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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


This one beat me and I need your help.
Basically, using the clue you add a word to the word given.
In this case the clue is "Biting African insect" and the word given is "Tsetse". The word to be added is "Fly"
Now the next answer must start with the word "Fly".
Clue: Soar                                           Fly High
Place for some seniors                        High School
It might march                                    School Band
Now I get stumped.
Accoustically resonant structure.       Band ?
Working up from the bottom we have...
Sleight of hand challenge                   ? Game
"You lose" at the arcade                     Game Over.
So what one word fits in both spaces to satisfy the clues?
I told everyone at the bar that one of you smart son of bitches could solve it.

How about this. What if I told you that I believed that people who wore blue shirts were spared from hurricane damage more than any other color shirt. How would you respond?
Well, I would respond by citing statistics that showed the exact percentage of damage was done to the homes of people who wore blue shirts as those wearing any other color. Problem solved.
But then you have people huddled in their closets praying to be spared. Would you be surprised that the exact percentage of people praying were killed or injured as the people who weren't? OF COURSE YOU WOULDN'T BE SURPRISED! Nobody believes that shit...but half of you do it anyway.
Or praying for a child with cancer....survival rate exactly the same for prayers and non-prayers.
Yeah, you should be made fun of for such voodoo crap.
Sorry. But it's true.

Interesting question a ran across. I consider people who think they are going to live in heaven for eternity just as fucking delusional as the ones who think they will be reborn as a cow. It's just so preposterous.  

 Would you be surprised to learn that the more education you get, the lesser chance you believe in supernatural bullshit? Of course not. 

 Yeah....that's it. You've got it all figured out. Also, that astroid that has been drifting through space for millions of years landed on your fucking car for a reason. 

And that must prove it true...right?  If smiling proved something devine, I'd like to introduce you to my friend marijuana.

 Until, of course, he doesn't save you from violence. Then, of course, it's YOUR fault. 
Or maybe it's the Devil's fault...
 You don't hear very much about the Devil anymore.
You see, they have a problem. If god is all powerful, how in the name of sanity did the devil defeat him in a rebellion and take half his angels? Plus, god created the entire universe, which means he created the devil. What's up with that?

 I have never said that the bible was devoid of good advice. But it's only advice. 
To me, this happening is much more plausible than a he gendered creator putting you through all this pain of living and dying just to afterwards give you a happy place.
 What kind of being would do that?

I have been studying religion for most of my life and I have never had anyone explain the holy trinity to me successfully...
My take: Early on there were hole in the logic and they simply filled those holes by bringing in "The Holy Ghost".
Ghost. Please. 

This is me in any religious gathering...

The first thanks that Texas nurse gave for her Ebola survival was to her god....like fuck those poor people in Africa who couldn't afford state of the art health care...god doesn't give a shit about them.

You don't need to be a smart person to know this is true...
 We have seen it played out with slavery, mixed marriage and now homosexuality. They only slow down what will one day be commonplace...
And for all the pain, I condemn them in the strongest terms.

I don't hate religious people, but I do judge them. If you are not smart enough to use the same logic you use buying a used car to the claims made by a preacher, then...sorry...you lose. 
You believe invisible telepathic bullshit like this...
 Then you are wasting my time.
And this precisely nails it...
 No matter even if you see how stupid the rib-woman and the apple story is...no matter how illogical that god created satin and now can't control him...no matter what....you...don't...want...to...know.
 And then there is this ordinary guy who ADMITS he's fake....
 He's exactly as fake as this shit...
 Christians love words. The more nonsense you can throw out, the deeper and more profound it makes you feel...
Do any of you see the gapping logical holes in that paragraph? 
Now, THIS is advice...
 He never said a word about it going on with you in it.


Anonymous said...

Answer to the puzzle: SHELL

JimReed said...

Band Shell
Shell Game

Ralph Henry said...

What the fuck is a band shell?

TMC said...

I almost forgot:
You may preach, or not, to this choir, all you have stomach for Mr. Henry. You are not wasting your time or effort. At least one of us (though I would "bet" that more than a few) convey your honest preachings far beyond the confines of this 'church'.
Praise be, to the TRUTH, and thanks to those who speak it. (I am almost embarrassed to co-opt the religious rhetoric)

John the Baptist said...

It takes as much faith to believe in the theory of the big bang as it does for faith of religion. It is as utterly nonsensical to believe that by trial and error and a billion years+ somehow produced something as complex as DNA.

Tell me something, what in your 'Atheism' or 'Anti-deism' gives comfort to people? "Don't worry son, just kill your fucking self, it doesn't matter in the long run anyway" That is what your 'faith' gives to people. How absurd.

Here is a news flash for you, God the creator of the universe does not owe you shit, nor does he need to 'fix' things they way we may think he needs to fix it.

Guess what else? If your right, I lose nothing! If I am right, you lose!

Keep up the good work, love your blog by the way.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear John,
Let's suppose we go back in history and examine the birth of religion. We could start with The Great Cave Bear Spirit, of whatever. Then we learn that that god was superceded with The Volcano God and the volcano god people thought the Great Cave Bear people were just silly.
Then we have the Sun God, The Monkey God, etc, etc, etc. Then a story comes out that a man named Abraham heard voices and behold the latest god was born. And all the people who believe this story think all the other stories are just silly.
This is not my theory. This is what happened. One god was created to passify the fears of the people and was very effective as crowd control.
I just wonder how long it will take before the people who believe in talking snakes and magic fruit will be thought of as silly. I suggest about one more generation.
As for the DNA time line, nobody is asking anyone to take it on faith. We test and experiment and observe and have the findings reviewed over and over again....but at least we are looking for the truth.
So, go eat some more of your savior and dream of walking on streets of gold. I'm sure it is nice not to have to think too hard about science stuff.

Robin said...


That is an example of a band shell.

Ralph Henry said...

Bless your heart!

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