About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, September 17, 2018

MONDAY #3550

One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

The Philippines is currently being hit by Super Typhoon Mangkhut.  This storm is almost 600 miles wide with wind gusts up to 160 mph, and there are more than 4 million people in its path.  The last storm of this power to hit the Philippines killed more than 7,000 people.

I watched some of the footage from there and it is awful.

People who were told to evacuate, but didn't.

These assholes...
It was stated that he is on his fucking knees.

Message from my wife"
Here’s a special shout out to today’s every day hero, Dr. Asha James! 
There’s only a 2 digit difference between her number and the WLTX News19 helpline. 
Instead of ignoring calls today that she knew weren’t for her, she took them and helped whoever she could. 
"Because of her, an elderly gentleman got the information he needed about dialysis today! 
If this isn’t proof that good people still exist I don’t know what is.
If you’re looking for a dermatologist with a heart of gold, give her a try. 
I promise you won’t regret it!"

She's my doctor also and this is she.




Why him?


Just ANOTHER reason to love rock walls...

I never threw anything away for that very reason.

Watch my hands when I say “latitude” or “longitude.” It's as much for my benefit as yours.



Stole from a supermarket, clerks couldn't hit him, but someone else stepped in.

"Get the fuck up."  - Queen probably
That look of shame as he is standing up. I was just playing with the children grandma. I'm sorry I did not realize I needed to be standing.

With friends like this...
I would have smacked him in the face with the butt of the gun.

The man who has never fired an elephant gun before is specifically told to pull the rear trigger first, then the front.
The reason he's a dick is his not following the instructions of a most powerful weapon.


Why the speed limit should be obeyed...
It could also be the lack of banking.

If you ever do this, then you are an alcoholic.

Fucking Nazis...

And to think, many of these men got those from wounds in WWI, fighting for Germany.

My first wife always hated it when I called her my first wife.



Automated bridge builder..made with LEGO.

I am mesmerized by life skills like this.

And your point is...?
Maybe filming a movie?

Anyone want to explain this to me?
Maybe another movie?

Making shreds for traditional dessert Kadaif.

This in case the above didn't load properly.

She did that just to make us smile. 
Thank you, nice lady.


God: What are they doing down there?
Angel: They are making milk from almonds.
God: What?! I gave them, like, 8 animals to get milk from.
A: They don't like that milk.
God: [mockingly] tHey DonT LiKe THat miLk *flips a table*



For my next dog trick...




I this real?
Please tell me that is real.


Woman claims her dog turned vegetarian and doesn't crave meat any more, gets proved wrong.

Non-lethal combat.


Just the force required.

 If you have sex with someone from another country, make sure you give your best, cause you'll be representing the whole country. Make us proud.








When you’re eating chips and dip there’s always the search for the “strong” chip to head into the dip to save the broken, weaker chips dying in the dip.



[verification needed]


You know what would be hilarious? A secret group of firemen who change the lightbulb from time to time so that it just seems never to burn out.



I'm interested to know if this works as well as advertised.


Famous First Lines





For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

In my opinion, this is one of the better ones. Just sound out exactly what you see. If I got it so can you.




Anonymous said...

The photo of the guy in the water is photoshopped, the photo of him is from the Texas flood.

David said...

The art on the name tags....
Eminem sang a song called "hi my name is slim shady"

Thank you for the daily escape!

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