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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

SUNDAY #4743

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


There is going to be a lot going on Christmas Eve but I really hope they show the James Webb Space Telescope blasting off into space. If you know what TV channel or computer site it will be shown on please let me know. 

Thanks in advance.




Whenever I'm doing something creative I really like resting by sitting there looking at what I've done so far. Most times I see things that need tweaking.


American Exceptionalism brought to you by our infallible friend Capitalism.


Every climate change denier Yahoo in the country just found another bogus "proof" that every fucking scientist on the planet is lying to them.


*Verification Requested




(I know there are other allies but militarily they are insignificant.)

The island belongs to China.

If you - personally - really want to punish China then stop buying their shit. Look at the label. If it says Made In China then put it back on the fucking shelf. Will you have to pay more? Probably. But you will weaken America's mightiest foe.


The bitch fails to understand contagion. That she is so breathtakingly ignorant does not upset me. That the Republican leadership allows her to spew her tripe without repercussion upsets me.

My Republican Party would never have allowed itself to be embarrassed daily.

Can we at least all agree that any person who rapes children should be prosecuted no matter their party affiliation?


I would love to have a woman explain that whole no pockets thing to me. I've always thought that it was to force women to buy an extremely overpriced purse. Am I wrong?


*Would one of you smart people explain that to me, please.


Nowadays I just want to be kind to everyone I come in contact with, help as many people as I can, stay out of public spaces, make my weird little shit, and not die. Is that asking too much?

...and maybe entertain as many people as possible.



How much daylight are they tryna save? Like damn bitch!


A plethora of public folks who told you not to get vaccinated is themselves dying a miserable death. You might want to pay attention to that.




*for Danny




He does look a little like Tom Cruise.

*I love absurdity.





Canadian UPS


Te como la nariz


*That's using your head.


I think the bastard landed on his phone.


Cook like nobody is watching.


How about the people in fast food commercials look like they actually eat fast food?



Sakya Monastery Library - Tibet

The library was found sealed up in a wall 60 meters long and 10 meters high in Tibet containing 84,000 secret manuscripts, which include 10,000 years of human history. Most of them will prove to be Buddhist scriptures, they may well also include work of literature, history, philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, and art. The Sakya Monastery was founded in 1073.


The Wallace Sword is an ancient two-handed sword purported to have belonged to William Wallace (1270-1305), a Scottish knight who led a resistance to the English occupation of Scotland during the Scottish wars of independence.


Spain's Geological and Mining Institute released this footage of a huge molten boulder sliding down Cumbre Vieja volcano.

I stand in awe of lava.

That oozing movement is what most folks think of but remember this?

That's not what most folks would call oozing.


A new study has found that the outrageously big structure helps to keep the bird cool in the heat of the tropical day.


Said to be from one farm...

More unusual eggs here:


Archeological remains of patients of brain surgery performed by ancient doctors of the Inca Empire in the 15th century. Incan people practiced brain surgery, in which a piece was chipped out of the skull then part of the brain removed then covered in metal.

Well, that's one theory. Here's another...


This guy says he totes around one of these so cars won't hit him. I say that's a great idea but it could just as well be an inflatable balloon with the same shape and coloration.


Vegan alternatives to leather could save more than just animals. The scientists behind fashion’s new latest must-have – the “mushroom leather” handbag – believe that mycelium, a material grown from fungi that can be engineered to look and feel like calfskin or sheepskin, could help save the planet.



Otters can turn up the heat in their muscles without physical activity or shivering.


Boyoz (Turkish pastry)

Have you ever seen bread separate and look like pulled pork? How do you think they get it to behave that way? Maybe it's a Beef Wellington sort of thing. Anyone?


I wonder if those are harder or easier than the more conventional puzzle. Have any of you worked on one?


Young bees learning how to fly.

Turn your sound up I could hardly hear the guy.


Is there anything more confusing than when a cozy dog suddenly heaves a big SIGH - like dude what could possibly be the matter?



I always smile at the term "hand-painted" as if some people paint with their feet.



Recognize this guy?

Pictured here is Scottish comedian, actor, musician, and presenter Billy Connolly during his time in the Territorial Army Reserve Unit 15th (Scottish) Battalion, the Parachute Regiment.

I like the guy.


The Dutch sure know how to party.

The synchronized swaying is amazing.


I would watch that for hours - not the cat, the leaves.




*Verification Requested




If I learned anything in Bible School it was that talk doesn't count...actions or get the fuck out.
I've my Right Wing "Christians" friends and Jesus asked me to send you a message.
You guys would have locked this bum up.

The guy in the black T-shirt is fearless. He's the guy who has to explain that.




Anonymous said...

*Would one of you smart people explain that to me, please.


Anonymous said...

There is going to be a lot going on Christmas Eve but I really hope they show the James Webb Space Telescope blasting off into space. If you know what TV channel or computer site it will be shown on please let me know.

Thanks in advance.



Anonymous said...

There is going to be a lot going on Christmas Eve but I really hope they show the James Webb Space Telescope blasting off into space. If you know what TV channel or computer site it will be shown on please let me know.


Anonymous said...

It's a James Webb Launch advent calendar.

Anonymous said...

I've shat turds that felt like that boulder.

Anonymous said...

Google paints with feet. There's a bunch of people who do that.

Anonymous said...

A1: That's some good advice, thanks.

Anonymous said...

A8: You are right.

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