About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, March 23, 2023


 One Of My Very Own








Falling snake warning sign would be a good way to keep people out of your yard.



That actually works.







What's Your Name




Any book worth banning is a book worth reading.


My favorite kind of coffee is the kind where no one talks to me while I'm drinking it.



They are always too hot...

Or too cold...



My wife going to the bathroom while I'm napping...



How long must it have taken to perfect that?


He needed his face slapped.




That guy set the lottery shop to fire after losing $1835.








I'm fairly certain that the person who put the first "R" in February also decided how to spell Wednesday.


Every C in "Pacific Ocean" is pronounced differently.



I found another movie with about 12 words of dialogue: 

The Living Dog


This is Cammie King. 

At one time she was rather famous.

Here's a hint...


I read a very interesting article about that. As we age we tend to "blend" memories. We might take memories of, say, a fishing trip and add an incident from another event and have it happen to yet another friend who wasn't even there. The study said that people could pass a lie detector when relating this invented scenario.


This took me a moment...


To reconfigure your car to the point that it is not functional seems a little extreme to me.


And that's why they wear helmets.


Americans would never tolerate that.


My dear friend Dave resigned from his EMT job because he had pulled one too many dead babies out of a wrecked car.



*Verification Requested



That blue tarp wasn't much good.


Window Opener


What that one man has wrought...

Let's enlarge that for effect...


Think of the advancements we humans could have made if all our defense spending had been directed into science and medical R&D.

Nice segue.



I can't stand arachnophobia. 

Just let the spiders get married!


Note to self: Do not sit on the floor without a plan on how to get back up.





He reached up to make sure his head was still attached.


Like her, people tend to laugh when they fuck up in front of people. But when they are alone they react much differently.






Did he have his fucking eyes closed?!?



A Cat




Wait for it...







Anonymous said...

Deja Vu – that's the funniest bit all week. Bravo.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time : assuming the blind man can use a paper cutter or some other cutting device, just cut those cards in half.
You'll have two stacks of cards with the face up cards all in the same order they were before, and in both halves.

You can cut the long ways, short ways, diagonal ways.
You can cut them any way you like.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: or... just take 10 cards off the top of the deck and flip them over. The stack of 10 cards will have the same amount facing up as the stack of 42 cards. Even if all 10 of the cards on top are facing up, they will all be facing down once you flip them over, resulting in two stacks with zero cars facing up.

but I like the way the guy above is thinking. Too much work though.

Anonymous said...

C9: Take all the all the democratically run big city gang bangers and their victims out and recalculate.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear C9 Anon, Republicans have run big cities and didn't solve the gang bang problem either. So what's your point?

Anonymous said...

C9 I've heard the argument that gang bangers 19 and under are lumped in to kids around 10 as the total gun deaths. That the nra bureaucrats in Washington intentionally push gun grabs threats to boost gun sales. What are your thoughts on that? -Armando

Anonymous said...

D10 I think he was looking at the dog😁

Anonymous said...

B12: Looks like 8-ball with different colored balls.

Anonymous said...

Big cities like which? NY, Chicago, Pilly, Baltimore, DC, Detroit, St Louis, New Orleans...I'll be waiting and I'm pretty sure you know the point.

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