About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 5, 2013

FRIDAY #1682

I would have said, "...don't have anymore."
A teenager is still in jail charged with terrorism after making a stupid joke on a game chat room.
It went sort of like this....Oops! Better not repeat it or I could be his cellmate.

"Thou shalt not smile in court!"

So, think about this. During an entire TV program about a word, no one spoke that word. Pronouncing a word offends you? Then fuck you. Context makes a word an insult, not its pronounciation.

Remember, these people were traitors to their country...

Well, that's mighty white of them... 

 Maybe we could learn something from the Egyptians...

"Did you see Saw?"
"No, I like the swings."

We all know what country this is, don't we...

When you recognize a girl you dated in high school in a porn movie....

"There’s no such thing as love in nature. Love’s a spell, created by mortals to give females something to play with instead of power."

Right when she thought it couldn't get any more embarrassing....
 ...she finds it on the internet.

On Monday, simply by doing absolutely nothing, the 113th Congress allowed the interest rate on student loans to double, from 3.4 to 6.8 percent. And we (you and me) did nothing.

Stonework of this quality gives me a hard-on....

"Oh, look, Martha, those nice people have decorated our subway car."

Nazis having a snowball fight...

One of my very own...

Another one of my very own that I think is very, very funny....
 ...just a reminder of the whole unfortunate ordeal...

Captured suicide bomber...

Officially, we here at Folio Olio strongly advise you against doing this....
 However, should you try it anyway, please send us the video.

Believe it or not, there are two streets involved...Universe and Rainbow.

I'm not a computer wizard, but when a professional site's images looks like this when they arrive in my inbox, I think they don't even look at their on site.
Nobody could read that, of course, and when you click on, it pops up THE EXACT SAME SIZE!

 Arrows light up on the toe to tell you the direction.

The moment I can walk outside and pick a Bud Light off a tree is the moment when I will walk outside willingly.

 I think he stabbed his father for naming him Bamboo Flute.

I've been watching several shows about our Revolution and it never ceases to amaze me that grown men stood straight up in a line when shooting at one another. Wouldn't you think somebody would have said, "Hey, let's at least drop to a knee to give half the target size."

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

What I do when I'm black out drunk is none of my business.

Most of the Monopoly games I've ever played in ended in someone upending the board in a fit of rage......my kind of game.

The motherfucker brought AN ARM home as a "souvenir"?!?! And the guy he took it from THINKS IT'S FUNNY!!!
After some research, I found out that "taking an arm as a souvenir" didn't mean he cut the thing off during combat.

Today I recieved to tickets to a Green Bay Packers stockholders meeting...



Coach Jim said...

I showed my wife your picture regarding your lesbian position, saying, “See, every family should have one.”

Alex said...

Did we ever get an answer on the blueberry pie question, anyway? Hope the road trip is going well, my friend.

Ralph Henry said...

No, but I find them often.

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