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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, October 11, 2014



Given the key role that genetic inheritance plays, nature indisputably trumps nurture in determining an adolescent's level of academic achievement
The findings from a new study published Monday in the journal PNAS, are based on a study of 6,653 pairs of twins in Britain. The twins -- 2,362 pairs of them identical and 4,291 pairs of them fraternal -- were born in 1994, 1995 and 1996. A multinational team of researchers, led by Eva Krapohl of King's College London, authored the research.
"Equality of educational opportunity will not get rid of genetic differences between children," they wrote.

A zoo in Japan has been forced to admit that it tried to mate two male hyenas for four years, after mistakenly thinking that one of them was female.

This hand stencil from the Sulawesi cave in Indonesia dates back to 40,000 years ago. That places it among the oldest art ever discovered -- a finding that challenges the traditional view that creative art first arose not in Asia but in the West.

All I'm saying is I don't remember the moon turning blood red before all these states legalized gay marriage.

I know my chances of getting Ebola are remote, but just to be safe, I'm going to avoid going to any pathetically poor African countries for the next few years.

In Pakistan, a black scorpion weighing 60 grams sells for around $50,000 to medical researchers.

During the 1970s, when Northern Ireland was gripped by near-civil-war, British military intelligence staged the evidence of "black masses" in order to create a Satanism panic among the "superstitious" Irish to discredit the paramilitaries.

There's no software back door that only works for good guys

What is it about donkeys that seem so damned attractive?
 You can't throw a dead cat without hitting something or someone at least trying to bang a donkey...
And this shit goes down on every continent except Antarctica and if we shipped a few donkeys down there, I bet penguins would have their go...
And this has been going on for a long, long time...
But now, at last, there are signs that the donkey's are planning their revenge...

War as a spectator sport, this time in Turkey...

 I hoped against hope that this would happen...
 I really didn't think it was possible due to her age.


We call this a No Win Situation...

If you don't know why this is stupid, you are part of the problem...

Is this legal?

Get it?
 His brush with the law.

Oh, shit!
 Look at those faces.

 I must admit, I watched that more than once.

I posted this the other day. A guy at the bar showed it to me and I said I had seen it and wondered what happened to the sheep...
 He found a longer clip that showed the little bastard walk off after it stopped rolling.

Why people have insurance...



Unknown said...

There is no doubt that Malala is a grade A Badass, but I don't think we give her daddy near enough credit.


Ralph Henry said...

Got it covered, old buddy. Right off the bat in tomorrow's post.

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