About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023


Selamat Berkunjung


One Of My Very Own




Guess what this is...take as long as you want...


It's part of the Martian Landscape.





And every one of them will preach about the evils of socialism.

Then there's this guy...




By treating Earth as a topological insulator—a state of quantum matter—physicists found a powerful explanation for the twisting movements of the planet’s air and seas, which causes the weather.


Another Beach Worm


The Power of Magnets


The nirvana frequency, aka the stfu frequency

That frequency also helps my migraines/tinnitus/pressure pains due to physical trauma injury. I like finding those ASMR videos that have it. Mind Amend on YouTube has a few videos with this frequency and variations tucked into them.

*There's a lot I don't understand about that.


Never let them force you to wear pants if you would rather not.


A new study finds that 64% of US students can't name all 50 numbers.


I'm assuming that they are replacing the horizontal stone that had been toppled.

But wouldn't you think that all the large vertical stones would have had cross beams atop them? And if so, what happened to them?


Wait for it...

For when you are only a little bit hungry.


He just relaxed and enjoyed the ride...probably not his first time.









I'm not sure why that is necessary.


If you are afraid that books might change someone's thinking, you're not afraid of books, you're afraid of thinking.


If you're going to space you have to be prepared to have sex with the aliens. Or at least one person on the crew does. I get that it's not everyone's thing. I'm just saying somebody's gotta do it.


When I get a really good camera I'm going to try doing things like that...again. I once "painted" with a flashlight deep inside an underground WWII German bunker.


This is what enlightenment looks like…



Many people don't know that their primary job is security, 

not decoration.




How does he get back?


I would also see that as an invitation when I was young and stupid...not so much now.


I saw so many things while in the military that are forever etched into my brain. I'm one of the few people on Earth who has held a nuclear warhead in his hands...literally.


I totally understand.


I had one guy tell me that we can't join the rest of the world in providing our citizens with healthcare because it would put too many insurance company employees out of work. Just like automobiles put blacksmiths out of work. And electricity put the kerosene lantern people out of work. And vaccines put a lot of funeral directors out of work.


Good guy "Hide the pain, Harrold".

One of the most recognized people on the planet, and from what I can tell a genuinely nice guy.


Workplace Finesses


You mix up two letters and the whole point is urined.


Do you have more guns in your home than books?



I've known two magicians in my life. One of them would run new tricks past me before taking them public because I was so good at spotting the ruse.

That one was the old rubber thumb trick.


I would literally pay good money to watch a young woman do that.




Have you ever heard of a Circle Jerk? It's when you tell the new kid that after all of you are blindfolded you will all stand around in a circle and masturbate and the first one to cum is the winner. And then when the go signal is given everyone but the new guy takes off their blindfold and watches the new kid.



Could I respectfully ask my Ukrainian viewers to please send me material to use in my blog? Pics of your neighborhood. Stories of your ordeals. Friends and relatives you have lost. Thank you.


Hat Juggling

Did that last kid just rush up on stage and join the fun?


Anna Kendrick and hot sauce

My friend Rupert would "Challenge the Chef" to make his dish too hot to eat. Not one of them ever made it too hot for Rupert.









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C9; re health care. Just as long as you don't overrate State provision of health care. Where I live in England our care is totally crap. Massive waiting lists, poor care etc., I have three potentially lethal conditions yet I have not seen a doctor for 4 years! Also, they will not prescribe adequate pain relief, and certainly no mood altering drugs, like sleeping pills.You only get really good care when the cash nexus is present as in the States. Here it doesn't matter to them if they neglect you or treat you well; they get paid the same. Remember, the grass is always greener...


D3; what is it with you and feet?

NonMAGA said...

Puzzletime : Thyme on his hands

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike,
I have government healthcare and I LOVE IT. I'm sorry that your healthcare is inadequate but U.S. Medicare works damn near perfectly.
Item 2: What is there not to love about women's feet?

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time:
The hands of Thyme

Anonymous said...

^^A2^^ this is what a really good labor union can do for you.

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