About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




I just buy mine at yard sales. They practically give them away.




God bless America, where poor people are fucked by design.


*You get the hose again, right?


"We don't want to embarrass little white children by telling them what complete assholes their fathers' and grandfathers' were."




Did you read all of those?

That's actually very clever. It's a visual joke.



An anti-vaccine wrote this as proof of a conspiracy:

"You can rearrange the letters in Delta and Omicron to get: Media Control."

I see your Media Control and raise you:

Erotic Almond

Rectal Domino

Dear Moon Clit

Clarinet Doom


Living well is the best revenge. The second best revenge is carefully removing plants from someone’s garden & replacing their lawn gnomes with slightly larger lawn gnomes so they appear to be growing in size from eating the plants.



Talk about your walk of shame...

Did he steal her clothes?


The picture of patience.


If you had to write a caption of him saying something what would it be?


Is that real?


Those are surgical masks...on the air ducts.


Notice the hoverboard?


Insult to injury.


Each day we stray further from God's light.


I wonder how many people get that.


Pizza Hut

When I first got back from Germany, the Pizza Hut on the way home from the bar and grill I worked on had a small bar. I got off at 11pm and Pizza Hut closed at 1am. I would take them fried chicken and I drank free. I ended up bedding the waitress who had the best weed I had ever had. One night me and my buddies and the PH manager and his buddies played poker right in the middle of the store. When the cops drove by the manager just waved. I won a fortune.

So, yeah, that picture brings back some memories.


I have vacationed in Mexico a half dozen times. I've seen Mexicans piled on a scooter just like that except at least two of them would be obese.


Why I Live In The South #2542: wait for it...


Why I Live In The South #2543:

Don't give up on crawler too soon...


I used to have a lot of fun with my children. I always thought that was what they were for.




Organic Car Alarm - sound on


Stunt double practice

We could all use a little silliness...

The Food Toss

Did you notice the power lines nightmare on poles behind him?


Cashier: That will be $82.07.

Me: I’d like to use my 8 trillion rewards points towards this.

Cashier: That will be $82.03.



Could there really be a room with that view?


*Verification Requested


A half dozen people are killed at a parade and we do this. Countless school shootings and we do nothing.


Did you notice the tracks on the back wheels?


Abandoned. So sad.


I would have rather seen a big jock freak the fuck out.


It can drink and keep an eye out for predators or prey at the same time.


Rather unique cake



Do you remember that big-ass track vehicle that was turned over in the water and a guy crawled up on it ever so deftly?

I think it was one of those piledrivers.

Pluto’s ice mountains, frozen plains, and layers of atmospheric haze backlit by a distant sun, as seen by the New Horizons spacecraft.

Thank you, NASA.



This is the accompanying writeup:

"Fun fact. Each "puff" of smoke you see is a separate Shockwave from the timed explosions throughout the tunnel.   

Hearing protection is recommended.

Another fun fact, the term "Fire in the Hole" originated with miners in the early 20th century during the infancy of blast mining with dynamite.   The I's and O's would carry further into the mines, alerting all the workers inside."


Since finding a huge spider in her slipper my wife now keeps hers on a chair because she doesn't think spiders like chairs.


*Magic water. Sure, why not.




Canada - note paddle

And remember, the dog needs the boy as much as the boy needs the dog.


I had this.

The doctor that operated on me had a deformed hand and he became a renowned surgeon anyway. He spent three months out of the year on that hospital ship that sails the globe helping poor people.


Those people need more money.


All that work is just for our amusement.








A woman, a violin, and delighted children






Read that again.


Dress for the slide, not the ride.


I kept waiting for her to be struck by lightning.


I challenge you to beat me in a little game I just made up. Here is a picture and then my description. Can you think of a better, longer, more clever, etc one? Please include a photo if you can. And your sentence must make sense.

You do not have to use "-all" words.

Any words will work as long as they rhyme.


Anonymous said...

Could there really be a room with that view?


Pan around and see how close the buildings are.

Anonymous said...

Is that real?

That looks like a BMW M1, they had dual tanks right behind the cabin on either side of the engine.

Suppe said...

Guardian Guest House:
1 Abou al hool street, Al Haram, Giza Governorate 12561, Egypt

Wrekreation said...


Burgervan said...

B9: Did He touch Her FIRST?!?!

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Burgervan,
One would assume so.

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