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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


And from the sane side of the argument...

 Heads up: it takes 2 weeks after MMR to be effective. Keep them quarantined from other kids a few more days.

Not getting your kids vaccinated should be classified as child abuse. 


The latest on the Erin Burnett's part being crooked or straight gambling saga...
 To curtail arguments we have refined our judging process. One of us will write down whether we want crooked or straight, but not show it to the other one. Then that other one will judge whether the part is, in fact, crooked or straight. That simple rule may very well save my marriage.
It's the equivalent of having one of your children break the candy bar in half and the other gets to choose which half they want.



Let's play What Happens Next!
A. He does a backflip off the truck.
B. He almost does a backflip off the truck.
C. He almost does a backflip off the truck but he's still in a fix.
D. He gets aid from an unlikely source.



Meanwhile in Brazil...
C. He almost does a backflip off the truck but he's still in a fix.
D. He gets aid from an unlikely source.

Tibetan singing bowl

Guy found a chamber under his fireplace.
I thought it would be a chute to empty ashes, but no, it's a sunken safe. No word on the contents, which is unfortunate.

Look closely.

Friends and family not calling you? Stop paying for your Netflix account.



That is the way I always looked when forced to sit through yet another staff meeting.

If you ever saw that scene you will never forget it.

I watched this again the other night, but I think The Life of Brian was a much better and funnier movie.

In The Life of Brian when asked: "Why can't women go to a  stoning, mom?"


Something you don't see every damn day...

Robin Williams Didn’t Kill Himself.
He had dementia with Lewy body disease. He didn’t spontaneously commit suicide due to mental illness, it was self-inflicted euthanasia.
Self-inflicted euthanasia.

Until you work in food or retail, you have no idea the level of stupidity that exists in the world.



Canadian News Conference

Freaky the way they keep walking even though toppled.

China's Lander Just Sprouted First-Ever Plants on the Moon.

Update: They froze to death.

Make mine a triple...


She learns her foster parents adopted her.

A Ukrainian soldier, Sea of Azov • Ukraine
I haven't written much lately about my concerns over Russian expansionism. Now it seems we have a president who works for Putin. I weep for the future.
Did you notice the Tiger Teeth arrayed on the beach to deter tank landings?

I almost put this in the Public Service Section.
There are only a few rules:
1. Always put more weight on the front end.
2. If it gets to swaying, you MUST speed up!

Burger King used to have salad bars.
Yeah, they sold two a day and finally said Fuck this shit.

Adulthood was invented in 1412 when Peter J. Adult realized that his whole body hurt but he still had to be alive for a while.

That's not all that funny, but how often do you run across mural cartoons?


Simulation of the genetic variations among tigers.

There is a whole lot I don't understand about this.

If I'm not mistaken, the folds hold scene particles in aiding tracking.

Just another reason not to get on of those murderous little bastards.

Did you shit on the floor?

So you want to be a snake handler.
And the entire internet planet cheers for the snake.

Our relationship with ants is weird. Ants are, like, "Hey, I only want those tiny crumbs, okay?" And we are all, "No you motherfucking will not!"






If it's so smart, why the fuck doesn't it just close the damn door?
















Wanting the rich to pay more taxes does not make me a communist.




Anonymous said...

"Now it seems we have a president who works for Putin. I weep for the future."

Do you really believe that or are you quoting CNN?

After 8-years of a President that let Putin get away with anything (while apologizing), we now have a President enforcing sanctions, starting new sanctions and drawing a line in the sand on Russian expansion. We have a President going toe to toe with Russia.

But, because Russia may have released factual information letting American know who HRC really is, and the current President has talked to another world leader (i.e. Putin), then of course, he must work for Putin. That is what, at least, what most media would like to you believe.

I don't like the President's Presidentialism, but really???

I too weep for the future. With ultra liberal higher education institutions brain washing our kids and the current push for "fundamental rights," I hope I'll be dead before we are all taxed to death and the US rightfully dies. I wish the media didn't have an agenda and simply reported the factual news instead of their undue influence on the gullible and politics. Today, the media can determine who is elected. In the current situation, they lost for the first time and it's driving them crazy. That's the real travesty today.
Anyway, that’s my debate item of the day. Change my mind.

Ralph Henry said...

There is no changing your mind, my friend.

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