.


Don't blink...



A vagina-shaped piñata for my child to destroy on their birthday because historical accuracy is important.


Maybe eating donuts wasn't cheating on my diet. Maybe going on a diet was cheating on my donuts.



I'm assuming he was trying to elude the law.


The best-laid plans...


The air mattress is perfect for that job. 

Even if the ice breaks you just...float.


And that is just as likely to happen when you are atop a mountain.


They learn so young.


What do you suppose they call that?





That was my job in Goose Bay, Labrador except I only had a shovel.


 Nurses trying to protect tiny babies in the neonatal intensive care unit of a hospital during the 7.7 magnitude earthquake in Gaziantep, Turkey. 

That must be absolutely terrifying.










This is so subtle that I'm going to give you a hint.

The two-word answer begins with M and C.


Anonymous said...

puzzletime: Molotov cockatiel

Anonymous said...

Regarding your box. I think the softsided bag looks great, but I wonder about long-term durability. And by long-term, I'm thinking along the lines of family heirloom. How many moves can that box take before someone uses the handle on the bag to lift the box, resulting in unplanned disassembly?

Just the opinion of a guy who can never in a million years produce a box anywhere on the scale of excellence as yours.

Anonymous said...

i work with a guy that spent 3 years in prison for 'eluding' the law over a dui, i asked him once what made him run he said it was just a bad drunken decision that resulted in 3 years in the slam (Canada, i'm sure if it were in the US it would be a lot more years)

& also the bathroom, i think that would mess with my eyes

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Concerned Viewer, The bag has a wooden frame. The bag is attached to the frame with heavy-duty staples. The frame is screwed to the box with screws. The handle could be used to lift the box. But, in the event of something letting go, I expect the future owner to reattach or find a substitute.

Anonymous said...

A2 Budapest Memorandum - look it up 😘
Love your blog 🍺🍺🍺

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