About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


You remember college, don't you?

But you have forgotten the down side....

I haven't shown this shit in a while....

And, in my opinion, what would happen if we gave everyone a vote? Yeah, you know exactly what would happen....

I don't think so....

Warriors are some of my favorite people. This is the first born of my young friend who is a Marine. His mother made the blanket. I like it very much.

Yes, this is her aircraft. You got a problem with that?

This man is a warrior. He will kill you if you fuck with him. We...you and I...pay him to kill people. He doesn't want to do it, but his government has asked him to volunteer to do it....for us......He is my kind of man.

This is an amazing image. I've never seen anything like it.
Question: How in the name of humanity could that man NOT kill the shit out of his tormentor?

I find some famous people worth sharing....
 I walk the line, indeed.

Goodbye, old friend...
 Just another reason to admire this man...

Read this...
 Okay, now we hear and read all this shit about recognizing loved ones who welcome near death people at the end of the tunnel of light. My question is, if a few thousand cells are considered a "person", and it is aborted, thus innocent, it, by the rules, MUST go to heaven. 
So there are little blobs floating around heaven?
Think about that a minute.

TRUE: On a personal note...I almost died a couple of times. Once I grabbed something with live 110 volts and couldn't let go. The whole incident lasted, maybe, 20 seconds, but it seemed like 20 minutes to me. I thought quietly and calmly about my family finding me dead in the back yard and wondering if they would touch me and shock themselves. Then the tunnel vision happened and I must admit, it looked EXACTLY like a tunnel of light.....I mean THAT'S WHAT TUNNEL VISION IS!!!!
So, in my opinion, that tunnel of light bullshit where you see your dead loved ones is simply what happens when oxygen is denied and your mind is rushing to explain what is happening.

So, what did you do today?

Wear red knowing you are going to be chased by a bull...good luck with that....


This image is very profound to me. Tonight I had a conversation with a man (his wife a PhD chemist) and they don't trust tap water...perferring to filter all their water.
There is evidence that drugs...all kinds of drugs...are in every sip of tap water you take.
Then I see an image like this.
I don't know which is worse.

NO! Any photographer...like myself...knows that the lens is cradled IN one's hand to adjust the focus. 
But I must admit a lean back like this and I don't know why.

Speaking of photographers....

Just another reason women should not be allowed to drive...

Look at the color of the water and ask yourself: Does this look like a place to party?

This looks soooooo photoshopped.....but no....


 The man above will probably get along just fine in jail.

I was in jail once and every other prisoner asked me the same question.."What you in for?"
This next guy is in serious trouble...

Damn, this looks like fun....

Do not drink with these people...I repeat...DO NOT DRINK WITH THESE PEOPLE!!!!!
Waking up at lunchtime....HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

My brother and his wife were one of the first families to move back on Three Mile Island....so far, so good....

TRUE: I have a banker friend who was held up at gun point one time. I ask him what caliber of gun the thieves had and he asks how would he know a thing like that. I asked how big was the hole in the end of the barrel looked and he held up his hands to indicate a hole about as big around as a basketball.


"Hey, bitch, you got a mirror?"
"No, sorry, we dont' have any mirrors...................sir."


(The creator of the above cartoons is so fucking absurd that I can't resist them)

One of my very own....

AND NOW.....PAINTED LADIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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