One Of My Very Own
Satellite photos of the Grand Bahama Island before and during Hurricane Dorian (Credit: Google Earth, ICEYE)
Notice airport left of center.
Satellite photos of the Grand Bahama Island before and during Hurricane Dorian (Credit: Google Earth, ICEYE)
Notice airport left of center.
Lack knowledge of basic physics principles...
The reason why I don’t jump out of a perfectly good airplane.
^^A 9-10^^
The employee of the year competition.
These are pretty funny.
In theory it was a good plan.
^^A 11-12^^

"Oh holy shit!
- monkey probably
“Well hello there my pretty feathered frie-“

^^A 14-15^^

A vibrant pinkish-colored seaweed that grows in temperate tropical waters could end up being a huge aid in reducing greenhouse gases.
1949 Zenith Restored
As I understand it, if the picture tube is good, then you can get them to work.
There's an instrument to check vacuum tubes and replacements can be purchased online.
Here's why:
Uber Eats for bears.
Speaking of watercraft...

USS Yorktown — deeper than the wrecks of the Titanic or Bismarck.
The imprint of a Kamikaze Attack on a Warship WW2 on the HMS Sussex (1945).

And it's still that way.

If there weren't fortunes to be made from war then there would be no war.
^^B 5-8^^
Cable Clamper

Camera Stabilizer

Movie Magic
I enjoyed that shit out of that.
^^B 10-11^^
Smoked Boiled Peanuts

Boil green peanuts for 24hours in a mix of salt, cajun spices, sauces, etc. Then put the nuts in a pot inside a smoker and slow smoke all day.
Making a dome out of sugar.
^^B 12-13^^
150-year-old nightmare fuel

But will the premiums increase more than the price of the Epipens?
I read an article about cannibalism. It stated that even though many mammals eat their own, we humans almost universally find it repugnant. Many people have starved to death because they simply couldn't eat human flesh. I have no such reservations.
The great mattress migration was caught on camera this year!


Would any of you gym rats explain this to me...
It reminds me of this golden oldie..
Convicted pedophile priest, George Pell, just lost his court appeal and will stay in jail.
This is big news cos he is by far the most high ranking Catholic priest to be convicted of sex crimes. He was a Cardinal and was said to be the third highest-ranking person in the Vatican just a few years ago.
Not only has he been found guilty (again) of these crimes, but it is important to remember he systematically covered up the abuse of other priests and enabled them to re-offend when he was a bishop in Australia. Let him rot in jail.
It has been rumored that the Prime Minister will strip him of his Order of Australia Medal. It's now time for the Vatican to take away his Cardinal title.
The reason why I don’t jump out of a perfectly good airplane.

There are two kinds of thrill-seekers...^^A 9-10^^
The employee of the year competition.
These are pretty funny.
In theory it was a good plan.
^^A 11-12^^

"Oh holy shit!
- monkey probably
“Well hello there my pretty feathered frie-“

^^A 14-15^^

Why does every toy in Toy Story always stop moving when a human is around? Who do they answer to? Who created that rule?

A vibrant pinkish-colored seaweed that grows in temperate tropical waters could end up being a huge aid in reducing greenhouse gases.
1949 Zenith Restored
As I understand it, if the picture tube is good, then you can get them to work.
There's an instrument to check vacuum tubes and replacements can be purchased online.
Here's why:
Uber Eats for bears.
Speaking of watercraft...

USS Yorktown — deeper than the wrecks of the Titanic or Bismarck.
The imprint of a Kamikaze Attack on a Warship WW2 on the HMS Sussex (1945).

And it's still that way.

If there weren't fortunes to be made from war then there would be no war.
^^B 5-8^^
Cable Clamper

Camera Stabilizer

Movie Magic
I enjoyed that shit out of that.
^^B 10-11^^
Smoked Boiled Peanuts

Boil green peanuts for 24hours in a mix of salt, cajun spices, sauces, etc. Then put the nuts in a pot inside a smoker and slow smoke all day.
Making a dome out of sugar.
^^B 12-13^^
150-year-old nightmare fuel

But will the premiums increase more than the price of the Epipens?
I read an article about cannibalism. It stated that even though many mammals eat their own, we humans almost universally find it repugnant. Many people have starved to death because they simply couldn't eat human flesh. I have no such reservations.
The great mattress migration was caught on camera this year!

Calories in one pistachio: 4
Calories burned opening one pistachio: 2,753
Take that, kale.


That girl needs her ass kicked.
Custom coffin for a career school bus driver.
A bus driver's family has that kind of discretionary income?^^C3^^
Guy saves a family from a flooded house.^^C5^^

Would any of you gym rats explain this to me...
It reminds me of this golden oldie..
^^C8^^Convicted pedophile priest, George Pell, just lost his court appeal and will stay in jail.
This is big news cos he is by far the most high ranking Catholic priest to be convicted of sex crimes. He was a Cardinal and was said to be the third highest-ranking person in the Vatican just a few years ago.
Not only has he been found guilty (again) of these crimes, but it is important to remember he systematically covered up the abuse of other priests and enabled them to re-offend when he was a bishop in Australia. Let him rot in jail.
It has been rumored that the Prime Minister will strip him of his Order of Australia Medal. It's now time for the Vatican to take away his Cardinal title.
62% of marriage conversation is just
spouses stating “I never said that.”
Change your fucking oil for christ's sake!
More than anything else, that is the strength of America and I'm afraid because of our present president some of you are beginning to think it's a us against them. We are better than that.
1 comment:
Thanks for brightening this drear day.
PS: You couldn't pay me enough o go on that ride the two young women were on.
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