About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




For reasons I can't explain, this post is much larger than normal. Enjoy.



I am a world-class curser at times. It helps me.

But I don't hold a candle to my wife who can embarrass a sailor.


*Viewer Contribution



So, what are you doing about it? I wanted to graduate also so I took a full load plus add-ons during fall and winter semesters but then I took six hours both summer I and summer II. I am not suggesting everyone should or could do that. What I am saying is that if you want something to happen you have to work for it.


I've posted that a half dozen times. I am a maker of things and I think it keeps me sane.


That seems like a very old map.

*Verification Requested


*For that special commenter.



Do. Not. Remove. The. Golden. Eye. From. The. Unnaturally. Large. Holy. Woman. Skeleton.



I would just say, "I told you so."


Is she seeking volunteers or what?

The Darwinmobile.

*First of all I wouldn't post an extremely suspicious inquiry about it online.


I weep for the future.


I love leeks. They have a great flavor and they keep much longer than normal onions.




Before you marry someone find out if their family drinks mimosas or runs 5K on holiday mornings.



The ugly side of the American Dream...

I know I've posted that before but we should all be reminded of that from time to time.

AA & AAA Battery Holder / Dispenser


Sensory Board for young children

I planned to make my grandson one of those but I blinked my eyes and he had already mastered all those skills before I even lifted a screwdriver.

Our Sun is a yellow dwarf and it would be tempting to assume that this type of star was common elsewhere in the cosmos. But it is the red dwarfs that makeup as much as 75 percent of all stars in the Milky Way. And our sun is expected to live around 10 billion years, red dwarf stars are expected to live trillions. So long, in fact, that none have yet reached the end of their main sequence lifespan during the entire 13.4 billion years since the Big Bang.


When your friend knows a guy who can do it cheaper.


I got this email:

Happy Holidaze Ralph,

I'm hoping maybe you could help us solve a dilemma with this photo.

When my Wife looks at this picture, she says the water is a celeste, teal, beryl, blue-green, aquamarine, sea-green, celadon, and viridescent color.

Whereas I say it is more of a greenish-blue, aqua, turquoise, sapphire, cerulean, ultramarine, and cyan.

What say you?

*A most beautiful woman for whom I wish nothing but the very best.


Leaves That Talk

I remember a story of European settlers meeting with the Native American chief and the guy asked the chief to tell him a secret that nobody else knew. Then the guy wrote it down and asked the chief to take it to another European on the other side of the compound. When he did the other guy read him his secret. The chief was astonished and called the note "Leaves that talk".


Shapes of things, by Margaret Lansink



If I'm not mistaken, that's how a hummingbird moves its wings.

Negotiating with a primate...


When you gotta go...


Interspecies Mothering

Somewhere up in  Animal Heaven, a tiger mommy is eating a litter of Golden Retriever puppies.


This woman is igniting some sort of a burning desert.


Put that tongue away...now.



I like how the wagging tail looks like a propellor. 


A puppy teaches a boy kindness.


My sleeping pattern isn't even a pattern anymore...it's a freestyle that's on shuffle.






They don't make movies like that anymore.


One last sniff before I go...



When it was supposed to be a sexy night but you both went too hard on the endless breadsticks at Olive Garden.


I watched the movie recently and it really bothered me that when they reached the North Pole they had no power source for all that infrastructure. I also found it distressing that it encouraged children to take free "train rides" from total strangers. But it was refreshing that the sole black character didn't die.


I know people I would like to send this to.

But I would call it changing your ringtone.

NOTE: I just realized that there are several references to butts in this post. But remember, I just steal what's available.


Speaking of butt holes...









DARE Officer: Don't huff paint to get high.

11-year-old me: You can huff paint to get high?!




If it works it's not stupid


The Famous Balloon Walk


White Trailer Trash


The Car For Snow

Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VI drifts in the snow.


The Rare Cat Video


Ray Feeding Technique


Vehicular Fire Suppression


Run Therapy


Matching Shirts


The Tent I Need


Server Train

My friend, Rupert, had a wing restaurant that had a model train running around a shelf that looped around the whole building. He even cut holes in the wall to let it go from room to room.



Many years ago I attempted to make woodcut prints by sandblasting a piece of pine board through a special rubberized mask. I used photographs of my wife.
The results were less than satisfactory but I kept the wood anyway.
Some of the images are reversed...
So, I had to paint in the shadows.

I plan to use them to make a box to hold my wife's ashes. More pics when finished.



I have an aspirin dispenser. It's like a gumball machine only for pills. I filled it with my coins including silver and gold.

So, I built a case for it.

To make it look old I beat the shit out of it with a large chain and stabbed it with every tool in my studio.

And since I don't throw anything away, I had an antique handle that worked beautifully.

I used old rusty hinges.

The closure is new brass but I spray painted it black and antiqued it with steel wool.

And this is the way it is to be displayed.

I like it very much.






A man hears voices in his bead and starts three religions. Go figure.





Dr. WeTodd said...

Mark Zuckerberg was not in the Polar Express 😀

Dr. WeTodd said...

That was for C8

Anonymous said...

I say the water is more of a Tiffany Blue :-)

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