About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, September 24, 2018

MONDAY #3557

One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Each of us need all the inspiration we can get.

At first, I thought he was a blind quality control inspector, but the comments said he was just sleeping on the job.

That ain't how those bones work, fool.


Kids are a little young for that don't you think?


Girl shoots her own phone live.

I loved Boston because there are statues like that everywhere.

Speaking of people interacting with statues...

Repurposing potholes

Yeah, I think about shit like that while I'm trying to go to sleep.

How to get yourself black flagged for life...

I don't get it. Anyone? Take it real slow, I'm not that smart of a man.

Do you believe that to be true?

*teacher sees students sharing a note*
Teacher: Why don’t you read that out loud.
Student: [reading note] Dear teacher, this is an intervention. Your methods of discipline via public humiliation are uninspired carbon copies of Hollywood tropes. We wrote this letter as a class.



This is my post, stranger.

Lucky bastard.

What’s wrong, cat's got your tongue?


Just blew up my daughter's beach ball by mouth & I'm afraid this beach ball would not pass a sobriety test.



I used to accumulate oddball sections like this all the time.

The way rain carved out the sand around this ball and 'elevated' it.
On the beach, a heavy rain does the same thing to shells.



Motorola patents a robocop autonomous car that breathalyzes, Mirandizes you, calls your lawyer and collects your bail.

This is what the Lincoln penny that works as a calibration target for Mars Curiosity looks like after nearly 4 months of dust storms, on September 4, 2018.

That did not end like one would assume.

 A tiny woman at work just sneezed and it sounded like a Chipmunk being shot out of a cannon.



And to think, that is done very similarly to the tennis ball on the beach.

Soccer players only being able to see the overhead view.

Would one of you smart motherfuckers explain to me what that is?

Aiken, South Carolina has tons of horses downtoen and have these very things.

Please utterly destroy this particular car...
Can I assume that was a car?

Secondary explosions is a good sign.

Twisted columns at Hells Gate, Idaho.

I always thought they didn't like going down stairs.

Original is in Russian.

What kind of a learning curve does that dumb fuck have?

This doesn't fit anywhere else, so...
Somebody try that and let us know if it actually works.

 I used to weigh eight pounds and could only get around if others carried me, but all it took was one frosted cake a year to change all that.

That's true, you know.












Robin said...

For number 12. The programmer doesn't come back because his wife hasn't used an 'End-While' statement I think, so he is trapped in an endless loop.

WHILE condition DO action END_WHILE

David said...

In the bus window...Batman!

Anonymous said...

Even with an END WHILE, nothing in the loop changes his state of being 'out', so since he continues to be out, he must continue to buy milk.

I think the Batman on the window was created by removing areas of dirt.

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