About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, October 17, 2020


 One Of My Very Own






Fried Chicken Burger

My arteries are clogging up just looking at that.


I watched that movie in a theater and the collective groans of the audience could be heard out in the lobby.


That thing weighs about as much as a car and it's a static load. I once checked the floor supports prior to filling a water bed.

It's probably invented by that's okay.




Bean Pizza

25-Year-Old Japanese Girl’s $40,000 Plastic Surgery Transformation


Speaking of...

It was stated that this guy is a school teacher.


A Red Cross nurse writing the last words of a dying British soldier in 1917.


It looked like he didn't even try to brake.









In law school a professor told us "The A students make the professors, the B students make the judges, the C students make the money."



I bet there are only a handful of people who have ever seen that from the bridge of a submarine.

Every young boy needs a dog.

Flowing water is rare in the desert, it needs to be filmed carefully and professionally.
I sure would like to see his phone recording.


What the fuck is that? I'm assuming it makes some sort of animal feed. But the ears don't look like they are even going down the chute.
Seriously, if you know let the rest of us know.

Every worksite needs a lazy guy to figure out the easiest way to do the tasks. Many times I was that guy.

It's a bus.

But what's wrong with her neck?

Guess who...

Farrah Fawcett in 8th grade

Then there's this...



Baby Lawyer: Did you steal the victim's nose?

Accused: No. (cries into palms)

Baby Judge: Oh, great! He disappeared again.




I had a pair of wool gloves like these...


Atmospheric circulation changed and there was much more rain, much colder weather all over Europe for six years.



Zvezda Service Module

ultrasonic leak detector to collect data through the night. The tool measures noise caused by airflow too quiet for humans to hear.

I was unaware that it was segregated like that.

Here's something we don't see very often: an Earth-grazing meteoroid.

 On September 22, 2020, a small space rock skipped through Earth's atmosphere and bounced back into space. The meteoroid was spotted by a camera from the Global Meteor Network, seen in the skies above Northern Germany and the Netherlands. It came in as low as 91 km (56 miles) in altitude – far below any orbiting satellites – before skipping back into space.


Jonas Salk, inventor of the Polio Vaccine

I read many years ago that his IQ was 100 or just average.

Can we assume by its design that all stairs are the same height?


Australian geologists uncover 100,000,000-year-old, 5km diameter, meteorite crater.

And it was pretty hard to identify even from the air.

It was an interesting article. I didn't even know there are craters all over Australia.

Is the propellant powder or compressed air?

Money well spent.

If your mayor was caught chumming it with Epstein you would demand answers.
In a couple of years when Trumps are appearing in courtrooms all over the world and the evidence is laid on the table many of you are going to say that you didn't know. Bullshit! You know he's a crook right now and yet you ignore it.






🎶What a day for a daydream...🎶









Anonymous said...

A23 I think you may want to direct you gentle readers to open it and select the political view. Great find!

Anonymous said...

A23 Sorry, I see that's exactly what you posted. Me, a gentle but not thorough reader.

Anonymous said...

FYI As of late your Grab Bag links are not often active. They work for me if I copy and open in a new tab. This is with chrome and Apple IOS.

Ralph Henry said...

As stated previously, my blog host changed EVERYTHING! I used to be able to post a link and it showed up as a link. Now I have to go through 5 or 6 steps to do what used to be automatic. Thanks for the heads up and please understand I am doing the best I can here.
I love you all.

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