About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

SUNDAY #4105

One Of My Very Own


This is a super-long post but you probably have some time on your hands anyway. 
Enjoy, Gentle Reader and stay safe.


From 2007

A warning from Italy

The military is transferring victims (deceased) of covid-19 from Bergamo to other regions to be cremated. The local facilities are overwhelmed.
This is a country with excellent, well-funded healthcare but it's just too many now.
If you're in a country with only a few cases and still feel that it's just the media being overly dramatic, think again while you can still do something. Also, if hospitals get swamped, good luck with any other emergency. 
Sorry for the doom and gloom, don't mean to cause further panic, but please don't underestimate this.
Be aware, be cautious, stay safe and good luck everyone!
He addressed some of the comments: 

1) source: this was all over the news here - not sure exactly who shot it - it wasn't me. Sorry for not mentioning it. I took it from
3) "Italy's healthcare system is worse than other countries": I'm not qualified to tell you and you might be right. But it's mostly a numbers problem. Any system has limited resources.
4) "Italy's population is old": this is true. We might have it worse for this reason. 

5) "These are small numbers"; only x deceased; the mortuary had a very small capacity - I don't think absolute numbers matter so much (with the caveat of point 4) - the town of Bergamo had 23 deaths in a week last year in the same period. Now they had 330 in a week. source: SOURCE: CLICK HERE
Still not even on the list...


I agree with that. I learn everything I can about this shitshow.
But I find it disquieting when I listen to people telling me the end of the world is here one minute and seconds later listen to an insurance or cell phone commercial.
Who the fuck is in charge?

A different take on the same leadership problem.


 I gotta say, my reaction to the average McDonald's employee is not "I'd like to see them naked."
Now chic-fil-a, on the other hand...
Our grocery stores are finally - FINALLY! - put limits on some high demand items.
Gas prices down but we can't go anywhere.

I was embarrassed by the president's reaction to that man's question.
So I'll share of a meme of it.

Didn't see it? Check out this irrational outburst.



How fast is a snail?


This could have been a perfect loop with a little effort and that angers me.
The internet has tainted me.

Demonstration of how easy it is to not notice a motorcycle on the road.

I'll just leave that there. 

Rotating The Indiana Bell Building 1930
The massive undertaking began in October 1930. Over the next four weeks, the massive steel and brick building was shifted inch by inch 16 meters south, rotated 90 degrees, and then shifted again by 30 meters west. The work was done with such precision that the building continued to operate during the entire duration of the move. All utility cables and pipes serving the building, including thousand of telephone cables, electric cables, gas pipes, sewers, and water pipes had to be lengthened and made flexible to provide continuous service during the move. A movable wooden sidewalk allowed employees and the public to enter and leave the building at any time while the move was in progress. The company did not lose a single day of work nor interrupt their service during the entire period. Incredibly most of the power needed to move the building was provided by hand-operated jacks while a steam engine also some support. Each time the jacks were pumped, the structure moved 3/8th of an inch. The building stood for 33 years at its new location, until it was demolished in order to make room for the expansion of the new headquarters building. 

Dinosaur Mummies
 Edmontosaurus annectens, discovered in 1908

Close up of skin

Brachylophosaurus Canadensis - nicknamed Leonardo, discovered in 2000. Remains were so well preserved the stomach region preserved ingested plant material and parasites.

The most recent and famous find, the 2017 discovery of a nodosaur in the oil sands of Alberta

The preservation of the remains was so good that scientists were able to detect pigmentation in the skin. Showing that it's color was a reddish-brown.


Amazing Aircraft Camouflage.
That one was very good but I almost gave up on finding this next one.
It's a WWII bomber dead cent flying right to left.

Do you know what these are?

Records used to come in different speeds and sizes but could be played on the same machine. The larger holes of the 45rpms were adapted with one of those inserts.
Why they didn't just make all the holes the same size was never addressed.

Friend: Sorry I've been so busy! I got my master's in genetic engineering, singlehandedly solved a murder, invented time travel, discovered a new Pi number, climbed Mt. Everest and I taught myself to read Sumerian. What have you been up to???

Me: I've been super into Netflix lately.




Interacting with children on the beach is one of my most favorite things to do.


My wife was furious with Publix for doing that. I told her to ask the manager for a map of the new layout and he did, in fact, have one.

And yet there are those that argue against higher education.

Charge $1 apiece for either and watch how fast the customers bring their own cloth bags. 

I find this quite beautiful in a natural sort of way.
Where do they hang all the art?

Zombie apocalypse safehouse?

That is my kind of tradition - make up your own a quit copying everyone else. 

