About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014



This from an article in the National Post about North Korea...

The real power in North Korea, he argues, is wielded not by the Kim family, or even by the military, but by the Organization and Guidance Department (OGD) of the Workers’ Party, a massive bureaucracy that Kim Jong-il built up during the 1980s as a means to seize power behind the scenes while his father, Kim Il-Sung, ruled as an aging figurehead. If Kim Jong-un dies tomorrow, the OGD may simply pick some new stuffed suit to sit atop the national leader cult in his stead.

Here's the whole article, if you are interested...


Mark and Brenda Voss learned that the 5,300-square-foot vacation house they built at a cost of $680,000 actually sits on the lot next to the one they own in the gated Ocean Hammock resort community of Daytona Beach.




Everything you've ever not wanted to know about Civil Forfeiture. Its long but worth it.


From the Folio Olio Center for Applied Rationality, one last word to my fat letter graffiti friends...

Let’s suppose you are not a street artist, but rather a musician or poet. Now imagine that you stand on the street corner and play your music or read your poetry. You have a little bucket on the sidewalk for donations or just notes of thanks, but time after time people only paid you if you would STOP playing or reading. Your little circle of friends love your music, but other people will pay money not to listen to it.

Further imagine that the people in your city got together enough votes to elect governance that passed laws that would put you in jail if you played your music or read your poetry ever again.
What would that tell you about the quality of your work? Would you blame all of those people for being wrong and you alone were right?  Think about that. Everybody else is wrong, but you are the only one who recognizes true quality. 
I think there's a word for that.

Honey, where's Fluffy? HONEY?

You know that feeling when you wake up in terror realizing you have a final in just a few hours and then you remember you don’t go to college anymore?

Today I went to Bo Jangle’s for the best fried chicken on the planet. When the drive-thru lady gave me my meal, I said, “Have a nice day.” She was taken aback that she hesitated and stuttered a 'Thank you' with such sincerity that you would have thought I’d just given her a sock and made her a free elf. Poor lady.

A couple of Halloween ideas...
I know I've posted this before, but I really like it.

Of course it should. Just like people more likely to have accidents should and DO pay more for auto insurance.

Here is my wife's friend, Shannon, tattooing during P.INK event...
 My wife and I donated money to help women who have had mastectomies. 

Bedrooms should be called restrooms.

You may call it a beard. I call it preening...

I sneezed and my wife accidentally said, “Shut the fuck up” instead of bless you.

The Four Stages of a Louisville Slugger...

A young friend told me he once took a girl to Starbucks because he forgot her name.

Have you ever sent your wife a quart of elephant shit through poopsenders.com by…accident?

Karen Nyberg, she's been an astronaut for 25 years, she was born in Minnesota, she's spent a total of 180 days in space, and she turns 45 today....

 What women want in a man...

A kindergarten student once walked up to me and said, “I eat corn every night," then just walked away.

People having fun...
Fun is good. I highly recommend it.

How bored do you have to be to figure this out?
Or how bored do you have to be to look at it?
Philadelphia - zero?? 

A coffin for a snake...

I had a student who thought the DC in Washington, DC stood for “Da Capital”.

One Of My Very Own...

Trying To Reason With T-Rex...

If you don’t already hate people, Walmart is a great place to start.

I have no idea...

One of the young people at my bar asked me what my view of lesbians is and without missing a beat I said, “In HD.”

Glamour photography...
And there are probably six more people behind the ones you can see.

Black and white photography...
Anybody know what those poles are for?

Finished a 3 week diet in 3 hours and 14 minutes.

Girl I know: “Drowning in student debt I’m so broke and destitute, I’m going to have to start turning these blowjobs into blowCAREERS."

My dream job would be to be the guy at Netflix who writes one sentence summaries about every movie.


Animals I never knew existed...

Today a girl gave me a handjob to stop me telling her any more interesting wildlife facts.

Watching CBC a graphic for upcoming reports read: A woman is raped every 17 seconds in Canada. My first thought was ‘that poor woman’.

Guess what this is...
 A soft chair...

My wife told me she is not “controlling”. She is just aggressively helpful.

Time for a little culture...
Culture, Coral. 

My wife one week after our wedding...
 And I thank her every day.

Axial Piston Engine...

That's just another example of stuff nobody told me about. 

Do you remember how sick to your stomach you got when the Asian student sitting next to you looked at the test and said, “Oh, shit.”

You know how I'm always talking about embracing change....
I have many times and it is liberating. And the secret is questioning authority...all kinds...the opinions of friends, your government, you leaders. Just stop every once and awhile and ask yourself what if it is just made up bullshit. That simple.

1 comment:

Spider Borland said...

For once, I follow your Graffiti argument: It doesn't matter how good it is. If you don't get permission, it's vandalism. If someone came in the middle of the night and put an expressionist masterpiece on my garage door... I'd pay to have it removed. Because Fuck You, That's My Garage Door!

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