About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, October 19, 2020

MONDAY #4317

 One Of My Very Own

Think talking snake.





A very creative man. All of today's cartoons will be in his honor.



Always fascinating...

Behold perry the platypus the adaptorinator with this device I can connect anything I want together even that taco stand on the street outside with that nice pizza place downtown!

Devices plague me. My ice maker has a mind of its own. And I have never bought a printer that worked more than 50% of the time.

Long ago, in the south of Europe, modern humans and Neanderthals had at least one encounter that resulted in children. While dalliances between our two species are now well documented, no one could possibly have foreseen how grimly they would impact our world 60,000 years later.



..These watches called Zalsach were initially designed for blind people. You can tell time by touching the 2 magnets.
The sighted in the dark could use it in the dark.




Our landfill uses this bad boy which packs it down while moving it about.
Now that I've looked at that clip for the 10th time I'm thinking the first machine is used to break up concrete. Although the second machine could do the same thing while scraping it into piles.



But just saying something doesn't make it true.

The Bullshit
The Truth

And even when it is labeled as "research" you have to look at who paid the researchers...


And then there's this...
The only thing that thought me was that I need to do more research on this. I STRONGLY support free higher education but I want to see the proof.


If you think hiring a good tradesman is expensive try hiring a bad one.




That little hand gesture is like "what the fuck are you doing?"

Do you think it saw a human cracking a coconut and just mimicked it?

Those chimps look exactly like a group of men watching porn.


She looks and acts EXACTLY like how I picture cat owners.


Tardigrades finally more popular than in 1835



A bully with good grades is indestructible.



I actually get angry when I spot an extra in a movie looking at the camera.


Officer Daniel Holtzclaw of OCPD being sentenced to 263 years for multiple sexual assault charges.

Hear him weep just like his victims: CLICK HERE

Subway Sandwiches 'too sugary to meet the legal definition of being bread.




A while back a posted an item concerning mittens with trigger fingers. I looked up the image on Google and now EVERY DAY I'm bombarded with ads for the mittens.

What could make this man make this face?


American man jailed for leaving a negative review, had to pay US$4400 bail, faces 2 years in prison under Thailand's strict anti-defamation laws.

I'm not sure what they are thinking if the 1-star review is bad for tourism, jailing people after leaving a review for a bad experience going to get them more tourists? 

Full version: CLICK HERE


Actresses protest the use of corsets in performances. Broadway, New York, USA, 1946.

These overlap somewhat.

The whole ugly affair with sound:



If listening to a 30-minute explanation of a 5 minute YouTube clip sounds fun, parenting may be right for you.




October 1st

With sound: CLICK HERE


Did you ever watch the movie Magnolia?

Magnolia is a 1999 American epic psychological drama film written and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson. The film stars an ensemble cast including Jeremy Blackman, Tom Cruise, Melinda Dillon, Philip Baker Hall, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Ricky Jay, William H.

It had the most surprising series of scenes toward the end. I watched agape for 10 minutes.

Here's a hint:


La biblioteca, Feng Shao

The empty shelves at the bottom of that column really bother me.

Calais, France


That must take some real creativity.



The wounds to honor are self-inflicted.















Can we "circle back" to precedented times?












Anybody know why one of my comments would be marked like this caution?


Anonymous said...

The fifth daughter's name is Junu.

Steve said...

I think the weird !/triangle symbol on my comment was because blogger.com couldn't figure out what my profile picture was. I deleted it altogether, and now the symbol doesn't seem to appear anymore. I thought I was the only one who could see it.

Ralph Henry said...

That seems to have solved it.

Anonymous said...

Grab Bag links are good. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Good work on getting your Grab Bag links working again.

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