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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


One Of My Very Own


Do those people pee and shit in diapers? 
If so, do they get extra pay for it?

My doctor's office put out a case of masks in the waiting room for the patients. By noon every mask had been stolen by the first dozen patients.
Somebody took my advice and made a pandemic related promotion for Corona beer.


Anytime someone repeats the phrase "Trust me" they are lying.

Trump has said it 34,525 times in the last five years.

My wife's car clock is right again. Her patience has finally paid off.




We all know what a quality photograph looks like.


With this one, I don't know where the art is - the arranged women or the photographic documentation.

These next two may not be art with a capital A but they are still intriguing.


What about this. Can we call it art?


I was approached by a man whose company printed any image on a vinyl sheet - huge sheets printed with durable paint. They even install the sheets with durable glue.
I think that's the technique used in the below.


I think this is paint on wall.


There’s no sentence in the English language scarier than “time for an icebreaker game!”.



As I recall, this machine has been in continuous use for centuries.

Nice catch
What a wonderful survival adaptation.

This looks like a great camping setup.

As does this.


House in Poland
 Built with no written plans

Fucking Neymar.

 I have no idea what or who "TAPPUTI" is or was. Anyone?

Bon Appétit 

Nobody ever said emus were the smartest of animals...


One of the very few cats on Folio Olio, but this is absolutely amazing.
I've never seen anything like that.


It’s fun getting room service. I just love eating a $19 hamburger at a desk in front of a mirror.

Remember that guy? I will never forget the phrase "Long Dong Silver."


Two of the 50 Photos That Brought the Vietnam War Home:
 She was burned by napalm.

I read that the man being executed was caught red-handed killing the wife and children of the police officer. 

It was total war. It would have taken an army of law enforcement officers to protect the Japanese citizens from vigilantes and we simply did not have the manpower.  

Russia is trying to divide us and they seem to be getting their way.


People tend to hate people who are not like them. But in a free society, you have the right to be different. Don't be a hater. It's unAmerican.

Remember when the Wall Street Journal wanted to show how much a tax increase would hurt average Americans?

This was back in 2013 but I still think it's funny how they portrayed these 'average' Americans.  

Do you know the difference between right and wrong or are you the kind of person who thinks that if you have yours then to hell with others?
Examples: I can afford my medicine so fuck the others who can't.
I have health insurance, fuck those without it.

I got my college degree, fuck those who have to take on hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt before they reach drinking age.


My wife once used a large croissant as an airplane neck pillow.



The very determined Escape Bananas...

The banana is the king of the fruit kingdom for a reason.

The Bosnian War Camaro
 During the Bosnian civil war, a Danish special forces soldier ran humanitarian supplies to civilians in this F-body Camaro. He carried no firearms, and the car was only lightly armored.
The supply runs started in the mid-1990s, and continued until 2005, well after the war had ended, but while rebuilding was still taking place.
 The car's V8 made around 220hp with a few bolt-ons and was reportedly pretty reliable. There was also a wet nitrous injection system that could provide a brief doubling of power in an emergency escape situation. It wasn't used very often.
The US Air Force helped him build up the car with some light rear armoring, radar-absorbent paint, foam-filled tires, and a few other modifications. It looks like Mad Max but is really only a lightly modified machine.
The real hero of the story is Helge Meyer, on the right above. Meyer was quite a religious person and credits his success to a guardian angel. Some would call it sheer luck. Either way, it was a very brave thing to do and made a genuine difference in the lives of civilians. Running at night, he managed to go places where the much more visible UN forces could not.
He lives in Denmark and still owns the car.

Soylent Green is made from people. 

Jer & Bomi Bulsara
Freddie Mercury’s parents 

I bet this girl gives the best handjobs in town.
She is probably also required to perform quality control which she is not. The girl across the table looks like she is lifting six at a time using both hands. 

"Hey Doc, I was in the middle of a nap."



What would you do?
I would go in the backdoor, unlock the front door, slide a piece of cardboard in the crack, and ease the keyring off the handle.
If that didn't work I could always knock the pins out of the hinges. 

We had a young first-generation Cuban-American in my barracks. His name was Elvis Castro (no kin to the dictator). He was so filthy rich that he had his brand new Cadillac convertible shipped to Germany. And he once showed me a drawer in which he had every paycheck he had ever received from the Air Force. Chump change for him.

This man is going to attempt a backflip in high heels.

What Happens Next?
A. He falls to pieces.
B. He makes it.
C. He more than likely breaks an ankle.
D. He impales himself with the spiked heel. 
A. He falls to pieces. 

When that fart runs down you leg on live national TV...

Did he get two meals?

37st refers to stones = about 500 pounds.

Meet the bitch
 She doesn't like scooters.
Did you notice there was an All things Ralph?


Know this - this is not the first nor the last time he has done that.
It's actually pretty clever, but did you notice the tank of propane directly under the outlet?

Didn't even turn it into an '8'; they just elongated that middle part.

They have no idea how awful that would be.

There are people who look at this and think "Boy, that would make a beautiful coat."
I am not one of those people. 

The man knew of child rapes and did nothing.

Evil flourishes when good men do nothing. 

Put me in the game, coach.















Anonymous said...

Tapputi was the first recorded chemist.

C2 - You do a disservice to your fellow Americans Mr. Ralph. German and Italian Americans were also put into internment camps. See: https://www.baltimoresun.com/maryland/laurel/ph-ll-history-ft-meade-20160219-story.html

Fardygardy said...

you do realize the campaign poster was Hermain Cain, not Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

Ralph Henry said...

No I didn't.

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