About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, May 20, 2019

MONDAY #3798

One Of My Very Own





 I have first-hand knowledge of several cases of brother/sister incest.

 Most involve an older sister with a younger brother. It happens so often that I refuse to condemn it. Let's just call it the sexual curiosity of youth.

Speaking of such things...

I was unaware of the seemingly universal skepticism of anything Indian when it comes to male/female contact. 

 I've seen still photographs of this but never seen it rolling.
We all need a hobby. 

Restoring 100 years of coral reef in just two years.
We all need to do our part to heal the planet.

“9” was an underrated movie.

Humor is important.

The little pleasures make a big difference.

He's cooking an ostrich. 


Get the employment that you enjoy.

If you need cheering up, just remember there were hundreds of Scientologists trapped on a boat infected with measles.

Of course, I see no difference between Scientology and every other religion. They are all coping mechanisms that have long outlived their usefulness.
Speaking of,
 You still think that crucifixion is the most horrible form of execution? How about this one?

Me: I prefer telling outside jokes.
Coworker: Don’t you mean inside jokes?

Me: Not to you.



Each of these items has something in common.
Answer to follow:



Babies all have it...


That dolt drank the salt.

Sleep vs ice cream

What the fuck was that? 

Another expressive dog...


No, this is not a high school science project gone bad.

Somebody bred this on purpose.
Speaking of why I'm a dog person...

If a cat did that to my wife it wouldn't survive the night.

The Mystery Theme is...
Well, at least take a guess.

RH: I do my best, folks.


We got invited out to dinner and my wife told me it required my Funeral Pants.



Tree abrading power lines.
By law, the power company must keep the trees trimmed to curtail such events. But homeowners go nuts when they show up to trim trees in their yards. Not me. I thank them. 

There are always people who want to mind everyone else's business. Don't be those people.

This man peels his nuggets.
I find it odd, but I'm the guy who likes mayonnaise on his French fries. 

 People can eat whatever the fuck they want, but there is no reason to make up lies about your choice.




🎶He fought the law and the dog won...🎶 

Situational awareness at its finest.

Cabbie serves quick justice to purse thief on a scooter.
So, in that country, you can attempt to murder a purse snatcher with impunity?

I actually talked to a man who blamed the students, saying they threw light bulbs which sounded like gunfire when they burst. 


What Happens Next?
 The Dancing Pallbearers Drop the Body Out Onto The Ground in:
A. 2 steps
B. 4 steps
C. 6 steps
D. 8 steps

C. 6 steps

But that was not an oddity. Apparently, it's done frequently.

Me: Where are the kids?
Wife: Mom’s
Me: Really?! Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

W: Almost certainly not.



Colossus of Rhodes
 The Colossus was a 104ft tall triumphal statue of the Greek sun god Helios built over Mandraki Harbour in Rhodes on 49ft marble pedestals allowing ships to pass between his legs.
 The Colossus, a symbol of unity, was sculpted during twelve years beginning in 304 BC by Chares of Lindos. Unfortunately, despite the gigantic size, the marvel couldn’t withstand a powerful earthquake a mere 56 years later.

Great Pyramid of Giza
 The 481ft-tall pyramid was built on 13 acres as a tomb for the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu in 2560 BCE. It was discovered that up to 100,000 skilled Egyptians stayed at the temporary city while building pyramids, and this largest and most impressive construction of 2.3 million stone blocks weighing between 2.5-15 tons is the only ancient wonder left to admire for modern-day tourists.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon
 There’s some speculation over whether this existed in real life or just in a writer’s imagination.  Legend has it, that The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built near the Euphrates River in modern-day Iraq as a gift from Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar to his wife, Amytis, who was homesick for the verdant mountains of the Median Empire.

Lighthouse of Alexandria
 The lighthouse that set the bar for all future lighthouses, the monumental Lighthouse of Alexandria, commissioned by Ptolemy I and built in 300 – 280 BCE by Sostratus of Cnidus, is believed to be the first lighthouse in the world.
 The spectacular 330ft tall building was for centuries the third tallest building in the world after the pyramids of Giza. A burning fire on top of the structure of three levels: a square level at the bottom, an octagonal level in the middle and a cylindrical top, guided men at sea until the lighthouse was gradually demolished by earthquakes between the 12th century and late 15th century and transformed into a medieval fortress by Mamlūk sultan Qāʾit Bāy.

Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
 An elaborate tomb built for Mausolus, king of Caria, was so spectacular that the late ruler’s name became a word describing a large funeral monument. The massive 148ft mausoleum was built in present-day Bodrum around 350 BCE. Made of white marble, the structure reflected Greek, Egyptian and Lycian architectural features.

Statue of Zeus
 Unfortunately, the Elean culture’s Statue of Zeus at Olympia has not stood the test of time – or, more accurately, the test of fire. The 43ft tall remarkable piece, which depicted the God of Thunder on a throne, was an attempt to overshadow the Athenians, but it didn’t shine for long. Its wooden frame and cedar throne were destroyed in 426CE, and its rich gold, ivory, ebony decorations, and precious stones are now missing, presumed pilfered.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
 The structure built and destroyed three times: Herostratus was first, in an act of attention-seeking arson; then the Goths, who destroyed the city on the run; and finally, in 401 CE, the Christians left behind only the foundations and a single column which can still be visited today in Turkey.










1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent article! We are linking to this great post on our site.
Keep up the great writing.

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