About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, December 11, 2014






 Bloodhound SSC, (supersonic car) will attempt to set a new Land Speed Record of 1,000 mph by 2016.

In my opinion, the first true citizen of the world...

Oh, but there's more...
They were merely "rehydrating" the guy. I'm sure that made him feel better.

Heard on TV"

“The facts may tell you one thing. But, God is not limited by the facts. Choose faith in spite of the facts.”

Want to guess what this is?
It's the tail of an elephant. My friend, Zach, had a bracelet made of some of those hairs.

This sticker lets the person receiving this cargo how many degrees it was tilted based on where the green beads are...
 That's goddamn brilliant!

Is it spelled blow job or blowjob?

I hate writing thank you notes.

Framework of the Hindenburg in Friedrichshafen, Germany, October 1934

The punter (#6) trying to play football. 

A US Air Force Lieutenant is held captive by a young North Vietnamese girl...

Female fighters from some rebellion in South America...

People should have more fights near pools.

And to many women that makes sense.
Think about that...
Women follow the orders of a shoe designer even if they are miserable all day. And that's one reason why women make less money than men. They are just stupid.

It is estimated that 87% of life’s pleasurable moments involve alcohol in some capacity and I think these things are an example of that...
Yes, they got a little drunk and had a pissing contest involving multi-ton rock stacking.

The Snake River and canyon near Twin Falls, Idaho
Nature is amazing, but look at that farmland...for as far as the eye can see.


One in a series of images that Changed Photography...

 How modern kids cheat on tests...
 Speaking of...
Kids ignoring Rembrandt in favor of....what? What could be more interesting than Night Watch?

For the last 10 years, American artist Ra Paulette has been walking alone into New Mexico’s desert to work. He spends his time carving a sandstone cave that he found, turning it into a wonderful subterranean space full of light. With no one but his dog for company, Paulette created different designs and styles for every cavern, giving each one very specific qualities and textures. The purpose of this gigantic artwork is to create an environment that would inspire “spiritual renewal and personal well being.” It will also serve as a venue for artistic events once it’s finished.

I think this guy is letting his kid pass the breathalyzer starter...

Do you think the Hulk’s dick is proportional to his body size?


Dancing is like dreaming with your feet.

This is what a government with too much power looks like.

Let's make something different...

I think you can click this to embiggenize...

 Star Wars in 1977, before the greenscreen...

Interacting with more people throughout the day, from good friends to more casual acquaintances, was linked to greater happiness and sense of belonging.

One Of My Very Own...

Ever wonder how many words rhyme with “Motherfucker?”

 The look on my face with my daily post view number reaches another plateau.

"...he got better..."

These didn't load properly, so I include both in hopes we get one good one...

One thing horror movies have helped me realize is that as a parent, you definitely want to avoid having demonic children

More women being photographed doing things they normally wouldn't do...

Most men pronounce 'testicles' like it’s the name of a Greek warrior.

Too many people have too many opinions about too many things.

Seriously. How did we give away so many of our rights? Why would anyone even care if a guy got high every once in a while?


Anonymous said...


Ralph Henry said...


Anonymous said...

Wait till your wife reads the "women are stupid" comment. I wouldn't want to be you today! ;)

Ralph Henry said...

Maybe, just maybe, my wife understands my attempts at humor far too well.

Ninja Grrrl said...

I would strongly suspect your wife is capable of detecting irony.

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