About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, July 17, 2023

MONDAY #5318

 One Of My Very Own



I'm a week or so away from reaching 3 million views for Folio Olio. If each of those people had donated just one penny I would have $30,000 or half the price of a new truck.


QUESTION: Let's suppose you were a web designer and a Nazi group asked you to create a recruitment site for them? Do you think you should be free to tell them no? That has nothing to do with Trump, it was just a question I asked my wife to clarify my understanding of the ruling. The same could be said about designing a site for the Flat Earth Society or for people who think masks are useless against an airborne pathogen.


Well, this is the system we have decided to live in. You win some, you lose some. I blame the Democratic Party for running a woman that not even Democrats liked enabling Trump to be the guy to appoint three judges.


But wait, there's more...

Somehow it's always "taking money out of my pocket" when the money goes to poor people but you never hear that argument when it's subsidies to Big Oil, or bailing out banks or giving obscenely rich people so many deductions that they pay no taxes.


I was never comfortable with any kind of quota being used for college admission including accepting the sons and daughters of donors or alumni. But let me ask you a question - how long do you think it will take before colleges in Mississippi and Alabama are all white again?


The firstborn was an only child for years. But in my experience, the firstborn in my family was given everything he wanted, and screwed it up royally, leading my parents to never make the same mistake again. He got a car and immediately put a very expensive more powerful motor in it - which he blew up. Then he was given a full ride to Auburn and flunked out. The result was no car for me and I would work my way through college so I could appreciate it more.


What if people with anxiety and depression don't feel like cooking and get takeout more often when includes fried food and French fries? It could be a cart/horse fallacy.


To be honest, I trust very few people.


 I took a chance and farted and didn't shit myself. Today is going to be a good day.


If you are being chased by a pack of taxidermists, do not play dead.




Blame the road salting.



Am I to assume that picking up a brick is the solution to that problem? My first thought would be to back the fuck up.


As a practical matter, does the panda at the very top have to wait until every single one of the other pandas starts climbing down before it can get out of that tree?


It looked like there was a car on the road mere yards from where the tornado crossed the road. Why wouldn't it have at least backed up?


You would think there would be signs warning people not to do that.



There are several videos like that. I'm thinking there is a solvent like cold cream that will remove it.


She doesn't even have nuts.


Walk me through the scallop disco "accident" and don't leave out any details.


Whatever she did to piss off that horse - don't do it.




He got up there and could see that the ceiling is being held up with mere wires.


Did he break his neck or what?


People get confused when converting kilograms to pounds. It's simple. Take the weight that you want to convert - let's say 100 kg for example - and you fucking Google what it is in pounds.


Fight club except it’s me and a cap on a spray can of paint.




"How long have you worked here?"

"Just one year."


Mom and Dad buy their 21-year-old son his "first" beer.



It's weird not hating his guts for a few seconds.


She reminds me of my friend the Olympic shot putter - plus she holds a world record in the Highland Games.


That's a lot of hair to put so close to an open flame.


Emu Control

I think the hand in the air was to make her look taller than the bird.


Gym Guy

I don't know what he is training for but my money is on him.



That would work whether it's true or not.


No Drugs


A man with too much free time...


69% of people find something dirty in everything they read.


Nothing in a household is said more lovingly than, “Can you bring me some toilet paper?”



I just hope the innocent little songbird survives to go feed her chicks back in the nest.




My ex is a very intelligent, successful woman who is also a great mother to my daughters.




I think they posted that so they wouldn't have to appear in court as a witness.




There are two types of people:

Inbox - 0

Inbox - 58,472


If you burned CDs for the car so your original copies wouldn’t get scratched, it’s time to schedule your colonoscopy.
























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Anonymous said...

Puzzle. Time: that's obviously goosebumps

Anonymous said...

1 Billion is very easy to grasp when working in metric units. It becomes hard to grasp when you have 1sec/60sec/1min/60min/1hr/24hr/1day/365days/1year.

It's almost as complex as those imperial caveman units.

Anonymous said...

Using that logic someone will shout "It's not the same, you're just a rightwinger making excuses for your cult!"

Anonymous said...

You also have people sitting on the bench until they die, they could have retired at a time where a favourable person could have replaced them.

Anonymous said...

I don't even trust myself...

Anonymous said...

Maybe she didn'f do anything, animals can also be cunts.

Anonymous said...

Barbed wire trampoline, probably stuck.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time

Bigcee said...

Colleges like Mississippi and Alabama will never be all white, as long as they continue using Black athletes for their athletic talent and for monetary gain in their athletic programs. The number of students attending these schools already don’t reflect the states population. For example, about 26 percent of the population of Alabama is African American; about 11 percent of the students at the University of Alabama are African American; and about 80 percent of the starters on the 2022 football team are African American.

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