About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


One Of My Very Own


 I looked that up to make sure they had it right...they do.
And look at the picture they used to make the point. 
 This was the image Wikipedia used for

The destruction of vegetation is bad enough...
But consider it driving mass extinction.


A day late and a dollar short, asshole. 


It's still T-shirt and shorts weather here. We haven't had a real winter in three years.





I think he would change his mind if I painted some crap on his grandmother's house.

I like the idea of sneaking around at night, but you bombers need to up your game. If you have been painting the same thing for twenty years, it might be time you evolved into something a little more sophisticated. 

- Kurt Vonnegut

I want to believe so badly.

Is he getting a blowjob? 


For me, that is very, very true. 

You might want to travel around and talk to people. 

That is another nice segue. 


I haven't killed a single person this year by accident or on purpose.




Only best friends can get away with shit like this...

"Warning shot."

A friend in need...

Banksy's dark 'nativity scene' appears in a Bethlehem hotel.

I bet his mom is proud. 

Civil disobedience can be fun...

Hong Kong is the most expensive housing market in the world. It has been ranked as the least affordable housing market on Earth for eight years in a row, and the price per square foot is only going up.


You really need to look at that.


How very depressing.

Nice feet.



Wife threw a giant bottle of Omega-3 at me but I only suffered super fish oil injuries.

This was a thing.



 Bricks painted to look like books.
I did something very similar one time. 

The exact WRONG way to make a Molotov Cocktail.

It gets worse the more you look at it.
It's a bullet...or it used to be.

 But they left off my favorite part.

I thought he was fucked at first.




I'm assuming this is an art installation.


Don't blame a clown for acting like a clown. Ask yourself why you keep going to the circus.





How very clever.




I try - I really do.

"...only a fraction..." Well, 99% is a fraction. 

If your neighbor has wind chimes, you have wind chimes.




 There can be only one.

That's one of the most touching things I've seen lately. 


Wildfire climbs a mountain, vertically. [Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
Destroying whole eco-systems. 



Technically, all the money you have ever spent on food has been flushed down the toilet.



I regularly visit a site called This Isn't Happiness. It's mostly about art, photography, and philosophy. They sell these T-shirts to fund it.

Many of their art photography involve women. However, I am forbidden to show you certain female body parts.

I cropped a tiny bit from the left to remove the offending nipple...
 Something I was loathed to do.

This is a protest against such Puritanism.

Without further ado I present
Women Younger Than My Wife.

Expect more where that came from.













Larry sez said...

As a youngster I was always taught that there were two sides to every story and then there’s the truth............

David said...

Puzzle time. Jason

Ralph Henry said...

For the benefit of my other viewers would you always be so kind as to explain your reasoning?

Anonymous said...

Jason is the killer.
Take the first letter of each of the month numbers to spell the name.
6=J une
4=A pril
9=S eptember
10=O ctober
11=N ovember

Scott James said...

The numbers where on a calendar. Therefore, the calendar must give the numbers meaning.

6 = June, 4 = April. Quite honestly that is as far as I went before settling on "Jason". His was the only name that would fit at that point.

To continue, 9 = September, 10 = October, 11 = November.

Take the first letter of each month and you get "Jason"

Suppe said...

Puzzle time

why not 7,8,9,10,11 or 1,4,9,10,11? Both would have spelled out as Jason as well but both possibilities would have been more convincing:
Selecting a row of consecutive numbers being easier to the dying mind than arbitrary ones for the first example and a 1 being easier to write with your own blood than a 6. So, why 6,4,9,10,11?

I do not really delight on "logical" puzzles if the "solution" is just one chosen arbitrarly out of several possibilities without further reasons. Or are there?

Charlie said...

I have just caught up on your blog after a business trip. I noticed that you never corrected your blaming of global warming for the Aussie fires.

Ralph Henry said...

What good would it have done, Charlie?

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