About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Gave my car to charity this morning...
 Forgot to take the tag off of it. Shit!
From a viewer....

This goes against every rule of war...
 You don't film yourself killing prisoners in cold blood...
I didn't invent that. That Chinese general who wrote The Art of War made that up a long, long time ago. And not because it is "cruel" or "unfair". But because you must always give your enemy a reason not to fight. Mostly that is done by leaving a corridor open where they can escape your wrath. An enemy who knows it cannot surrender WILL fight to the death...something that is not recommended.

(I didn't look for these images. I just stumbled upon them.)
Look at the pose, then look at this thing's FACE!
 It was stated that this is a real TV news show demonstrating a new arm....
I'm not sure I believe it, but it's still funny.
Let's take a moment to remember all the lonely people...
If I planned the Olympics...
 (I know I posted that last one before, but remember, I have a lot of new viewers)
You think he had to pay to do this?
 How much, you reckon....ballpark.
This next one has nothing to do with sex unless you have a nasty mind...

All the millions of boards I've cut, and this has never happened to me.
I would have found a way to make art out of both pieces...or I would like think I could.

"I blew a tranny" means something totally different to a mechanic.

This is a bamboo forest...
 In the woods behind my house there was a bamboo "thicket"....so thick you couldn't walk through it. Some of the bamboo was as thick as my wife's thigh...as hard as that is to believe. When camping we made all kinds of things out of it.

I have actually asked people who believed in such conspiracies why they thought their doctors would lie to them and they have said that the drug companies pay them to lie.
There is no way to argue with these people. I'm a gambler, and if you tell me a million or so doctors are ALL paid to lie and NONE of them rat the drug companies out, I will bet the farm and all the out buildings you are wrong. Life...human nature, just doesn't work that way.
 And the harm it causes...
I think parents with less than perfect children have a need to blame someone, and something they don't understand is an easy target.

This turtle swallowed a neckless...you can see it down there in the bottom right...
Here's a close up...

 My guess is that this was the guy's last day on the job, so he figured what the hell...

Have you ever wondered why Indiana Jones' hat never fell or blew off?

For a long time I thought LGBT was a name of a sandwich, with the G standing for guacamole or garlic or something.

This stone mask from the pre-ceramic neolithic period dates to 7000 BCE and is probably the oldest mask in the world.
My guess is the guy had a really ugly wife and made that for sex. But maybe that's just me.

This lad was born with five fingers...no thumb...
 I can only assume that is very rare...

 Someone has out done my OOMVO....
I so love absurdity. 

I just ate scrambled eggs off a saaucer with a butter knife. I guess it's time for the wife to do the dishes.


This is the way the photo was presented...
 I found it very interesting. But it's just as interesting right side up...

This is the barrel of what I think is a tank...
 I have many friends who used to go away to play war with the National Guard and Reserves. They have told me many stories about how they managed to sneak booze out in the field. The barrel was a favorite until management found out and it was the first placee they looked. But, believe me, booze ALWAYS goes.
Once the commander came into the communication tent and sat down on a crate, there discussing the fact that he KNEW there was alcohol in the camp and ordering his sergeants to help him find it. But what he didn't know was that concealed inside the crate he was sitting on was a cooler of beer.

Oh, look, smells like teen spirit…

Signage I would like to see...

How come no Witch Doctors have stepped forward to help out with the ebola crisis?

Stone stacking by Michael Grab...
 Finally we get a good look at the guy...
 I can sort of understand stacking rocks. I mean HOW to do it. I would imagine using sand very much the way we used to use salt to balance a salt shaker.
But how he does the counter-leveraging (?) is anybody's guess...
You think he has a helper or two?

 Etam Cru mural in Rome, Italy

I'm thinking social statement.

I finally finished my "Treat Jar"...
 I found just the right jar, but added the knob to the top.
I got to thinking about the treats (suckers mostly) kids get in doctors' offices and I thought, what the hell, I would give them money....something that everybody wants...

I was having trouble sleeping and read an article that said that if I couldn't fall asleep after an hour I should get up and do something boring and nonstimulating. So I got up and read a few of my last week's posts.


Robin said...

I find I have to make myself stop reading/viewing your posts and make myself go to bed.

Ralph Henry said...

Sleep is over rated.

Robin said...

Says the man who posted this: "The optimum amount of sleep is 5 more minutes."

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