About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021


 One Of My Very Own








I think this guy lost a bet...

What a novel idea - hiring a woman to tell men when they fuck up.

For $100 you could have one of these in the stands and may win tickets to next year's Super Bowl.

I kind of miss the Left Shark.


Betty White is 98 and just signed on to star in another TV movie. I'm 74 and just ate a banana because peeling an orange felt like too much work.



American Grace and Strength

Ms. Amanda Gorman

You might want to write that down because we will be hearing that name again.



"... the body was torn tattoos..."?
Can we assume they are in a museum?

Interview with teenage Ted Cruz



People hate him for giving them the news that they don't want to hear.
"Wear a mask to mitigate an airborne virus."
"What do you know about, smartypants?!"


How did it get out there and why couldn't it come back the same way?

I would think that has a lot to do with stride length.

My grandson's pre-school offers several language classes. One day he told his mother that he wanted to study Chinese instead of Spanish. She peppered him with questions to determine why - like: do you have a Chinese friend, did you read about China, etc. Finally, she just asked him why and he said, "The Chinese teacher serves cookies."

I think the father in the clip above was rejected because a long-awaited treat was forthcoming.


Catching Chickens: Attempt #1


Watch carefully...


This guy is demonstrating his new ax.
Did you notice the near-miss to his foot?



My wife asked me why I was whispering. I said I was afraid Mark Zuckerberg was listening. She laughed. I laughed. Alexa laughed. Siri shushed Alexa.




My dick shrinks up just looking at that photo.


Have you ever seen Stonehenge in the snow?

Me neither.

One would think he would know better.

That was probably built using wooden scaffolding.
But there is a disputed story about the Pantheon that had the emperor filling the building with soil mixed with gold coins. After the domed soil was used to support the roof forms and the concrete had cured the emperor invited citizens to haul off baskets of soil with the promise they could keep any coins they found.



Interesting house design: Netherlands






Drill Sergeant: What's you name, private?

Private: Dan, sir.

DS: Private Dancer?

Private: If you pay me enough, sir.




They called him Dick cause it was so short.



"The moose’s long, bulbous snout is still considered a delicacy among indigenous communities. Jellied moose nose is similar to European head cheese, trapping cuts of moose nose within a gelatinized broth.

A moose’s nose contains both white meat (from the bulb of the nose) and dark meat (from around the bones). The fur must be removed before cooking, either by being singed off over an open fire, peeled off after the nose has been boiled, or simply skinning the nose. Chefs then slice the nose and simmer it with onions, garlic, and an array of other spices, which may include cinnamon, cloves, allspice, or mustard seeds. Meat from other parts of the moose’s head, such as the ears and lips, may be added to the mix. Once the concoction has cooled down, the cook lays the pieces of meat in a loaf pan, douses them with broth, and places the mixture in the refrigerator so the broth can solidify. The resulting jelly is served as a loaf of bread and eaten in slices.



Pipes are used to transporting gas or liquid and are always round. Tubes can be round, square, or rectangular and are used for the construction of things like mobile home frames.

But there is much more to learn:


I read that during the pandemic rooms should be heated with something other than circulated air.

I'm thinking it has an equal mass under the water.


For a sailor?




Imagine the glee when you cut that open and find this...

Seamless gutters making.

Did you notice the low-tech tape measure?



Yeah, it got me so I figured it ought to get you too.

A rare creature, the sea angel, was found in Russia.



It's embroidery and those are strings.

I haven't a clue.

My Keyspoon installations are off and running...






Pure racism.






Inchworm said...

C8 Statfjord project look up offshore oil platforms - Gravity Based structures
After the very bottom was constructed on land, the whole thing was floated, and the legs were then poured in one continuous operation, as the whole thing gradually sunk deeper and deeper in the water, until sized appropriately. The bottom can be flooded to control buoyancy. Put the rig on top, float the whole mess out to location, then flood until it sits on the sea bottom.

Anonymous said...

Puzzke time:
A,C,D are clockwise. B is counter- clockwise.
Yes to all four crossed.
No to an odd number crossed.

Burgervan said...

B10 Second highest POOP in Arizona. The roof of the building is covered in SHIT! HIGHEST POOPS in Arizona! hahaha

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