About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


For whatever reason, I have stumbled upon some weird-ass shit to post today. Try to "enjoy"...

One Of My Very Own...

RULES: I find something somewhere, I move it to a 'post file' from which I delete nothing. Therefore, some of these are very strange. Like this one...

I selected this one solely because it looks like my            e-cigarette in his hand...

I just bought all six seasons of Hoarders on DVD.

(give that a moment)

This is old, but I have a lot of new viewers...
And that sounds like something I would say.

I just thought this was cool as shit...
Shit in your swimsuit scary, but cool.

Somebody I would like to meet...

What a wonderful thing to believe.
Now I don't have to think anymore.

Oh, my...

I just saw a Koi Fish that had a white guy tattooed on it

There is no way an all powerful god can be merciful and genocidal at the same time. Period.
 Prove it...without damaging children...

Rules. They are not made to break, they are made to break you...
Bravo strong woman. 

I'm going to leave most of these images without comment. Just take a look and let them affect you...
There is a thing as too many tattoos.
But don't his pants fit nice.

I don't know about the rest of the world, but where I live, this is one of the ultimate insults to be called...
It's sort of like you are so stupid that you don't even know you are stupid.

What Happens When A Dump Truck Going 50mph Hits A Military-grade Concrete Barrier.

The Hubble Space Telescope Captures an Image Using Gravitational Lensing to See the Same Supernova in Four Places...
 You might want to look that up, cause that is some slick ass shit.

This guy was caught using his computer for private stuff, so this is the size screen they gave him...
 Modern ways to feed yourself mostly sucks...

You'll never be as lazy as whoever named the fireplace

(I thought that very, very funny)

Odd confrontation...

Wife sent me information about the weirdness of workman's compensation...

The idea of assigning a value to the loss of a body part dates back to Mesopotamia. Around 2100 BC, King Ur-Nammu of Ur decreed that a man should pay a certain amount of silver for causing the loss of a foot (10 shekels) or a smashed limb (one mina). The same concepts run through the better-known Code of Hammurabi and on throughout history. When the first workers’ comp laws were adopted in America in the early 1900s, legislators inserted similar language as a way of bringing some uniformity to the uniquely harrowing circumstances of individual injuries.

Here's the whole article in case you are interested...

A couple of zany kids...

Another woolly mammoth's tusk is unearthed from a Siberian riverbed...

i mean, at some point the Absolute Funniest Thing Ever happened and i'd bet you $75 it involved a man’s dick.

Can you tell what is happening here?
He just cut through a huge beehive while strapped to the tree. 

“Hey yourself!” – Jude


That, ladies and gentlemen, is the posture of confidence...

‘as·phyx·i·a’, A Dance Performance Captured With a Kinect Sensor and Visualized With 3D Software...

It’s amazing how potatoes give us chips, fries and vodka. Get your shit together, every other vegetable.

Last night my wife called me in to look at a photo she had found of me back when I gave a fuck.

This is why men drove Mustangs...
It's a known fact.

I find great comfort in the knowledge that weirdness is nothing new...

Never wear a hoodie in warm weather. Ever.

 Pattern recognition, Natalie Fletcher...

Sure the Victoria's Secret models are pretty, but I bet not one of them ever finds a Cheeto in her bra.

Maarten Ceulemans...all from one log...

When googling Gary Oldman I highly suggest not forgetting the "R"

Some other stuff...

Just heard someone screaming outside and my instinct was to turn up the TV. Whatever the opposite of a superhero is, I'm that.

A single drink doubles your odds of going to the emergency room.
(and that shit is true)

Why is that funny? Seriously. 

What happens when you pierce a cellphone Lithium Polymer battery...
And you leave one of those on the table next to your child?

In 1935 a shark in an Australian aquarium vomited up a human forearm, a bizarre turn of events that sparked a confused murder investigation.

My Final Word...

1 comment:

Kenny Perez said...

The picture with the kids eating asking to be excused is believed to be Kronos eating zues hades and Poseidon...

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