About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, February 14, 2022

MONDAY #4800

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



My money is on the Bengals +4. I just hope it's as good a game as most of those playoff games.


Our friend John is the director of NBC's coverage of the Super Bowl.

He's directed a ton of football games but this is his first Super Bowl. He sent this message to my wife on Facebook:

In the immortal words of Alan Shepard...“Dear Lord, PLEASE don’t let me fuck this up…”



Like I've always said: Keep it light.

It's amazing how many people I know who are dying. I hadn't prepared myself for that.

NASA says it plans to plunge the vestiges of the International Space Station (ISS) into a remote part of the Pacific Ocean known as Point Nemo in early 2031, after passing the baton to commercial space stations.

*You will be missed, my old friend.

When I was smoking I would never smoke when there were non-smokers around. And now anti-masked Typhoid Marys think nothing of spreading their plague on me.


It never ceases to astonish me that otherwise thinking human beings actually believe that the universe is 6,000 years old. And now they want children to be taught that claptrap. Pity the fools.

For that, a hardy "Fuck you, Joe".

I took an American History course at the university when I was 45 years old. The professor lauded the 60's generation for being so socially conscious as to oppose the war. I raised my hand just like that lady above and told him that if it weren't for the draft we wouldn't have given a shit one way or the other.
The endless forthcoming wars without protest proves me correct.

I have been writing about that very things for years. Refrigerators, air conditioners, cars, TVs, etc, etc, etc, work for decades with nary a problem but printers fuck you every couple of days. I priced the printer advertised on TV that you can add ink to via little bottles and it was very, very expensive...but I was tempted.

NFTs Explained

And there are people stupid enough to pay money for that. Amazing.

Banning the Bible
I don't like saying I told you so, but I did, in fact, tell you so.

If you are over 30, hire movers. Your friends are too old to risk a slipped disc for pizza and two Bud Lights.



*Viewer contribution


I find it strange how humans love watching other humans fuck. And we've loved it for...oh...ever...

And ever...





The difference between moms and dads...

His parents took him out on his birthday for his "first" legal beer.

Government Conspiracies

Trump's vocabulary juxtaposed with that of Biden:


And Trump's Pardon Promise...

How is that not witness tampering?

I was recently accused of spreading anti-GOP propaganda. So, with all respect, could I ask my conservative viewers if they have any desire to learn all the facts that are to be known about what happened on Jan. 6?


Did you know that if you wear your socks inside out then the entire universe is wearing your socks except you?

*Been there, done that.


It's powered by an electric leaf blower!


At Biltmore House, they have a fireplace that fills an entire wall and the rear of the firepit drops down and they roll in whole tree-sized logs from the outside.

I guess those columns are so the log doesn't roll into the room.


Photographers not only have to put themselves in the right location but also at the right time.

For the first time, I tried looking at that with one eye closed and it still moved when I scrolled.


Coke Rocket
I'm not sure I understand that but it looks like fun.

Bread dough?

I wonder why the door only opens partially for a second before opening all the way.

Wall Constructing Machine
I seem to remember that they toyed with sending a machine similar to that to Mars prior to humans' arrival to construct habitats out of Marsian soil.

If you take all of the marshmallows out of a box of Lucky Charms you are left with a box of Purina cat chow.



How do you explain something like that to your boss?

Computer game?

As a long-time preserver of artifacts, waste like that saddens me.


Would you do this?

How about this...

And by the arm in the corner, you can tell there is at least one other person in the water with him.


I like the sound of thunder because there’s always a tiny little chance that my ex-boss will be struck by lightning.



At least six men thought that was a good idea.

This image is as old as the internet.


At first, I thought it was landing on a submarine.

Does anybody know what they exchanged?


Are these three rods sticking out of his helmet holding a camera or is it part of a safety harness?


Man assaults shopkeeper after being refused service for not wearing a mask.

"You see that shit?"

- guy's friend probably


Basketball Guru

Cable Slide - extended version

Cliff Climb
I would have lost a bet on that had one been offered.

Khan's descendants don't order salads...

The drink is Kumis, horse milk booze. Her ritual of smearing a drop on her forehead and to the sides is showing respect to elders and Genghis.



I wonder how many of those people are learning a new language with audio discs or something else productive during the hours they spend in traffic.










ponder said...

Computer game?

No ways that real, reckon landing gear would have share off or worse.

ponder said...

Does anybody know what they exchanged?

They shook hands and he asked the truck driver for directions.

ponder said...

I would have lost a bet on that had one been offered.

I'm assuming it's those crazy Icelanders, with the HP & paddle tyres those buggies can literally drive on water, yes 'on'.

Anonymous said...


I'm a conservative republican. I have NEVER voted for a democrat in a national election. I have voted for democrats at the local level some people you know personally and feel they would do a good job regardless of their party affiliation. I think any normal open minded individual is interested in what really happened and the real facts from January 6th.
I can't find many republicans like me anymore. The world is just crazy right now. My opinion is the republican party needs to split and the "old school" republicans need to form into a more moderate party.

B. Baggins

Ralph Henry said...

Thank you, Mr. Baggins. You have restored my faith in humankind.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ralph

Remember when Trump was a "Russian Spy" or he was "Putin's bitch"?

Well, here's how all of that started:


Anonymous said...

^^C7^^ No idea what that stuff is, but it looks like if the door opened all the way without stopping the stuff would drop straight down and air would get trapped in the bin below it, preventing the stuff from going all the way in. This way the air escapes to the side;

Luap57 said...

Does anybody know what they exchanged?

I think is was a jar of Grey Poupon......

Anonymous said...

C3: whose college are there to support the massive weight of that stone work.

That is not one large fireplace. Each individual opening is his own walled fireplace. You can have one or more going at the same time.

Anonymous said...

E4: The three rods were for holding his cameras. Safety was considered by installing nets on either side of the arch.

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