About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, November 27, 2020

FRIDAY #4356

 One Of My Very Own





Don't forget to send me your predictions of what Biden will fuck up in his first year.

File clearing dump of NEWS AND OBSERVATIONS after Puzzle Time. 

Do with it as you wish.





The serotonin molecule, done in delicate watercolor technique.


Just plain good ideas
Every counter needs that feature.

The Earth


Paperman costumes his wife and he did for their 1st anniversary.


Nectar of the Gods

A tree that fell down in Spring Lake Wa. and its branches became trees.

I grew up next to one of those. One of my fondest childhood memories.


You have to love that guy.

Baseball Shananigans

People working very hard to make the rest of us smile.

Clever People


Sensorio is an art installation by Internationally-acclaimed artist Bruce Munro located in Paso Robles, Ca.

The installation is comprised of an array of over 58,800 stemmed spheres lit by fiber-optics.

They are all solar powered and start to turn on as the sun sets each night.



Parents who enjoy their responsibility


Showing your child how bad you are at juggling.



When you're a kid you don't realize that you are also watching your mom and dad grow up.




Concrete made to look like wood.

Well, I'm glad you asked:

In a remote area of the Arabian desert where erosion has recently allowed them to be clearly seen a research team found a fossilized line of footprints 260 meters long.

The diagonal track is thought to be alone rouge male who wondered by later.


Hair Freezing Contest Winners


One heck of a storm here in southern Alberta.

Imagine having to drag your balls through that every day...literally.


Notice how the back legs seem to change gait to a hop.


When I first retired I collected different moss types from all around the city in hopes one type would take hold in my back yard with a less than stellar result.

A long, long time ago I told you about this wonderful man, and my friend, Bill Roberson. 
He handcrafted my beautiful cut-glass back door.
He was listed in the credits of Forrest Gump as "Fat man on a bench."
He told me that it took two days to shoot that one short scene and while they adjusted the lights and camera and such all Tom Hanks wanted to do is pick Bill's brain on making art glass.

Then a couple of days ago I was rewatching The Patriot and lo and behold there was my friend Bill.
His line (spoken in the same Fat Man on the Bench voice) was "Massachusetts and New York might be at war but South Carolina is not!"


If I could go back and talk to my younger self I would go back and tell him that he will be proud of himself.



I attempted to collect images that transcended just human fuck ups like this.


Only one mask. That's not odd. That's stupidity.

That's been done to death but that had a twist.


Did you notice how close he came to losing fingers?

His face reminds me of this mega-viral kid...

I can almost guarantee you that's a rental.

You've got to really try to be that stupid.

Looks like something an uncle would do.

He can kiss those blowjobs goodbye for a while.

A true olio of fuck ups...

My mother used to make us all do that until the year I said, "I'm thankful that I never got caught for any of my many felonies."



Products like that usually DO NOT work as advertised.

Think vacuums...



So, one of his audience is still alive or he was full of shit.








Think I'm picking on a loser? Look what the other side is already doing already...





The difference, of course, is that this President means it.




COACH: [to the player with a head injury]: What year is it?

PLAYER: 2020.

COACH: Correct. Who is the president?

PLAYER: I don’t know.

COACH: Also correct.




While our illustrious leader plays golf.



This election - I haven’t waited this long for a result since I asked my wife to marry me.



That means that with immunity Flynn can't plead the right not to incriminate himself.
The courts are tearing Trump limb from limb. Are the courts corrupt - all of them - or are Trumps legal claims of a stolen election without merit?
And why would almost all the news outlets - both domestic and forgien - think Trump is no more capable of governing than his chaufer? Could it be that there is a mamoth worldwide conspiracy composted of a billion or so people or...OR Trump was no more capable of governing than his chaufer?


Make sure your vaccine is from Pfizer and not Pfizer Landscaping.




To hear his passion: CLICK HERE


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Anonymous said...

Puzzle:.. 13

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