One Of My Very Own
Shuri castle on the island of Okinawa burnt to ash.
The cops were called for this Halloween decoration.
Shuri castle on the island of Okinawa burnt to ash.
The cops were called for this Halloween decoration.
As a promotion for one of the bars I owned, we went to Charleston and bought a bunch of shrimp cheap, boiled them and offered all you could eat for $5. Well, this big redneck paid his $5 and started shoving the shrimp in his mouth and chewed them shell and all. I screamed, "O.Lee, you don't peel your shrimp?!?" And O.Lee said, "Sometimes I do."


And for your edification


I find the whole Brexit fiasco hilarious.
Fake Notices
And my favorite...
Due to coin flips George Washington is still making decisions to this day.

And that's a big field!
Putin the D in Vladimir.

You think he lost a bet?
An old classic...


Have you ever taken a nap on the couch during your own house party, in hopes that the guests will take the hint?
What a magnificent adaptation.
This is considered the best-preserved dinosaur fossil ever found. It came out of the oil sands in Alberta, Canada.
It is a Nodosaur that while alive likely weighed 3000 pounds. Its scaled skin and spiked armor are perfectly preserved.
It is so rare because this herbivore normally lived on land but somehow this specimen ended up floating out to sea where it sank to the bottom and was preserved by minerals.
The Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment of Tasmania published a report detailing eight sightings of a creature that is believed to have been extinct for more than 80 years, some of them reported only two months ago, which indicate that they may still be alive.
The last marsupial wolf or thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus) died in captivity at the Hobart Zoo in 1936: his name was Benjamin. The species resembled a cross between a large cat, a fox, and a wolf. He had yellowish-brown hair, powerful jaws and a bag for his young like the kangaroo.
An incredibly rare melanistic Serval.

Atomic Bomb Blasts

Say what you will about nuclear weapons but they kept us out of world wars for 70 years.

But imagine using human lab rats to test for survivability.

Scars from underground tests.
This is a tactical nuke small enough to be fired from a cannon.

I used to work on air to air nukes that would have been used to blow an entire squadron of Soviet bombers out of the air with one shot. The warhead was about as big as a basketball.
Sandhill Crane Tracking Project from Siberia
A Sandhill Crane from Chukotka, Russian Siberia finally come to its wintering ground at New Mexico, USA. This crane was captured by our Russian colleagues, Diana Solovyeva, and deployed our WT-300 GPS-Mobile Transmitter. It crossed Bering Sea Strait to Alaska. and also, it used several stopover sites at Alaska, Canada, and Central America. Finally, it may found its wintering ground in new Mexico. Last year, the other two cranes stayed in Texas, but this crane select little bit other sites for its long wintering site. And also, this crane shows the trans-continental migration route between Eurasia and America.
The train conductor's hole punch is train shaped.



French woman pours tea for a British soldier.

Believe it or not, that is a segue to the first image below.
And don't her shoes fit nice.

Anytime Franzen touches an opponent, a ghost referee manifests into the world.

How real did it seem?
Which Testicle Will Be Traumatized?
A. His left
B. His Right
C. What difference does it make - a nut shot is a nut shot?
D. He survives unscathed.
C. What difference does it make - a nut shot is a nut shot?
Talk about your messy break-up...
Somebody want to try and explain that to me?
Let that be a warning to you all.
Producer and activist Andrew Duncan bought 300 tickets to a Nets vs Raptors game and is hosting hundreds of Chinese pro-democracy activists to protest the NBA.
^^C2^^This is considered the best-preserved dinosaur fossil ever found. It came out of the oil sands in Alberta, Canada.
It is a Nodosaur that while alive likely weighed 3000 pounds. Its scaled skin and spiked armor are perfectly preserved.
It is so rare because this herbivore normally lived on land but somehow this specimen ended up floating out to sea where it sank to the bottom and was preserved by minerals.
The Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment of Tasmania published a report detailing eight sightings of a creature that is believed to have been extinct for more than 80 years, some of them reported only two months ago, which indicate that they may still be alive.
The last marsupial wolf or thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus) died in captivity at the Hobart Zoo in 1936: his name was Benjamin. The species resembled a cross between a large cat, a fox, and a wolf. He had yellowish-brown hair, powerful jaws and a bag for his young like the kangaroo.
An incredibly rare melanistic Serval.

Atomic Bomb Blasts

Say what you will about nuclear weapons but they kept us out of world wars for 70 years.

But imagine using human lab rats to test for survivability.

Scars from underground tests.
This is a tactical nuke small enough to be fired from a cannon.

I used to work on air to air nukes that would have been used to blow an entire squadron of Soviet bombers out of the air with one shot. The warhead was about as big as a basketball.
Sandhill Crane Tracking Project from Siberia
A Sandhill Crane from Chukotka, Russian Siberia finally come to its wintering ground at New Mexico, USA. This crane was captured by our Russian colleagues, Diana Solovyeva, and deployed our WT-300 GPS-Mobile Transmitter. It crossed Bering Sea Strait to Alaska. and also, it used several stopover sites at Alaska, Canada, and Central America. Finally, it may found its wintering ground in new Mexico. Last year, the other two cranes stayed in Texas, but this crane select little bit other sites for its long wintering site. And also, this crane shows the trans-continental migration route between Eurasia and America.
The train conductor's hole punch is train shaped.



French woman pours tea for a British soldier.

Believe it or not, that is a segue to the first image below.
And don't her shoes fit nice.

If you say "WHO is the World Health Organization" you are both asking and answering a question.
Anytime Franzen touches an opponent, a ghost referee manifests into the world.

How real did it seem?
Which Testicle Will Be Traumatized?
A. His left
B. His Right
C. What difference does it make - a nut shot is a nut shot?
D. He survives unscathed.
C. What difference does it make - a nut shot is a nut shot?
Talk about your messy break-up...

Somebody want to try and explain that to me?
Let that be a warning to you all.
1 comment:
Thanks for taking the time and effort to make my day a bit brighter with your posts!
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