About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, February 20, 2021


 One Of My Very Own






My wife showed me a map showing that South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida were the ONLY states without snow on the ground somewhere in the state.


Austin, Texas
There is a lot about that I don't understand. Not the least of which is the lack of heat even though they have electricity.

Years ago I watched a YouTube on that very thing. As I recall there is a smaller earthenware pot inside that one. The candles heat the pots that then radiate heat...AND IT WORKS! 
It works best in a small room. So gather everyone up in an interior space and crank up a couple of those.

Snow + Texans =


Why isn't there a law everywhere that the moment an emergency is declared that all prices - on everything - is frozen...no pun intended.



July 1878: Astronomers in Fort Worth prepare for an eclipse.

Why are they all pointing in different directions?

1946: Farrokh Bulsara - later known as Freddie Mercury.

It looks a little queer to me.

May 1918: The entrance to a canvas and steel tree observation post, near Souchez.


1945: Tuskegee Airmen attending a briefing in Ramitelli


November 1943: A Grumman Hellcat burns after a crash landing aboard the USS Enterprise. The pilot escaped without injury with the aid of the ground crew.


1917: A taxi driver and his cab. The balloon on the roof is a container for gas, which was used instead of petrol during The Great War and for some time later.


1916: A Suffragette showing off her “marching costume”, Chicago.


October 1990: U.S. Marines, wearing protective gas masks, improvise a game of chess at their base during Operation Desert Shield. Photo by John Gaps III.


1959: An outdoor hockey game in Sweden ends early, due to natural causes.


1 February 1943: The US 442nd Infantry Regiment was formed and activated.

The regiment is best known for its history as a fighting unit composed almost entirely of American soldiers of Japanese ancestry.

The unit's motto was "Go for Broke".


January 1968: Viet Cong infiltrators launch surprise attacks across South Vietnam, marking the start of the Tet Offensive. Among the insurgents' targets is the U.S. embassy in Saigon.

An extraordinary photo!


A history essay in 2053: Explain the use and role of blogs as a coping mechanism during the Corona Virus Pandemic of 2020.



I've seen that look before...

Stunt double at work...

1990: Tim Curry takes a break while filming IT.


There was a leaking propane canister in the cab and the engine spark ignited it. My apologies to the guy that got blowed up.

He may look okay but I guarantee you he is not.

Carpe Diem

I almost missed the felony the first time.



"Wiping Budha's tears" must look good on a resumé.



Drill Sergeant Dad Problems

The child is not intimidated.

It happens over and over every day.

If I remember correctly it is real. More impressively, nobody died.


Firefighters rescue cat from a tree


The problems with mirrors

Have you ever been that drunk?

We need all the brains we can get.

Accepting government assistance is either good or bad. Make up you damn mind!



Old people aren't so much wise as they have just run out of stupid shit to do.









Chemists have created and captured Einsteinium, the elusive 99th element of the Periodic Table

Scientists have successfully studied einsteinium — one of the most elusive and heaviest elements on the periodic table — for the first time in decades. The achievement brings chemists closer to discovering the so-called "island of stability," where some of the heftiest and shortest-lived elements are thought to reside.

The U.S. Department of Energy first discovered einsteinium in 1952 in the fall-out of the first hydrogen bomb test. The element does not occur naturally on Earth and can only be produced in microscopic quantities using specialized nuclear reactors. It is also hard to separate from other elements, is highly radioactive and rapidly decays, making it extremely difficult to study.

Researchers from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) at the University of California, recently created a 233-nanogram sample of pure einsteinium and carried out the first experiments on the element since the 1970s. In doing so they were able to uncover some of the element's fundamental chemical properties for the first time.


After leaving my parents' home with three functioning fireplaces, I never picked up another ax.

What a GREAT idea!!

I visited Homer. It was right in the middle of the Exxon Valdez oil spill.




500,000 Americans have died from a hoax that is not any worse than the flu that was supposed to disappear one day after the election.
If you ever believed one word of that then you might want to do yourself a favor and never tell your grandchildren you were that stupid.


Can we switch quarantine partners for the third wave or are we stuck with the same people as the other waves?




Praying Mantis, 23-34 Million Years Old. Perfectly Preserved In Amber


A Secretary Bird stomping the ever-living shit out of a rubber snake


With solar panels!

New cruise ship and the Titanic

I'm always amazed at how they can retrace their steps.


August 1871: A mechanical crawling doll is patented, and people never sleep the same again.


Couldn't a dog dig it up?

I bet that is delicious.

How the stationary lenticular cloud moves in position


Nice how it passes through the patches of light.

That is one thirsty dog!

Think what a huge advancement it was when man domesticated horses.

I watched a documentary that showed that when a wave reaches 90 degrees it must break. That clip illustrates that nicely.

Please! One term of cult worship is enough!

All-electric planes like this could change regional air travel


All Hospitals should have Pet visiting hours

I concur.
But why stop at dogs?






Beware of things that go boom.





Anonymous said...

Puzzle time:..
Are a slim chance and a fat chance identical

Burgervan said...

A10 Has that Bloke at the front PISSED HIMSELF?

Inchworm said...

C9 unless you are using a little butter in the pan to add more flavor. Don't want it to pour out of the pan when you 'flip' it.

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