Jim Rice, former Red Sox LF, forever hero.
 The date was August 8, 1982. The Red Sox were playing an afternoon game at Boston's Fenway Park. Suddenly a screaming foul ball whizzed past the first base dugout and Red Sox left fielder Jim Rice heard the unmistakable sound of the ball striking flesh. Looking around the corner of the dugout into the stands Rice saw 4-year-old Jonathan Keane bleeding profusely from his head. Realizing in a split second that it would take several minutes for park EMT's to get to the scene, the future Hall of Famer sprang into action. Rice leaped over the railing into the stands, cradled the young fan into his arms and carried the boy into the dugout where he received immediate attention from the team's medical staff. Within just a few minutes Jonathan was rushed to the hospital where doctors credited Rice with saving the boy's life. Jim Rice played the rest of the game in a blood-stained uniform, a true badge of courage.

I have no idea what this guy is doing, but if it involves one-dollar bills you know I'm in.

I want to believe so badly.
There are many scientists who spend their entire lives searching for alien life. But these men and women don't spend much time looking into UFO reports.
Think about that. If there was any chance that alien life could be found shining lights down on a trailer park in  Pelion, South Carolina or some such shit, don't you think NASA would be very interested in investigating it?

The fact that we can view high-resolution pictures of the Marian surface is still mind-blowing to me. 
And I know it's a repost, but I am of the opinion that it deserves more than one viewing.

That looks photoshopped - especially in the lower right.

We can no longer trust ANYTHING we see on the internet.

Match this ability with the ability to mimic any voice and we are in for some trickery in the near future.



An unaddressed parcel arrives. Inside is a diorama of your living room with a figure of you staring into an open unmarked parcel. The figure looks up at you and shrieks. You hear another tiny shriek from inside their parcel.








Ha! It looks like he has a towel wrapped around his waist and is wearing terry cloth bath shoes. 



I assume some are larger than others.


My neighbor came over to ask if I needed help taking down my Halloween decorations and I had to admit they were all naturally occurring because my wife likes spiders.




You would think that an emergency vehicle driver would know that bump was there.

Shit like that is just one reason that "There is more than one way to skin a cat" is my very favorite saying.

"Yeah, that’s outta my jurisdiction."
Alright, pay attention. I watched that two dozen times and could find nothing the warrant him being terrified.
I then opened it up and did a frame by frame analysis...still nothing.
Then I noticed that I had the sound off.
When you visit this site turn on the sound.

And doing shit like that is how you end up with traffic hazards like this...

"Missed me by this much..."


Lineman sliding down the power lines.


If someone finds my voodoo doll please do something about its nose hairs.





Remember that banana taped to the wall?

It was only a matter of time...



Recognize him? 

Changes in some product logos...

I have no idea what this means I just thought it was a cool image.
"I think it’s safe to say, the Snickers hole isn’t working. "





Does this mean that drive-in movies will become a thing again?



These guy's invented a new man greeting to replace shaking hands.
This guy in the back...
Serious question: Is anything better than nothing? I mean, I'm assuming the doctors know that a bandana is better than nothing. So whose to say the people above are wrong?
Think of the life lesson that man is teaching his child.
This delivery driver sends the package inside atop a model truck.
What it's really like.

Seagulls in Spain have run out of food due to the quarantine and they follow people after they leave the supermarket.
That lady is practicing social distancing, whereas this guy has quarantined himself.
Which, I assume you will agree, is a perfect segue.







These guys are playing a bastardized game of tennis while in isolation.

It's better in motion.
Making fun stuff on the computer is popular.
All the characters are the same young woman.

You really need to listen to this one...
This kid is a fucking genius!
This quarantine has left me with a lot of time to think about how to improve the world.
Teaching your dog new tricks is a fun activity...
 And if you don't have a dog...

 Alcohol makes everything better...

 This man was asked: You have two choices: A. Work from home with your wife and child. And...
The man: B.
Boss: You don't even know what B is.
The man: B.

But if you must work from home try this...

And while you deal with much more free time than you have ever had, think of these poor creatures whose whole life is lived like you are living now.




I wonder if they will call the next generation the Quarantine Generation.
I lost my virginity while I was quarantined during the Spanish Flu.











Unknown said...

The one on the left is the wife...clean knees

Anonymous said...

B-8 Not a plane at all, it is an apache helicopter. If you find the wheels, they point almost straight up to the rotor.


Anonymous said...

B9 - The larger spindle on the 45 made it easier for disc jockeys to center ithe record on the turntable spindle, while the smaller spindle on the 33 album allowed for more text on the label. The 45 only needed to list one song per side while the 33 album needed to list many tracks on each side’s label.

Dr. WeTodd said...

E3-Aztec death whistle

N2prenr said...

The real wife is the one on the (viewers) right. The neck tattoo is the same as the couple's photograph.

Anonymous said...

Re: the real wife: I'd thought about that, too, but she could have a neck tattoo on both sides. I'd have to say the one on the left is the real one; the other has no ring on her left hand. Love Unknown's answer, BTW!

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