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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Let's learn something, shall we....
"...a Washington state woman found out that pregnancy was not enough to prove motherhood; DNA testing indicated that she was, in fact, not the mother of her own children – so who was?During the course of a desperate battle to retain custody of her three children, it was discovered that her twin was the real biological parent. The twist? She, 26-year-old Lydia Fairchild, was her own twin."...

In order to qualify for financial assistance in supporting her young family, Fairchild was required to undergo DNA testing to prove that she was the mother of children for whom she was claiming... To her horror, the young mother was informed that she would be the subject of an investigation into possible welfare fraud as the DNA tests had revealed no genetic link between her and the children she claimed were hers...

Derived from the name of a strange hybrid creature, the Chimera of Greek legend, this condition had been documented just 30 times throughout the world. Those rare individuals, dubbed “Chimeras”, had started out as twins; in the early stage of pregnancy, one of the twins had merged with – been absorbed by, one could almost say – the other twin.

The cells of the consumed twin, however, did not disappear and remained alive in one concentrated area of their sibling’s body. In essence, a human chimera is one person made up of two separate sets of genetic material; they are, in fact, their own twins...

Some sixteen months later, after enduring the harrowing prospect of even pregnancy being no proof of motherhood, Lydia Fairchild found the case against her dismissed. Her attorney, Alan Tindell, reflected on the dire consequences of oversight in the testing of DNA. “People go to death row because of DNA tests,” he said, “people are released from death row because of DNA tests.”

Either all the other races evolved or the story is false. You can't have it both ways.

Yes, all the others are mere "claims", but you were lucky enough to be born with Christian parents...

Oh, are my atheist posts annoying you? Sorry. I thought pointing out illogical world views leading to laws that adversely effect you and me was worth discussing. By all means, show me another picture of your fucking cat.

Ladies and gentlemen, the laziest man in the world...

Thanks, but no thanks...

I always try to use the phrase "rue the day" at least once a day.


This man prayed for his legs to be restored and god answered his prayers....
God said, "Fuck you."

One third of the Marines that landed died...

Ladies, if you haven't been with a bearded man, I don't know what you're waiting for.
You can't keep faking it forever.

Dear Destiny,
I am ready now.

...and never looked back.

I read this as pro-tree...

If you love reading...
...you ought to try writing...the funniest/hardest thing I've ever done.

Okay, I get it....
...but, how does it stand up?

Speaking of wood, how the fuck did they do this?
A good friend of mine is a hardwood floor guy and I've sent him an email about this. I will keep you informed.

Want to piss off a redneck? Send them this...

Pet stores are really sensitive about the word "ingredients".

In 2005, China executed more than 4 times as many convicts as the rest of the world combined. That works out to over 1,770 executions, most of them done by firing squad.

Welcome to America...

I am of the opinion that everything on earth will offend somebody, somewhere...

The Chinese government has actually banned Buddhist monks from reincarnating. That is, unless they get permission from the government first.

What do you think the little table is for?

A couple of pieces of pottery I like...

China can proudly boast that it has the world's largest mall, the New South China Mall, with space for 2,350 stores and 7,000,000 square feet of leasable space! The only problem is that 7 years after it opened it is still 99% empty. The only things actually in the mall are a few fast food stores near the entrance.


Animal Brothels Legal In Denmark And Norway

Yes, you go there to fuck animals. The article stated that the animals really didn't care.

We all get that the Jews have spoken in one loud, powerful voice that they refuse to be victims again.
But there are many people who think they have now become the oppressor....
I lean that way myself.

This rock from Australia is supposed to be the oldest piece of earth's crust ever discovered...

Is this the same guy? I'm confused...

 There is supposed to be a dog in here somewhere. I could not find it...

Some murals of humans on external walls. 
This first one is confusing. Just by shifting the image to the left they could have had the faces in the blank space between the windows...

When China gets to the moon, what if they decide to knock down the US flag as a 'screw you' gesture? What would we do...spend a couple of billion just to fly back up there and re-erect it?
I have lived in America my entire life and I am 100% sure we would do exactly that.

There should be more women in management positions so men can take a turn at sleeping our way to the top.

Kind of speaks for itself, don't it...

Maybe a little harsh, but the KGB shit our government is doing scares the holy shit out of me...

What if prehistoric humans never lived in caves and all those cave paintings are just bathroom graffiti?

The Finger-Mounted Computer That Reads Aloud When You Point at Words....

China is home to the enormous Gobi desert which is already about 500,000 square miles or about the size of Peru and it's only getting bigger. The Gobi is expanding at a rate of about 1,400 square miles a year due to over grazing, deforestation and water source depletion.

Well, the fish do it....

Heard this line in a movie today: "Every day will be Thursday by and by." I have no idea what it means.

Let's talk of the power some people just give away.
There are somethings many people can do that will cause your employers to, at best, give you bad job reviews and at worst, fire you on the spot. This is serious stuff, so listen carefully.
What do you think would happen if you decided to wear your neck tie around your forehead instead of your neck? Or maybe around you chest? 
It's that easy, Gentle Reader. There are fashion rules that, if broken, could fuck up your entire life.
I would dare to say that if Barrack Obama had come out just one time with his neck tie tied around his forehead he would never have been re-elected...now that's serious shit.
So...who made that rule? Who chiseled in stone that that piece of ribbon could ONLY be tied around your neck? Did we vote on this shit? I don't remember voting on shit.
Remember my favorite saying...to wit: Rules are not made to be broken...rules are made to break you.


Anonymous said...

The dog is formed by the clowns collar on the left side of his face, nose pointing up.

Spider Borland said...

Just read your commentary about ties (and from being a long time reader, I certainly know your feelings on the subject).

However, I just spent 30 minutes tying and retying my tie because I was unsatisfied with how it looked.

le sigh

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