About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, June 5, 2014


The beach is as wonderful as I had anticipated...third nap of the day...

 The beach, where young women wear just enough clothes to keep themselves out of jail...the way one should clothe themselves if the world was just...
Netflix now has a "Roulette" feature where it will pick a movie for you at random. Some people like it very much.
People not like you and me...


A 2013 Cornell study found that fake hotel reviews emphasize great activities and "family fun". Real reviews just talk about whether the hotel sucked or not.


25th anniversary of this unknown man's heroics...
 ...but there was a much uglier part that you and I weren't privy to...

If I'm not mistaken, those children were run over by a tank or APC.


Didn't see this coming...
That's one badass ferret.

That awkward little half running walk thing you do when a car let’s you cross the road….or someone holds the door for you when you’re too far away.

I call this child abuse...

This reminds me of one of the funniest things I have ever witnessed...
 My wife dragged me to a wedding reception for a friend of hers who was marrying a guy from Lebanon. Following tradition, the best men hoisted the bride on their shoulders - one butt cheek on each man's shoulder - and paraded her around while dancing that little hop dance thing all mid-easterners seems to enjoy. Well, almost immediately the bride's ass slid over the men's shoulder and they were hanging on desperately to keep her from sliding all the way over down their backs. Then the dancing started. The bride had her hands over the head of the men, clutching desperately at his eye sockets. But what they had neglected to anticipate, the ceiling was rather low and as they hopped around, the bride's head kept knocking ceiling panels out of the ceiling. I have never laughed so hard in my life...much to my wife's chagrin.
By the way, the first thing they do is bite his dick off. 
Speaking of...

 My brother spent a lot of time hunting in Alaska. On his snowmobile he had three coolers, one inside the other, to keep his beer from freezing. Even with that he had to tuck his next beer inside his parka to thaw it a bit.


At some point, you added ‘vocabulary’ to your vocabulary.

I, of course, don't agree with that, but I do like to piss off the wife from time to time.

I would like to meet this man...
 Imagine he and I sitting at a bar together.
(I know it's a repost, but all my new friends in Japan and Russia next to get a load of this guy)

I see something sexual in almost everything...

If a girl wants to be a legend, she should go ahead and be one. – Calamity Jane

Is that funny?....fuck if I know anymore.

Yeah, like we could actually do this...

I could not have helped but do this myself...
However, you are being stalked by a T-Rex, so tricking the children into screaming at the top of their lungs may have been counter-intuitive.

Most women love beards as much as most men loves boobs.

If she doesn’t, that either means she was abused by a bearded man or she is in league with the devil.

Speak when you’re angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.

One Of My Very Own...

There is, believe it or not, a fake credit card number generator, and this guy figured out how to use it for free trials only - so he really wasn't stealing anything.

It's an honor to share the planet with you, big fella...

Took my dog to the vet for vomiting. She told me to stop talking to him in that sickening baby voice.

Good luck with that on your selfie, Sparkies all over the world.

For Aaron...

Have you ever found yourself so hungry that you tried to eat uncooked pasta?

Stone porn...
I think it's the permanence of the stones that make me like them so much. But this is exceptionally magnificent. I mean look at the wearing down due to generations of footsteps.

You know how I love maps....

 Speaking of...

No concealed weapons allowed? 
How about no UNCONCEALED weapons allowed?

Pa-leeeeez. There are people out there with nothing better to do with these precious LIMITED hours we are allocated?

Landscape photography at its best...
 The old watering hole...
 Did you notice that Paris has no skyscrapers? They have a law about that, and if I recall correctly, no building can be taller than the Eiffel Tower.

 From that website that finds matches for any graph...
That means absolutely nothing, except, I guess, cool graph, dude.

Don’t judge. We all do whatever it takes to stay out of prison.


$2B or not $2B….for a basketball team?

 It saddens me that so few people are upset by our 4th Amendment erosion.
Now go back to the top and looks at those dead teenagers in China who fought - and died - trying to establish rights that we have and are giving away.


Brazil's 21-year military dictatorship was a torturing, brutal regime -- among their victims was the current president, Dilma Rousseff. At first, the generals tortured by flogging and shocks, but British officials taught them to torture without leaving marks, helping the regime to rehabilitate its international human rights image. The techniques the UK taught to Brazil's torturers were developed for Malay rebels and perfected on Northern Irish Republicans, and these techniques came to be known as "The English Method."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A stuffed tuna is still worth the cash. They will sell the meat; she just gets the carcus which will be stretched over a mold.

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