About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, May 17, 2014


So very much has been happening to me in the last two days. Like I was sitting next to a very, very beautiful young woman at my bar watching my Lady Gamecocks play softball and I repeated a joke I had heard on the internet. To wit: "One of the Gamecock players came out by declaring she was heterosexual." Ha-ha's all around, then this magnificent creature said, "I played softball for Carolina for two years."
I was flabbergasted. We talked about such things as the size of the field; if she had a scholarship; etc, then she told me this....I swear this is true.
Each player has to sign a contract; and part of the contract states: "There will be no inbreeding among players."
Come to find out, that means that two teammates were prohibited from doing the nasty.
We had a loooooong conversation about the term "inbreeding", which, I assume you will agree, is completely, totally meaningless.
Anyway, this young woman is a genuine delight that if you come to visit me, I will surely introduce you to.

Visuals are good, or just listen to the music as you scroll..

This Saudi kid put on Facebook that he had had no visitors...

Then the hospital was flooded with well-wishers...
 This guy even brought pizza...
 I think the guy should have wished for a girlfriend...or two....or three.

I will state again...I know how "efficient" it is, and safe for our pilots, etc, but killing people from an unmanned drone is about as cowardly a way to kill people that there is...think VI and VII rockets terrorizing London in WWII.
I mean, the modern day "warrior" is sitting in Omaha or some such place and does his job, KNOWING he can make his foursome on the golf course at 5 pm.

Not sure the numbers are correct, but they sound about right...

Maybe it's just...I don't know.....tired?

A women's Roller Derby team came into my bar tonight. There was one young woman with a vertical "HELL" tattooed on the back of her left thigh, and "YES" tattooed on the back of the right. 
I regretted never having the opportunity to talk to her.

I would love to have one of these...

That last one barely made my cut...now I regret it.

Speaking of...
 The only Dragnet I remember was along the line of Reefer Madness.

It took me a long, long time to talk my youngest daughter to take her first slide on one of these...(that is not her)...
 Her big sister got her up the ladder and I waited at the bottom to "catch" her. The moment she cleared the slide her head shot back....3 stitches in the emergency room.
Maybe that's why she never calls.

Playing with these when I was a kid didn't make me smoke any more than...
....handling her bible turned me delusional.

 But it kept us out of a world war for half a century.

How could he not?

Man in blue doing EXACTLY what you should NOT do...

I never heard him say this...but it does make one think...

Today I heard a TV commercial say, "Now with stores in over 50 cities." What does that mean. Don't they KNOW how many cities...exactly? Maybe it's just me.

I found this very interesting...especially France...

My brother worked at a gas station in the '60 and one of their biggest problems was having dozens of rolls of toilet paper stolen out of the bathrooms everyday...
But that was in Alabama, so.....

And the Loser Family Of The Day Award goes to...
They're probably from Alabama also.

I regret posting this one also...
But it IS Saturday, so cut me some slack.

Do you think clowns ever go to the doctor because they 
DON’T feel funny?


Recently, a young woman asked me why I was so kind. I told her that I always try to give better than I get....and I really do.
I also took it as a supreme compliment that she noticed.

This was a comment left on Folio Olio...
You would think that any company that Is savvy enough to ferret out open comment blogs would be savvy enough to ask an English speaker for some help.

A cook-it-yourself grill...
 But wouldn't your knees get hot?

How very nice...

Remember, the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.

But that is a beautiful photograph.

The great American dog and pony show...
Spending thousands of dollars so she can pretend she is a princess...just like in the fucking fairy tales. That's just another reason I hate groupthink.

Never stick your dick in crazy.


One would think that this was a good idea...

I assume it took too long to put the makeup on to take it off for a lunch break...

More restaurants ought to do this...

"How long do you want me to lay there?!"

1 comment:

The Boy said...

I am not sure if you have ever come across these before, but Amazon Reviews are comic gold. It gives me great pleasure knowing that this many people on the planet have either such a sarcastic outlook on things or are just so damn funny. Enjoy, I prefer the steering wheel desk review.


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