About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, February 2, 2019


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Speaking of the Super Bowl

 Here are some bets you can make.
I took first turnover - interception
Shortest field goal - over 26.5 yds
First play - run
Scoreless quarter - yes
Extra point miss - yes


Polar Vortex Illustrated

How cold is it?






Why wouldn't the emergency vehicles just use the outside lane and not rely on every single driver doing this correctly?

After years of research & millions of dollars, engineers can accurately replicate two drunk people carrying a sofa.

For those not in the know, this is Simone Giertz. She makes hilarious (she calls them "Shitty") robots on the internet.
A while back Simone was diagnosed with a brain tumor that she named "Brian". Simone had to undergo surgery to excise the majority of Brian. That campaign had the slogan "Evict Brian". However, It seems that Brian the tumor is starting to grow again. So Simone is going to undergo Radiation Therapy, this time. Good news is that this is all technically according to plan, and the doctors have anticipated this happening, and are prepared for it.

What a beautiful knife. 

Please remember that the job of a corporation is to make money for the shareholders. They will do the right thing only when the wrong thing affects its bottom line.

Individual Fire Escape #1
I'll take two.


I thought I was in a foul mood but it's been 43 years now so I guess that's who I am now.



 She's actually lucky that it was only embarrassment that she suffered.

That message ought to be on billboards across America.

It's unclear if Chinese regulators have issued a specific directive barring men from being shown wearing earrings, or whether TV stations are reacting to a shift in what is considered culturally appropriate. Last year, China's media regulator banned TV stations from featuring actors with tattoos. Depictions of "hip hop culture, sub-culture and immoral culture," were also banned according to Chinese state media.
RH: How fucking childish.
Looks like they have some bad...habits.

Speaking of...
I actually watched that movie...I swear.
And they were some badass nuns.

1953 nuclear blast test disintegrates a house
But we haven't had a World War since their invention.

Expect the unexpected...
Anybody want to explain that to me?

Fuck vandals...

He seems to take a rather long time diagnosing the problem.

I don't always do heathen shit, but when I do it's because I'm a heathen and heathens do heathen shit.




Let's watch this again.


Oh, look, another repost.
I smile every time I see that.

I knew a guy who would force small roaches up his younger sister's nose.

I didn't know that! 

When we make the first contact with aliens...

Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

When you're in the mood but she isn't.

My friends were supposed to come over so I put on pants. Now they're not so I'm just sitting here looking stupid with pants on in my own home.



Fossilized Insect Discovered in Opal Instead of Amber

It would be a supreme privilege to be highly regarded by a whale.

The most Irish photo ever taken.

 How improbable.
 I found this oh so interesting.

Cutting peat with a slean the traditional way to supply the household with fuel for winter.
Imagine living in a place where you can burn your dirt.

Gold bar stops Industrial Shredder
 I can't figure out the dynamics of that.

An overnight accumulation of about 20 inches of heavy wet snow dubbed “Sierra cement” causing a Cessna Citation X business jet at an outdoor parking spot to do a tail stand at Truckee Tahoe Airport in Truckee, Calif.

Huge piles of impounded and broken bicycles lie in a rubbish dump after dozens of bike-sharing companies went bankrupt last year in Nanjing, China. 

Sub comes to aid of boat in a storm
 Oscar-class nuclear-propelled cruise-missile submarine K-119 Voronezh of the Russian Northern Fleet
"Don't worry little floatie, Mandingo is here to save you." 

My old friend caught under a guy's home microscope.

A large, circular ice floe spins slowly in the Presumpscot River in Westbrook, Maine.
 I know you've seen at least one of those, but I find them fascinating.

Hidden beauty in Iceland. The photographer, Andy Bottiglieri, spent days searching for it and didn’t want to reveal its location.


 Wear your seatbelt!






Seriously, we Americans have to do something about healthcare. Even you anti-communists must admit that there is a real problem. So, let's hear some of your solutions.
But without reinventing the wheel couldn't we just pick one of the hundreds of universal healthcare systems in every developed country and just copy it? Maybe include that if you can afford it you can pay for your own and get what you want, like shorter wait times.
I don't care how we do it, I'm just tired of old people losing their homes when they get sick.
And we Americans pay more than anyone in the developed world and yet we don't cover everyone. People complain that Medicare for all will cause your taxes to go up, but you wouldn't have to pay for insurance.




Chris H. said...

Ralph, try this for your pages https://moz.com/blog/how-to-improve-site-performance-using-gifs. It's getting harder to load your posts due to the GIFs. Trying to help so I can continue enjoying your blog.

Ralph Henry said...

That is total Greek to me. I want to make it better for my viewers, but there is no way I can decipher those instructions. Sorry, but thanks for the effort to aid me.

Chris H. said...

Well, if I lived closer, I'd help ya out while we had a few beers.

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