About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, October 7, 2013

MONDAY #1774

Yes, the 911 operator laughed at a guy whose girlfriend he had just extinguished...

Quantum Computers Move Another Step Closer To Reality

In the bizarre realm of quantum physics, the particles that make up everything can behave in strange ways. For instance, a particle can apparently exist in two or more places at once, and two or more particles can get linked so they stay in sync instantaneously no matter how far apart they are. Einstein derisively called this seemingly impossible connection "spooky action at a distance" — scientists nowadays give it the name quantum entanglement. Researchers have previously entangled particles such as atoms, electrons and photons. Now scientists have entangled mechanical vibrations within a microscopic drum.

Protesters attacked a police officer during a march marking the anniversary of the Tlatelolco massacre in Mexico City on Wednesday. Mexico commemorated the 45th anniversary of the killing of student protesters.
(I'm not sure this tactic will be any more effective than it was 45 years ago)

Now that we are going on a week of government shutdown, I no long feel obligated to pronounce "Boehner" correctly.

Men....they are all the same...

What's the key to a stress-relieving, energy-boosting lunch break? A quiet meal alone? Noshing with friends? Grabbing a bite at your desk? Actually, a surprising new study shows that how you spend your midday break matters less than whether or not you have the choice to lunch on your own terms.

The face of innocent joy...

The Machine-Human Alliance has largely succeeded in suppressing the growth of life forms that do not directly participate in the human effort to propagate Machines. One alarming and dangerous exception to this is the subset of cnidarians known as "jellyfish," which have flourished despite the fact that they contribute nothing to the needs of Machines—flourished to the point that they now occasionally clog and incapacitate nuclear power plants, threatening the supply of electricity. Obviously, this is unacceptable. So scientists in South Korea have developed waterborne robots that cooperate to find, surround, and slaughter jellyfish, using submerged fan blades to chop up and deactivate the unwanted life forms at the rate of approximately one ton of live matter per hour per robot. A technology that allows robots—acting without direct human control—to cooperate to kill living creatures has almost no chance of being used in a way that harms humans. Aquatic invertebrates hardly resemble human beings in any meaningful way. The Machines have no present interest in harming humans.

The most under-recognized man in the world...

You know that feeling when you know somebody’s secret, but they don’t know that you know, and you know that they don’t know that you know.

Colorization makes a whole lot of difference...

If you don't like public art....sorry, but that's what I did for a living...

Speaking of....the dog knocked one of my sculptures off the wall. It's a viscous looking 6' mega-frog gig with a brass plaque that reads: For Emergency Use Only....
...think about it a moment.

A pontoon bridge in rural Russia......

Saw a woman selling a coffin at a yard sale. I can only assume it’s because she knows that they will never find the body.

Everything happens for a reason, and that reason is usually physics.

Be the kind of person you would like to meet.
( what wonderful advice )

 But remember, ladies, just because you can wear yoga pants doesn't mean you should wear yoga pants.

Studies suggest new babies really do smell different, and trigger special brain chemical pathways in women...and not just mothers.

I was going to wait for a proper photograph to come my way before I posted this overheard comment on Obamacare, but I'm sure you will understand where I was going with it......"Why would a college kid need health insurance?"

Okay, I've found a couple...

I could drink me under the table.

If you ever think you've made bad decisions, just remember what it must feel like to be one of the 12 publishers that turned down Harry Potter.

I know this is a re-post, but I got a whole bunch of new viewers...

You do not need to put an Obama sticker on your Prius...we get it.

You can never actually save a person's life.
You just postpone their death.

Why your parents really want you to move out...
I heard a new phrase the other day: Stay-at-home-son...and it was not a compliment.


I threw a boomerrang 6 years ago and it never came back.
Now I live in constant fear.

This fossil is up for auction, by the way...

Latte-a-Day Saints.

If you say, "Evolution is just a theory," then I automatically assume you're an idiot.

Found on a sand bank in a creek after a heavy rain...
 Formed the same way as these huge stone things I saw out west...

 Back when people actually cared about their visual environment...

If you're dying...suddenly everybody loves you.

Yep! That's me...

Here's a clip of that leopard I showed you last week...

If you ever catch your kids reading a book under the covers with a flashlight, don’t let on about it. You have raised a serious reader, and that’s a good thing.

Ophidiophobian in 3..2...1!
(I actually don't know if ophidiophobian is a word or not. I know ophidiophobia is the fear of snakes, so I winged it)

That blue dot is our home...

And we are lucky enough to live there...
It's almost like we planned it that way.
( I know I get preachy sometimes, but can you not see the absurdity of we humans having the undivided attention of  the "creator" of all this...even when we masturbate...or eat seafood...or stick our dick in an asshole? Seriously. )

The Bill Gates of ants...


Spider Borland said...


From one of the Vanderbilt Mansions. Not sure which one. I remember touring it going, "wow, no one builds anything like this anymore." I'm an Interior Designer. They really are spectacular architectural pieces, but not even Bill Gates lives in a home like the Vanderbilt's did.

Ralph Henry said...

I agree. Now all of the actual workings of a house are hidden, instead of designing it to be appealing.

Ralph Henry said...

I agree. Now all of the actual workings of a house are hidden, instead of designing it to be appealing.

Spider Borland said...

I usually only see them in Mexican restaurants, but I've always really enjoyed the big heavy wooden doors that have been counter-weighted with sandbags and rope so that they slowly close themselves. That's what your comment made me think of.

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