About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, August 29, 2011


This, in my humble opinion, is worth another visit. Just click address below.


When I check out my stats in my blog, this blog (BY FAR - by a factor of 100) gets more hits than any other.
I liked it...I won't deny it...but what that tells me is that many of you people liked it also and forwarded it to your friends.

Question: If you liked a post enough to forward the link to someone you know, why didn't you let me know? I'm not a comment whore, but a little feed back is always nice.


Anonymous said...

Comments - I am unable to use the comments feature from either of my smart phones. Since I typically view your blog via a mobile device, I can't leave a comment even if I want to (can't figure out how anyway).

To tell you the truth, I start reading at 6:00 am while taking a dump - hope you aren't offended, but it's a great way to start the day.

I did log on to my PC just to leave you this comment.

[Highlight between the Brackets] - I can do that with neither my iPhone nor my Motorola Blur. An alternate way to display the answers would be appreciated.

Recommendations - I have recommended your blog to readers in Croatia, Germany, Columbia, China, Greece, Canada, Texas (of course), Milwaukee, Buffalo, Nashua, Boston, Alabama (Mobile to Huntsville), San Francisco, San Diego, and Las Vegas. I'm sure I missed one or two, but those are the ones I can remember. A guy from France overheard me talking about your blog, so I quickly changed the subject - I'm sure I did you a favor by leaving him out of the loop as he wouldn't get it anyway.

FYI - I love my job and would even if I had to sit in cube land all day (something you proclaimed you can't understand). I get to do some pretty cool shit and am surrounded by some fucking smart people; I think it's cool anyway.

Going to Buffalo tomorrow but will start the day with THE blog.

You favorite Texan - S

Anonymous said...

Maybe you will get more comments if you turn the "Comment Moderation" off.

This is what it says when you go to leave a comment:

"Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author."

Open up the flood gates. Let 'er rip! You can always turn it back on if it proves problematic.


Ralph Henry said...

So let it be ordered, so let it be done.
Thank you.
(I had absolutely no idea about such things)

Ralph Henry said...

PREDICTION: The comments are sent to me, then I click post and it is done.
Half are from Viagra salesmen in Kathmandu or some such place.
We shall see.........

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