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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 12, 2019

FRIDAY #3851

One Of My Very Own
German humor. 



Money and power can buy innocence and always has. Recently a judge in NJ presiding over a rape case said the 16-year-old came from a "good" home so deserves leniency in a rape case. 
This stuff happens all the time....THIS is what economic inequality is really about. The wealthy treat others as personal toys and society accepts it. 
DEMAND JUSTICE, not just to see these people rot but to show the victims that their lives matter! 
Society told all those girls that ultimately this piece of shit mattered more than they did.


 I enjoyed that.




I find all that merely confusing.

And that is why I became a muralist. I sell my art BEFORE I create it.
But now with my dollar art, it is different. But then again, it's not for sale. They are heirlooms.

“Inspiration is for amateurs — the rest of us just show up and get to work.” - Chuck Close
RH: I agree that most folks overthink the whole process.

 My one and only visit to the National Gallery in Washington, I spent all my time studying a Monet's Water Lilies.

I do like being able to identify the tools required to create various paintings.

That was done with a palette knife.

The advice of a pure novice.

I like the scale of murals. Not easily ignored. 

I'm also a fan of humor as an art tool.


It's titled "Einstein Draped in Afzelia Spacetime." 
Want to see how it was done?



That is excellent advice in certain art forms. 
That is absolutely true for an Expressionist.


I always wanted to be a Gregorian Monk but I never got the chants.



I tend to agree.

Design...good design, allows unique solutions to old problems.
Apartments in Guizhou China



Sometimes the thing design has to sell is an idea.

I'm not even sure what this message is, but I'm sure a designer had a hand in it.


Other examples of the designing mind.



I've done stuff I'm not proud of and the stuff I am proud of is disgusting.





I tend to just decide to be extra happy from time to time.
It works.



What a wonderful question.

And, in my opinion, hardly anyone realizes we are being bombarded with propaganda every damn day.

Is that deep or just clever?

Yeah? Tell that to Bill Gates.



British people use cunt as a term of endearment.



I think it was losing its grip and was forced to toss it up and get another. 

This article raises awareness that not all extra fingers are useless and must be surgically removed.
 Article: Tying your shoes with one hand or having an intense advantage in video games might be possible if you have six fingers, according to researchers.
Researchers say people with polydactyly normally have the extra fingers removed because they look odd or aren’t completely developed — but now they say having a sixth finger can save you from using two hands.
Researchers found the sixth finger of a mother and her son was controlled by its own muscles and nerves, while the muscles around the thumb were also different — giving the study subjects more control with one hand than five-fingered counterparts.
For example, the mother and son could tie their shoes with one hand, use the extra finger when typing and the teen include the sixth finger while gaming.
“Our subjects can use their extra fingers independently, similar to an additional thumb, either alone or together with the other five fingers, which makes manipulation extraordinary versatile and skillful."
Source: https://nationalpost.com/health/sixth-finger-not-a-useless-mutation-scientists-say-after-brain-scans-of-mother-and-son 

I was what used to be called an AIM guy - Air Intercept Missile. Of course, mine had a nuke warhead to take out a whole squadron with one shot. 

Bless their hearts.

I have NEVER been dared into trying drugs.

But I was usually the one selling the stuff so there's that.

99% of my drug memories are beautiful memories.


"She was the nation's first lesbian astronaut" as far as she knew.

The plug is too large to fit under that frame. How do you get it out easily?

2 plus 2 is not 5.
(NOTE: I ran completely out of Purple Prose and had to make one up until I can replenish my supply.)









 And people actually believe that.






Scott James said...

D7 - The plug was never actually under the frame in the first place. As I am sure you noticed, the cord ran over the top of the frame. I have done something very similar with the cub-scouts as a mental challenge activity. It's exactly the same concept. It's hilarious watching 15 pairs of kids trying to get free.

Below is a short 1 minute video, performed by two adults, showing that "trick". Might be fun to try with your grandson when he gets a little older.

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