About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Let visit how the internet is responding to a missing airplane...

And on a rational note...

Can something be a dreadful subject matter and still be near perfect photography?
 Great photography does not have to generate emotion, but the last one and the next one sure do...

Throw Ba-da-Bing, Ba-da-Boom in ANY conversation and people will pay attention.

Sometimes I have nightmares about being a work.

Read a report from the front lines of the neo-liberal educational world, where homework has consumed the lives of children and their families without regard to whether it is improving their educational outcomes. The average California kid in a recent study was doing 3.1 hours' worth of homework per night, at the expense of sleep, time for family and friends, and activities ranging from grandma's birthday to "everything I used to do."
*The school is a business that produces educated children as products. The teachers are employees. The administrators are managers. The government is the board of directors. The tax-payers are the shareholders. School-businesses must be "accountable," which means producing quarterly reports in which numbers -- test scores, attendance -- go up, regardless of whether that reflects any underlying educational merit.

Speaking of inebriation...

What if we are SUPPOSED to have high blood pressure.

My dentist regularly puts people to sleep just to have their teeth cleaned....

Dreams are like flashbacks of shit that never happened.

This took me a minute...

Behold the power...second only to the Big Bang itself...

This is America and I think another man should be able to tell another man that he likes his beard without consequences.

Is that a depth gauge next to her ass?!?!

Always say ‘I suppose’ instead of ‘I guess’.

A child that old with a doll????
 She looks at least 13! When I was 13 I was already smoking dope and planning felonies.


Freddie Mercury was born in the same year as I.

Prom night, my daughter’s date’s parents had stern words with HER!

Found a new comic...

One thing I will never understand is why women are more religious than men even though they are demeaned in almost every "holy" book...

Glass blowing: What a wonderful thing to know how to do...

I think there should be a periodic review of every product on the market to see if it can be made more ergo-dynamic...

I actually like people spray painting words on a wall...
As long as they have something to say...
And I know it's thrilling to sneak around at night alluding police to leave your mark...
But for the love of art, try to do something original and don't do the same fucking thing over and over again...please.

Mothers produce different breast milk depending on whether their child is a boy or a girl.  The variation is in both quantity and content.

You are told that to be fashionable you must wear a suit with wide lapels. Then you are told that you must wear narrow lapels. Then after just enough time for you to throw out all your wide lapels, they tell you that wide lapels are “in” and unless you want to look like a fool you need to switch…again.

This happens cyclic with men’s fashions, but almost yearly with women’s fashion. So I ask you, what would be you tripwire for calling “Bullshit” on the whole manipulative practice? What if they changed it monthly? Would you rush out every month to change your wardrobe? No you would not. And they know that. They have honed their skills to the point they know EXACTLY how often they can “force” you to change fashion before you rebel.

I'm planning on writing another book: A 101 ways to use a department store mannequin for sexual gratification. 

What if rap music was the music industry’s way of punishing us for piracy?

Does. Not. Compute...

I opened my first savings account the day after my older brother told me how expensive drugs are.

Real headline: Cubs Fire Team Psychologist.

Looks old, but...
 ...there are recharging sockets in the front of the bar.

Old age ain’t no place for sissies.


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