About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, November 26, 2021

FRIDAY #4720

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


We only eat midday meals nowadays, so for Thanksgiving, I prepared a lunch of a filet mignon as big as my foot, a salad, roll, and baked potato. I only left two bites of steak that I couldn't make room for. It was as close to heaven as I've been in a while.


I want to remind you that one Thanksgiving my mom asked everyone around the table to say what they are thankful for. I said that I was thankful for never being caught for all the felonies I committed.

She never did that again.



Brown rice can’t be THAT much better for you, can it? I ask because I don’t like it.


*Republicans who voted against it are now bragging to their voters about what great things will occur due to it.



My wife's friend was sent this then she sent it to my wife and wondered if it was me.
It's amazing to me that a city as small as Columbia, SC could have two well-known muralists. This is Blue Sky and we are constantly confused for one another.

By the way, all muralists wear hats because of the facial skin cancer risks from working in the sunshine all day every day.

*BTW Thanks James for the kind words.

I mentioned before that during staythefuckathome my young friends are drinking less. I don't have any ideas concerning drug use. Does anyone know if it is increasing or decreasing?


Has a whole political party forgotten that they have a country to run?


Before this started no one could have convinced me that there would be people who would simply refuse to wear a mask amid a pandemic spread by airborne pathogens. Inconceivable idiocy.


It still baffles me that someone would dare criticize me for suggesting that they take their doctor's advice. What kind of idiot makes such an argument?

I'm not smarter than any of you. I just listen to the experts who have studied this very thing all of their lives. Are these experts infallible? No. They make mistakes just like anyone else. But they make fewer mistakes than let's say...you.




That man thinks he is a member of a superior race.


Nato and the United States are worried about a build-up of Russian troops on its border with eastern Ukraine which has led to speculation over an invasion.

*I'm more inclined to fight over Ukraine instead of Taiwan.

Today I saw five goats walking on their hind legs through the woods. Is that bad?



Which does it better?
Dog A:
Or Dog B:

Cumbre Vieja Volcano, La Palma

Lava bombs are ejected from an eruption and begin to harden on the outside as it travels down the slopes.

That's one of the damnest things I have ever seen.


Said to be an "icebreaker" in Chicago.

But I guess any boat that breaks ice is technically an ice breaker.


The moment this child's life changed forever.



It looks like he remains more or less stationary.


8 Earth years are roughly equal to 13 Venus years.



That thing moves pretty fast.


 There is actually plenty of oxygen on the Moon. It just isn't in a gaseous form. Instead, it's trapped inside regolith – the layer of rock and fine dust that covers the Moon's surface.


Want to guess what this does?


It's a robot.




Looks rather alien, doesn't it?


My creepy neighbors sure do have some weird shit in their trash.



"Cooks socks in hell."



My No.1 advisor thinks that sign is hilarious.


If it works it's not stupid.



I saw a cartoon with a picture like this...

The caption read: "I ain't your ma, boy, I'm your uncle but don't let that stop you.


Count the errors...



I'll take your word for it, thanks.



Hear that most unusual instrument:


To heck with the fuzz - take a look at how her shoes don't fit...


Find a woman who can fix things around the house.


*Amusing in a Schadenfreude sort of way.


Boy, do I have an idea for you...

 *That is a female gorilla in estrus trying to seduce her mate by the way.

I think she's presenting.



Schrodinger's Nuts


They just shook the camera and the actors just jumped around...badly.


Hey, Siri, change my nickname!

The laughter is so very contagious.






*Viewer Contribution


A guy once came into my bar and when asked if he wanted a beer said, "No, I'm a Christian." I said, "Jesus' first recorded miracle was turning water into wine." And the man retorted, "Well if Jesus made it I would drink it!"




What is this?

That took me longer than it should have.



Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time
Two idiots on a ski lift.

Inchworm said...

shadow of two playful snowboarders on a ski lift. Or, two idiots, maybe.

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