About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, December 13, 2021

MONDAY #4737

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Boy, this got a bunch of attention.

Here's the way I figure it so far:

#1 is William Tell - note quiver of arrows.

#2 is William Tell's son.

#3 has a crossbow but I don't know who he is.

#4 An alert viewer offers this: The Judgement of Paris was a beauty contest between the goddesses Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena with a golden apple as the prize. I am guessing that the Greek couple could be Paris and one of the goddesses.

Another viewer offers this: 

William Tell's son,






Thank the writer for that scene none of us will forget.


*Pure theater. Travel bans don't work.




These are Covid lungs.

And here's what they do about it...

It is not like the flu.


So, here we are.






I bet non-Americans cringe when they watch an American movie and they see people not taking their shoes off after entering a house.



My brother has the most ridiculous combover I have ever seen. On his speeding bass boat, it sticks straight like a bird's plume.


Is that presenting?


So, she's going to squat beside the commode while he takes a shit?

I'd like to see that.


Please don't do that.




Recognize this man?

Women have been known to swoon at his handsomeness...


Franklin Delano Roosevelt


There is an international association for people who like to eat over the kitchen sink, and today is their day.

The International Association of People Who Dine Over the Kitchen Sink was founded in 1991 and has remained active ever since. Norm Hankoff was inspired to found this prestigious organization "as he was standing at the sink using potato chips to spoon tuna salad into his mouth," according to Weird Universe. Naturally, the day after Thanksgiving is the annual "Dine Over Your Kitchen Sink Day!"

*In the South we a Sink Sandwiches.

It is made from homegrown tomatoes so juicy you have to eat them over the sink.


Doing that cartoon running away leg thing...


I find that sad.



You know you are getting old when you hope the game doesn't go into overtime because you've too sleepy to drink more beer.






Mount St. Helens before and after...




There is a reason they do that but I forgot what it is.


Fun Raft

No one tells you you're old. You have to come to the realization yourself while reading Amazon reviews for light bulbs.



Sound on. Enjoy.




I suppose if you want to have a taco truck in, say, Finland you do what has to be done.


Does anybody make sense of that?



The dad that all the other dads hate.


They knew exactly what they were doing.


Radioactive decay always mesmerizes me...


No, that is not proof of aliens. That is proof that many people knew the most stable way to stack stones.



Don't give up on this too soon...


I'm not sure it's worth it.


Must be a prototype.


Not quite right.


Classic gridlock





I had a man show me a picture like that and told me he would pay me to paint one in my hometown. I asked if he knew of a place with foliage next to a wall and he said that he didn't. He wanted me to drive around looking for an appropriate wall and then we would talk costs. I laughed in his face.




Imagine trying to run through the forest while holding these antlers in front of you.


I made another box.


Many years ago when I was directing the painting of murals in schools a potter moved into town. His name was Larry Potter and he rented a house on Potter Road. There was a dirt floor garage on the property and inside were a half dozen or so old trunks that had the bottoms rotted out. I stacked them up and had a bonfire in the yard and when it had cooled down I sifted through the ashes for all the hardware. I plan to use that hardware for my next project.

I spent a couple of hours knocking the loose rust off with a wire brush then I applied some of this miracle fluid.

It stops the rust cold and leaves you with a paintable surface. But I like it because it turns the rust black which I find beautiful.










Anonymous said...

A9: The death Star does not jettison the poop. They repurpose the poop for other things. It is, after all, organic.

Anonymous said...

D6: unfortunately the mother got her hand in on the decorating. Coolest bed in the world, placed in a girl's wallpapered, carpeted, throw-pillow room.

Inchworm said...

silicone implants

silly cone "M" plants (Maple, Mango, Mistletoe)

Anonymous said...

B1...I bet your brother is one cool dude.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear B1 Anon,
Retired Chief Master Sargeant. Golfer. Not what I would call cool or dude.

Anonymous said...

Pretty shitty way to talk about your brother. Don't you think?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Cool Dude Defender,
You need to know the man.

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