About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

SUNDAY #4056

One Of My Very Own


Many people are thrilled...don't give up too soon...
I hope that's not an omen of things to come.



In order to try to stop the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus, villages are building brick walls to keep outsiders from spreading the virus.
Question: If you and your family were fleeing a deadly pandemic, would that wall stop you?

Why one Hong Kong doctor is in support of a strike of medical personnel amid the coronavirus outbreak.
Medical staff in HK feel that a strike is the only way to pressure a seemingly unresponsive govt to close the border with China. A reporter interviewed a doctor who is paying for his own quarantine in a hotel on why he supports a strike.

Here are dozens of insightful sites about this subject:















 Everybody’s got a thing






During a bowl game the ref, while his mic was live, asked for more time to be added to the clock, then when it was added said: "Thank you." First time I've ever heard that. Must be a Southern boy.



Always have a Plan B. Always. 
Then be something else. The rules are pretty clear on this.

Why do so many young Americans think about dying?

I have made an observation that should consider every American. Very few young people think that they will have a better life than their parents. BUT this is the first time that their parents agree with them. The parents can't help but notice that the deck is stacked against their children when it comes to stagnant wages, health care costs, the higher education trap, the crumbling of the planet caused by global warming, etc, etc, etc.

Our children need help but nobody seems to be listening.

Not to the survivors.

I come from the old school.
 I don't think a full life can be achieved without sharing it with another.


No one is so entrenched that they can't change.

Every decision we make should put the people of this country first.

We have seen the brave young people around the globe taking on the unfairness of their governments.

We put a toe in the water a few years ago, but it petered out quickly.

I say young people should be shutting down colleges and any other entity that mistreats them.

You people who live in relative comfort need to come to terms with modern life. Young people KNOW they will have

no retirement, no house, maybe a family, no degree, no health care. And they feel powerless to change a system that cares not a wit for them.


It's interesting growing up and learning that most adults are not smart. I had my suspicions as a kid but I didn't think the situation was this dire.
( Read that over a couple of times)



Alice doesn’t live here anymore.


There are people who think that all art is equal, all music is equal, and all dance is equal.
Do you really think that twirling around on you back on the sidewalk is equal to this?
Do you think rap music is equal to opera?
The point is - that kid being told to take his fat letter bombing to a gallery just doesn't get it.

Dead at 83, Helen Frankenthaler

She is one of my favorites.


Is there any doubt that the judicial system is corrupt?


I never was very impressed with singers, actors or sports stars.
I was impressed with astronauts and scientists like Jonas Salk.



There are no rules saying your New Year's resolution can't be for evil.



I saw the above and made these labels that will be stuck all over my fair city.

That's the way I sometimes feel about blogging. But lately, when I'm criticized I just ask them to take it out of my pay.

Kim Jong-Un Privately Doubting He's Crazy Enough To Run North Korea.
 Kim Jong-un, heir apparent to North Korea’s highest government post, expressed doubt that he was sufficiently out of his mind to succeed his father, longtime dictator Kim Jong-il.

Changing just one small line of code...


Scholastic releases a new Texas science book approved by Betsy DeVos.


Made of a urinal.

That Twilight Zone episode where Barack Obama becomes a mannequin at the mall.


And she thinks that makes her more attractive.












You really need sound to hear this motherfucker






1 comment:

Larry said...

Made from a bathtub.........

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